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Everything posted by JeffersLos

  1. The land used for growing is separate from her home.
  2. Though he has kind of hidden away his former American wife.
  3. Hopefully within the next 8 months, not after. ???? Give him a good strong handshake, he deserves it. Just remember to count your fingers afterwards.
  4. There are definitely going to be some relieved politicians, high ranking police and army folk when he's finally gone. ???? Let's hope he writes a long book before that happen.
  5. A case of Rigsby? Are the other houses in the development also suffering from it, or only his?
  6. So your advice on buying property is not to buy when it's a buyer's market. ????
  7. That's good, becuase he's a buyer. ????
  8. Yes, they could easily have sprained their wrists or even dislocated an arm joint.
  9. I fought the train. The train won. Let's hope he doesn't escape doing 40 years in jail for the manslaughter of 8 people.
  10. It happened at night during the week, so maybe they were returning from a school homework and study group.
  11. We don't have a jet washer, but may buy one. This wet season has seen the concrete path going around our house grow green. Is there a good chemical solution to scrub it off with? Add it to a basin of boiling water and scrub it off with a hard bristle brush, then rinse it off with a hose? TIA.
  12. Don't you need to be at least 13 years old to post on this forum?
  13. While being African. This is why immigration need fighter jets.
  14. Thus providing enough refreshment for 500 million Indians.
  15. With no work permit, no salary in the country, and not having to show anything other than his passport, it doesn't sound like he's guarantor at all.
  16. The normal Thai couldn't stop themselves, so they could upload it on their farcebook or instatwitter.

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