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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. As usual the prohibitionists can't help themselves I have still not heard what your description of a "decent" tourist comprises of. Please enlighten us Presumably it is people just like you ?
  2. Link doesn't seem to work, probably didn't go down too well with prikpot !
  3. Of course it doesn't always have cannabis in it, don't be ridiculous , you shouldn't take any notice of any the inflammatory rubbish that gets posted on here by the anti-cannabis brigade. How could anybody seriously post something as stupid as that? and surely you're not gullible that you believe it. If as you suspect, the food was stored overnight, and reserved the next day, there would be endless stories of mass food poisoning outbreaks. That is not really the case is it ? Just to elaborate on something I mentioned in a previous post the worst case I have ever experienced personally was when me and the Mrs ate a crab curry from a rather expensive restaurant in Phuket, not really my style but she wanted to see how the other half lived. I think it cost over 3000 bt and that was about 20 years ago. We were both as sick as dogs for 4 days. sometimes even vomiting simultaneously into the toilet! The other end of the digestive system wasn't much better but at least we managed to stagger those evacuations, She is convinced to this day that it was prepared, possibly in error, for a customer earlier in the day ,and when they didn't want it, it was kept on the off chance that somebody would order it later., which I think is quite possible., but also very unlikely to happen with a street vendor, don't you think? There have been a few programmes on Tv recently, exposing some of the filthy conditions in so called "quality restaurants" I think Gordon Ramsey made a complete series about it so be careful what you base your assumptions on I'm not saying that all street food is perfect and with out fault, and I understand it may not be to your taste, (too spicy maybe? But do dismiss it all as dirty is somewhat unfair to both the sellers and the consumers Thais can be very fussy about food in their own way, and places that don't meet their expectations don't last long, so if one follows them one won't go far wrong as far as street food is concerned, or any food for that matter. The places to avoid as far as I'm concerned ,are the restaurants catering mainly to tourists were they are not too concerned about repeat customers due to the normally large turnover, wouldn't you agree?
  4. I did not say you were wrong, but you uttered a sweeping generalisation, which I disagreed with. Of course you are perfectly entitled to eat what ever and where ever you choose. As is anybody else But you chose to basically insult anybody who choses to eat in places that you personally don't like. Did you not think were inviting at least some criticism with a statement like that ?
  5. Really? That would be the majority of people here in Thailand, literally millions! What a sweeping generalisation ! I personally have never had a problem, in over 30 years. The few times I have suffered have been after eating in what you would probably consider to be "higher-class" establishments
  6. Seems to be a game of cat and mouse on shopee at the moment with sellers being removed and then reappearing under new names only to be removed again. Why is this? can shopee really not accept that it is now legal. kind of doing my head in. I guess its going to take time for some people to accept how things are
  7. Smoked for 40+ years and I can tell you there is nothing wrong with decent brick weed, The wine analogy is spot on 5-10 bt per gram as opposed to 700+ bt per gram for the same plant I guess its a case of who you know
  8. Is that not preferential to them doing 150km/h in the left hand lane? Pisshead at the wheel no doubt
  9. Are you really so naiive? do you seriously think that youths have waited until restrictions were relaxed before smoking cannabis?? well I have news for you , that is not the case. The same way they don't wait until they are 18 before they try alcohol, ( Although I'm sure you did) By the same argument in the far more likely event that a drunk guy in a pick up crashes into you or a family member you need not complain also. Your level of ignorance on this matter is actually unbelievable Please stop posting rubbish and stop making a fool out of yourself
  10. I am just wondering what is your definition of "quality tourists" ? Have you ever asked yourself what is the basis for your obvious objection to cannabis and the users of it , It surely can only be as a direct result of the mainly American government issued propaganda over the last 80 years or so. So do you think you need to lock up your daughters ? Or maybe you are scared of Communists, Mexicans, Negroes, Jazz musicians and anti Vietnam war demonstrators? as these were the people that the anti cannabis campaign was intended to, and successfully vilified for years Further more posting your objections to the new and enlightened cannabis legislation on here isn't going to change anything. Get over it
  11. Well sadly its been a mecca for alcoholic, geriatric, paedophiles for far too long. The Thai government has obviously decided that responsible cannabis users are more desirable and who can blame them. The mainstream media also seems to have gone quiet recently, as the predicted horrors and breakdown of society have not materialised, despite their best efforts You are just going to have to accept it and stop the continuous moaning. Nobody is forcing you to smoke it and, therefore it will have absolutely no effect for you.
  12. And anybody who encourages them is complicit and should also face some retribution, is what I'm saying "hard labour! !! what century are you living in ?
  13. Unbelievable statement, You should be ashamed of yourself, As should anybody who encourages somebody who is so intoxicated that they can't stand up to drive a motor vehicle. It doesn't matter what they are intoxicated with. The fact that you use the term "wacky baccy" says a lot about you, none of which is positive
  14. Seems to me its perfectly sensible advice, no need for anybody on this forum to criticise the Thai government for giving sensible advice to Thai nationals. Especially following warnings from neighbouring countries.
  15. Ii doesn't sound like you tried very hard to discourage them from riding their rental motorbikes despite the fact that you say they were obviously heavily intoxicated, and, in your opinion, "a danger on the roads" some might consider that somewhat irresponsible !
  16. The concrete does not require 28 days for each inch of depth that is just not true, if that was the case a normal 4inch or 6 inch slab would be unusable for 4 to 6 months. !! and multi storey buildings would take many many years to complete The 28 days often mentioned regarding concrete strength, is the time the concrete takes to reach its nominal "design" strength ,( regardless of its thickness) , which is not something to worry about when considering a ground bearing slab for a normal house, Rather is a figure used for design calculations for load bearing members on multi-storey buildings for example, even in that situation the supporting formwork for each floor can normally be removed after 7 to 10 days as the concrete will be fully self supporting by this time even though it will not have achieved its full design strength!. A normal ground bearing floor slab can easily be walked on after 8 to 12 hours, even sooner in these hot temperatures in fact as soon as it is hard to the touch, and, it is perfectly normal practice to build block walls upon the slab the day after pouring. Purpose made tile adhesive cement (poon gao) is actually a little slower setting than a normal sand and cement mix and personally I would leave the grouting up till the next day .Although what ever was used, in this hot weather I doubt there will be a problem after 3 hours.
  17. I actually think we are almost in agreement, I would be ashamed to make my missus do anything ! She's an independent woman in her own country who am I to tell her or any other woman what to do. However, had she expressed a desire to work as a motorcycle delivery driver I would consider it my duty to seriously try to persuade to reconsider her options as I would be somewhat concerned for her safety, and i think anybody with a modicum of common sense would act in a similar manner, ( that was the basis for my comment about being ashamed) but I would not / could not stop her . I doubt very much if any "mia farangs" would actually choose that line of work especially when made aware of the possible consequences (although if any posters can prove me wrong I will stand corrected) I'm all for women working, regardless of what they earn (within reason) and as long as they are not exploited, its an important part of their being independent, also the idea of being together 27/7 doesn't bear thinking about !
  18. Did he also inspect their alcohol, ya-bah, and heroin free policies
  19. You are hilarious so is it cacanabis, cacanabic,or cananabis ( and the word you are looking for is misspelt ) ( and yes it is) Absolute proof that you don't know what you are talking about I suggest you jump off your bar stool and go buy a dictionary Happy hour must have started early today
  20. Absolutely correct, except there is nothing new about the anti cannabis lobby and they don't even make up any new "reefer madness" stories, they just repeat the same old drivel. over and over again. I don't really know many anti cannabis people but the few that I do know, all, without exception really enjoy alcohol, generally to excess, and are often proud of their intake. Furthermore anybody who they can't encourage to join them is considered a miserable party pooper
  21. Get your facts right, cannabis was actually rated as a worse DRUG than heroin and L.S.D by the American authorities as it was considered to have no redeeming qualities whatsoever and thus could not be licensed even for research purposes. All for political reasons This effectively denied millions people its medical benefits that have subsequently been discovered by guess what ? research by more enlightened people. What a ridiculous state of affairs . In fact nearly as ridiculous as your badly spelt and misinformed post Do you consider the consumption of alcohol to be a bad drug sub-culture? If not please tell us why
  22. For some people, apparently, the slightest trace of nuts can bring on a severe reaction which can indeed be fatal, haven't noticed any "concerned" posters on here screaming for nuts to be banned.. Maybe they would be happy with the packaging displaying the warning "may contain cannabis" obviously the usual huge green cannabis leaf isn't clear enough
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