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Everything posted by VBF

  1. What if it's raining?πŸ€”
  2. Try looking around you instead of intentionally baiting people on here. @Lacessit Ralf001 is probably better ignored as a troll.... Look at his replies to me in this threadπŸ˜™
  3. Saddest thing is that 30 years ago Phuket deserved to be called by that name....it was lovely. I'm glad I had my good times there - sorry for those who'll never know what it was like.
  4. You've had the answer both ways whether they are or not. And I'm not specifically talking about Thailand when I discuss my personal behaviour. THAT remains the same worldwide
  5. You don't? If I happen to be out and about with no access to hot water, then I would use sanitiser. Either way I'm a nice clean boy😎
  6. If you want to know. I WASH with soap and hot water. Any more insulting questions?
  7. Rubbish! Commercially sold hand sanitizer is perfectly safe...I carry it to this day against all the dirty types who travel with me on public transport and don't wash their hands after visits to the toilet etc As for the "more toxic" ones....well don't use them then D'Oh 😯
  8. The onus is on you/ Dr Coleman to supply a credible argument to support the contention. Let's just say I remain unconvinced. Nothing SO CALLED Dr Coleman is to be taken seriously. There exists a video of him declaring that hand sanitizer is poisonous. No I'm not going to waste my time looking for it.....like the OP it's best ignored and derided Mind you Coleman sold a lot of books but then so did Hans Anderson
  9. Pattaya hoteliers don't like this for fear it'll ruin their business πŸ˜† VBF (in Pattaya) πŸ€ͺ😎
  10. Sometimes it's doing the same things better. Ie, faster processor, more memory, multiple SIM options, NFC or not, magnetometer or not, better camera picture quality. If you don't need an option, why pay for it? Example, if you want to use Google Pay you need NFC. if you want to take videos of sports you need a better camera, and so forth. Like computers or cars.....most tech really
  11. Agreed on both establishments...as I said about CC i strenuously avoid. Kungs excellent breakfast and nighttime the associated place opposite offers good hot dogs etc. Devonshire nearly opposite Kungs good for breakfast too πŸ‘
  12. That to me, liking music going back to the 1900s as I do, is the recent past. πŸ˜‹ And since when were the charts any indication of quality? Only what the "record-buying public" was persuaded to buy! Having said all that, I went on the "Stiff Records Tour" where Jona Lewi was included, along with Wreckless Eric, Rachel Sweet and the brilliant Mickey Jupp. Sorry...gone again
  13. Apparently not, you get a written message, but if you don't live in UK, it's not automatic https://www.gov.uk/get-birthday-anniversary-message-from-king
  14. in fact, I think that, secretly, some members of law enforcement might be pleased that some of their problems have gone away. Saves a lot of paperwork....
  15. You've got 3 years to go on your PP. Hypothetical answer - Wait 2 years and consider it again. πŸ™„ A lot can happen in that time, but of course I hope it's all good for you mate. Good Health and Cheers! 🍺🍺
  16. Nope, i'm under 60! πŸ™„πŸ˜‚ So many kids on this forum....awful πŸ˜† To answer my question https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62eTq8ErUOQ I love it when people reply like that...as if age is the controlling factor! I remember Billie Holiday as well - but I was 4 when she died - mentioned 'cos I'm listening to her as I type
  17. My thinking too, and I don't care if rival groups of youths aka gangs kick the sh*t out of each other, but where guns are involved, the likelihood of stray bullets is worrying. And 3AM in Pattaya still sees late-night revellers out having legal fun - they (sorry, we) shouldn't go in fear of being shot! Why, I could stay in London for that! πŸ™„
  18. And "Always find him in the kitchen at parties". Anyone else remember that? to lower the tone and go Just couldn't resist!
  19. Whaaat? Read the OP where it says "His Thai mobile, a Galaxy s21, was missing....." Possible that @kwak250 was being a tad sarcastic? Could it be possible that I am too?? Maybe we both fancy ourselves as comedians. Seriously, IMO this story does reek of inconsistencies though.....
  20. I really do agree with that (so I gave you a "like" 😎) - I usually think about my reactions before posting and only post what I'd say to someone's face or that which is attributable - maybe others do not. But seriously, the various people who've posted that "it really doesn't matter" or "it's just a forum" are correct. If that's all you have to worry about - well done you! I'd still like to see the posters identified though..... πŸ™„πŸ˜‰
  21. Absolutely! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸŽΈπŸŽΈπŸŽΈ Maybe you and I should meet up, drink beer, chase women and tour, criticizing bands!!!
  22. Interesting. I do know that bar and over the years, I've stopped off there and thought the band was bloody awful! ☹ That's why I didn't mention them in my OP - I think I blocked them out!. That said, I started by saying ", "stuff" changes rapidly in Pattaya" so time for a little stroll along Myth methinks.
  23. I'd forgotten those 2 - of course...agree with you 😊
  24. Yes and yes!! Well remembered πŸ‘ It was still going April 2024, but that particular singer wasn't there, and without her, the band were nothing, IMO
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