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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. nah! in a post apocalyptic world they will need all the bargaining powers they have, a return to nature in its most fundamental form would be the only way forward for our species . Feminism would end along with all the woke rubbish, and the male would inevitably occupy the dominant position.. Cooking ironing cleaning along with fertility and a willingness to copulate would be valuable assets for a woman hoping to survive up to 40. After that they will really need to up their game
  2. I think you'll have no problem scoring some weed
  3. Another poster reminiscing about his childhood and having to be in by a certain time has given me a lightbulb moment , Just need a couple of local curfews of males under 18. Draconian punishments for non compliance for the brats and their parents, that are seen to be enforced, Any gangs would soon disappear. Job sorted. I've just gone through it in more detail in a newish thread about the predictable police crackdown now well underway The other way as you alluded to is perhaps for some vigilante justice to be handed out and broadcast on the news in a positive light but I still think there is serious deterrent value in both taking their motorbikes , mobile phones and banning them from ever having another mobile device , hit them where it hurts as they say loss of phone and loss of face for all concerned including parents. Have you got big jokes number i might ring him
  4. God bless him. I love the police here, If I was a Thai that Is the job I would be doing, Working for the biggest and probably most powerful mafia in the world. It would be a dream job :- steady salary Gun plenty of opportunities for extras, and a half decent salary at the end of it, The only trouble is , that unlike the real Mafia organisations the senior people in charge seem to be picked on the basis of their laziness and stupidity. These sort of stories quite rightly attract a lot of attention, the wrong sort of attention if one happens to be a mafia boss, Its obviously making things a bit difficult for the boys in brown, but it could all so easily have been avoided if they had nipped it in the bud, but they didn't , because either they hadn't considered the consequences of this happening, or they were just too lazy to get off their mobile phones and round these feral gangs up years ago. Now their day to day "businesses" will have been interrupted, albeit temporarily, and some of their "made men" or "wise guys" have been given inactive posts giving them the hassle of adapting to new bosses.and the spotlight is well and truly on them. There is no one to blame for this but themselves, So 2 of the kids were cops' sons , the weren't "the dons " sons so how was their behaviour tolerated despite it having the real potential of making hassle for them? Was it just stupidity and laziness on behalf of the police? I really can't think of another reason But they need not worry I've got it sussed for them. There is only one way to sort this mess out quickly at least in the short term. Its so obvious I am surprised a fellow right wing extremist has not suggested it on here already, or maybe they are worried about the inevitable attacking responses they will receive from the "progressive liberal" community Simply impose and enforce a zero tolerance curfew on males (including lady boys) under 18. Sounds difficult ? Well its nothing they haven't done before. and they managed pretty well during covid when somebody deemed it necessary It doesn't even have to be nationwide. wouldn't want to put the police under two much pressure. Just pick a couple of well known areas and lock down the brats, bring a few extra cops in from surrounding areas to help out and share in the spoils Any brat breaking the curfew 7pm to 6am gets the motorbike and mobile phone confiscated, forever (finance or not) Any parents with civil service positions lose part of their salary and pension In the case of the father being police, then he is either sacked or demoted, Any working parents get fined at source. For the others just take their phones off their entire extended family. I was thinking of an additional punitive measure specifically for anybody acting as gang leader, perhaps some additional national service in the southern provinces, or 5 years working in a 7-11 That or a public caning singapore style, ouch the loss of face ! And that's just for breaking the curfew They would only have to be seen actually do it properly once maybe twice at the most and if they started next week I can pretty much guarantee that there would not be many gangs roaming the streets by the 1st of march So with an Idea in place and plenty of manpower available the only thing missing is a bit of incentive for the rank and file, Easy the confiscated phones and computers can be donated to them along with the proceeds of any crime. And the money from the forfeited pensions can also be shared out one way or another either way it probably wouldn't come to that once word got round that they mean business and then they can return to their normal everyday police "activities"
  5. Me too, never ironed anything either, except some dollars before going to cambodia, Mrs was too busy doing my packing, obviously,.and then she had the washing up to take care of. So I selflessly broke the habit of a lifetime to help her out No big deal it was a one off emergency,
  6. Will there not be women in a post apocalyptic world ?
  7. Well at least in the UK you can mitigate the risk by avoiding the type of youths statistically most likely to be a potential knife wielding thug. Here it's a bit more difficult as they are more difficult to identify , if you know what I mean
  8. and can get "complicated" It must be a pain to arrest a dealer with a sack full of meth only to have to apologise to him and give him a lift home because he was working for a more senior officer, Plus the only kudos they might get for nabbing an overstayer is mainly from a few on this forum
  9. yes before a trial and especially in Thailand ! what is wrong with you?
  10. Nobody knows anything yet, Just out of interest Where are you from? and when was your planned vacation here?
  11. Another "but Anutin said" or in this case "insisted" comment, What he may or may not have said is frankly irrelevant, and anyway it was actually products or extracts thereof that were to be restricted to 0.2%. People would be well advised to see how the police interpret what Anutin may have said, and to open their eyes and look at the reality, rather than heed the protestations of a few on this forum, Its patently obvious that for the past 2 years nobody else has given a toss what Anutin may have insisted
  12. I never for a moment suspected you as somebody who would seek to interfere in other peoples lives in an intrusive manner. I thought you might be above that sort of thing, a live and let live type concerned more with observational comments. Was I wrong?
  13. The stores thing is Typically Thai, There are many streets with shops all selling the same things next door to each other, In Bangkok there was the Pantip Plaza with hundreds of stalls selling the same computer Junk, Khonkaen had a similar one. At one end of Khao San road if you turned left there was only wedding dress shops, and who could forget the plethora of mobile phone stalls in the basements of just about every Plaza in the country, for some reason its what they do, fear of missing out or fear of being different, its just the way they are here. Our local market was awash with cannabis plants, bongs, and 100bt bags of weed for sale , all looked at in disgust and horror by a small audience of tut tutting elderly farangs as they got pissed out of their heads in there regular watering hole whilst their long suffering wives did a bit of shopping. There is just one stall now run by a 50 year old Thai Rasta with the most impressive and cleanest set of dreadlocks I have ever seen, nice guy seems to do OK and isn't overly concerned about any impending regulations. Whatever happens market forces will ultimately sort things out No offence but i found the rest of your post a bit depressing , you could have softened it a bit by starting off with "in my opinion" now I'm on a downer,
  14. I'd go with that, we could also have the "looking sullenly at the floor " emoji meaning I know i'm wrong but not prepared to admit it Or the "back of the head" emoji meaning you have upset me and I'm not talking anymore but for the expats we should also have access to a vomiting emoji and also one that depicts the internationally accepted gesture for masturbator
  15. I suspect he may be from the "other side" (of the Pennines) still a Northerner though, so we should grant him some poetic licence
  16. Well, in mitigation, I didn't say I've never used a wrong tense in english, (they can be very confusing ) and i did say I wasn't a master,
  17. I'm sure what you have written has its foundations in fact. Some of the anti cannabis brigade on here do actually seem to have mellowed in their opinions regarding the devils lettuce. and whilst common sense has prevailed with many not demanding an outright ban anymore, or even the death penalty for possession, they are still unable to accept the idea of people just enjoying it for its own sake, so they have now been reduced to whinging on and on about medical use as opposed to recreational use. To me there is nothing more pathetic than the, " I don't like people smoking it, but its ok if a doctor says so, however under no circumstances must you enjoy it " attitude that is now emerging I can just imagine the following , scenario based on what you outlined above. "A terminally ill cancer patient legally ingesting cannabis to alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy was today fined 60,000 baht and sentenced to six months in prison due to a concerned netizen who reported seeing him smiling as he dozed off one afternoon. In summing up the judge said he could not tolerate instances like this and whilst sympathetic to the plight of the defendant anything less than a custodial sentence would send out the wrong signals" Wasn't there / isn't there some puritanical religious movement, perhaps a break away catholic sect, that insists, that sex should only be for procreation purposes, never for the pleasure of either participant, and has issued "guidelines" to achieve that ideology ? Both schools of thought and those responsible for advocating such rubbish, deserve sending back to the dark ages where they truly belong . Its taken nigh on 100 years for many of even the most educated of people to overcome the reefer madness propaganda that's responsible for starting this incredibly sad state of affairs and that has seen people incarcerated and lives ruined. The country that started it all (USA) has all but changed its mind A completely open and free approach is now the only thing that people should be prepared to accept, Its happening all over the world at last, and the few who wish to impose their ridiculous and outdated views on everybody for whatever reason, should not be pandered to anymore Impose an age limit, (done) educate truthfully as to the potential side effects, ("sort of done") and restrict public nuisance (done) nothing else is required or wanted. As regards driving a vehicle speaking from personal experience I don't see a problem , but if the powers that be can't accept that, then lets have some proper research and not just a cut and paste from the existing drink driving legislation. alcohol and cannabis are two completely different substances with completely different effects and need to be treated as such And finally whilst I'm on a roll how about banning the urine and hair follicle tests for non psychoactive metabolites of THC . It serves no purpose to be able to detect 1 nanogram or impose a 20 nanogram limit of a non intoxicating substance which can be detected upto 90 days after someone has smoked a joint, its an irrelevant and intrusive scrutiny of lifestyle nothing else. Rant over time to skin up,
  18. Yes actually I have, amongst my friends are people who speak only English and some only speak Thai , I often find myself discussing the same subject with both at the same time,I don't remembering using a wrong tone in English or a wrong tense in Thai and I don't consider myself a master at either
  19. As far as i know all english dialects recognise the word pitiful, many would prefer to live to Australia, some of us were not wanted, hence my scathing remark, meant in jest I hasten to add. Some of my most loyal and trusted friends actually know a few Australians
  20. Firstly lets just clarify something. There were not 70 million Thais,, of any age out last night at all. and those that were, were not all carrying knives. However, If you took some time to watch the Thai news you would see that violent crime by out of control teenage street gangs is actually not uncommon . Whilst it is predominately Thai on Thai ,that is only due to where is it is happening, not all Thai youths live in tourist areas. I'm not sure where @Bangkok Barry comes from but I can assure you in my country the UK knife crime is indeed a problem, and the fact that it is predominately black on black problem, the reporting by a predominately lefty media , is definitely skewed to say the least, and even more disturbingly, measures put in place by the police to combat this problem are predictably dismissed by the lefties as racist, further compounding the issue The simple fact of the matter, that appears to evade you, is that ANY group of Thai teenagers out on the streets armed with machetes at 3 o'clock in the morning are upto no good and should be automatically assumed by anybody who sees them, police or otherwise, to be up to no good. That also goes for lefty liberals who mistakenly consider themselves "down" with the kids Lefty liberal sentiments are starting to get a foothold here nowadays mainly due to the rubbish spouted in the hallowed halls of academia, as you stated in your first sentence Thai youths maybe ignorant regarding what that concept actually means , but they are more than well aware what they can get away with If you genuinely believe all that TAT rubbish about "the land of smiles" I suggest taking a walk on the streets at 3am in certain areas out side of the tourist ghettos Samut Prakan, Nonthaburi, or Aranyaprathet for example, you wouldn't last 5 minutes Just because an article may be uploaded here for its clickbait potential, does not mean there is no cause for concern
  21. Sorry , Lou correction needed The onslaught of the self professed AN intellectuals has begun
  22. I have pity on you, in fact I consider most Australians worthy of pity or as we real English speakers say "pitiful"
  23. If they have mastered several languages they would not be easily confused by grammar would they
  24. I much prefer to know the identity of all emoji posters, as it enables me, if I so wish to make a targeted response, either positive or negative.. Ie if somebody is confused I may attempt to explain things to them a little better. If an anonymous person is expressing themselves its hardly worth worrying about
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