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Everything posted by VBF

  1. I've posted similar to this in the past, but as we all know, "stuff" changes rapidly in Pattaya so please indulge me. I'm looking for live bands. I'm aware of the various "Rolling" bars - not impressed by many to be honest but I did like the band in Rolling on Soi 8 last year and a friend's just messaged me to say they're even better now. Also aware of the place on 2nd Road (nearly opposite Mike's dept. store) although since the Filipina singer left, they've become pretty boring, IMO Likewise there was a place on Soi Diana (Sweethearts I think) last year - might still be there There was also a large place on Soi Bukhau, nearly opposite LK Metro...began with a "B" If anyone remembers the old "Blues Factory" on Walking St, a place like that would appeal greatly. Now I know all this is very subjective but my musical tastes include but not limited to Jazz (30s to 40s), Swing, Jive, Rock 'n' Roll, Blues, R & B (the old version!) some Soul, most styles of Country (AND Western!) Sixties, Punk, most West Indian music (Calypso - Ska - Reggae etc). For 70s onwards, generally more Robbie than Rainbow, Blur possibly, NEVER Oasis. And..... NOT a headbanger!!! I've found, over the years that Filipino / Filipina singers do better with western music than do Thai. Looking for places around mainly central Pattaya, but Naklua and Jomtien also useful. So any recommendations please?
  2. Whatever would I have done if this hadn't come with with instructions? 🙄
  3. Or both together? Marmite and Houmous works for me
  4. If they make it as easy as the eVisa application, it won't take but 10 minutes. I no longer need a Tourist Visa (visa-exempt now 60 days) but the first time I applied, it was very "clunky". By 2023 it was easy as pie with fewer documents requested, and saved me having to send my passport to London for a visa. From the OP, it says " Thailand is set to launch an online TM6 immigration form from May 1." I think we know from past experience, that what is said in January is likely to be very different from what happens in May! "A pivotal meeting is slated for January 31" so whatever happens after that may be vastly different to what is proposed now! Also, the OP doesn't even mention needing a phone - I used my desktop when I applied for my eVisa as I mentioned above. And to those who worry about being tracked - please!!!!! Everywhere you go in the world now, the capability exists to track us all, phones, car licence plates, surveillance cameras, electronic payment, blah blah. My Google timeline knows when I visit the supermarket. I could switch it off but do I care who knows where I buy my groceries? The truth, I believe, is this which was told to me by a friend, a retired senior (Det Chief Inspector) police officer in the UK: "Yes, we have the technology, but neither the manpower nor the time to even keep on top of suspected criminals, let alone bother tracking the general public" Recent events have borne this out. All the FUD on this thread would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic...chill out and wait and see folks!
  5. Thanks. 👍 Nowhere in that article can I see reference to any time limit greater than "hours" but as you say, detectable and legal limits are different - (unless I'm detecting just a tad of sarcasm in your reply 🙄 ) but being ignorant as I am, that's not a bad idea. If I do turn into the cookie monster, I think it'll need to be at least a month before my return. Mind you, it just occurred to me that if I'm this paranoid before I try the stuff, should I really even be thinking about it? Rhetorical question, of course!
  6. I'm the same in UK - no idea and not interested. I used to know people who "smoked dope" but I never got into it partly because I never smoke anything. I'm thinking of trying some more cannabis "cookies" or similar on my next trip to Pattaya - one thing concerns me is that apparently it stays in your system for a very long time, so eating some a short time before returning to UK might make me guilty of drug-driving which has become a major issue in UK. I just need to get some figures on those times (is it days, weeks, or ???), and most of the websites I've seen contradict each other. Plus, of course, there's the matter of product strength to consider.
  7. For those who don't know, that is Jeff Foxworthy, a VERY funny man. Search for him on on YouTube - This was my first exposure to him You Might be a Redneck
  8. I agree but it's easy enough to get a "Baht Bus" nearly to Thepprasit and walk the rest. Not as convenient but possible.
  9. I think that stay will be getting extended without a visa I'd have thought that, in this case, the ideal approach would be to keep her behind bars for the less than a week to go, then take her to the airport and ensure she checks in. I would also stamp her passport as "undesirable alien" or similar - let her get sorted out in Russia! Considering nobody else was harmed why should Thailand be stuck with the useless article?
  10. Went off too soon did you? 😎
  11. Reminds me of an interview I had for a Middle East contract, which included accommodation and all meals. I asked "What's the food like" - after a few seconds, the interviewer replied "It's OK until the chef gets hold of it". He was correct - the most prized object on that camp was a bottle of HP sauce to add at least SOME flavour! 😩
  12. Oddly enough, I was on a contract in Libya in 1989 (oil related, nothing military) and 3 of us got called into the boss to be told we were being "let go" immediately. Within 2 hours we were flown back to Tripoli, paid off and given our air tickets to London, via Malta. Back in UK, I tried to find out WHY and the contracting company said they wanted to know too but no one in the oil company would say anything other than "our faces didn't fit". Given the politics of the day and the fact that the contracting company treated us fairly (all paid up and transported home), I took the view, in hindsight, that I may have had a lucky escape from something or other. I'd still love to know, but I guess I never shall 🤔
  13. Perhaps, but then the ex soldiers are amongst their peers, not in a public place like a bar in Pattaya. Their former work is (presumably) considered more "matter of fact" than revelling in former glories.
  14. Read that link and weep!!! Quote: "Fewer than two thirds of the 323 people surveyed in the younger age group said they would be confident cleaning a car, often saying they would get a parent to do it." FFS!!!!! 😲 I seem to recall earning pocket money as a teenager by cleaning my Dad's car! I asked my young neighbour a while ago if she checked the oil, water and tyres on her car regularly - she just laughed! I will admit to not liking going up ladders - that's more my dislike of heights than not knowing how to and I'll admit to being a wimp there!
  15. Yes. that REALLY gets me angry! They're OK to do our dirty work for us but now everyone's supposed to be all "Woke" and "PC" the gov hangs them out to dry!!!!! 🤬
  16. You could even lean to spell garrotte correctly 🙄 Seriously though, as @Utalk2mutt said, if they were genuinely SAS, they wouldn't be discussing it, unless, as @Mr Meeseekssaid, they are good friends of his. Even then, they might say nothing. The genuine ex-SAS have nothing to prove to we "lesser mortals" and probably relish being able to relax rather than tell war stories all the time. I have a couple of mates on Phuket who are ex Royal Marines (one of them a former CSM) and even they don't sit and brag about it, but if it comes up in discussion quietly admit it. By the way, I have maximum respect for these guys
  17. I hope this is just a phase you're gain through currently, and it happens with less frequency. The dim spark should breaker off - has a reluctance to own up (One for the real geeks there 😅) Maybe someone could transform him and rectify the situation.
  18. Ballpoint you have the potential for puns that offer no resistance - but I'm shocked to see that they're not current, so please go Ohm 😂 (Sorry, I know it's not your Volt)
  19. I believe that to be the right approach. None of this affects me, so only reading "OOI" but if it did, I'd agree, UNLESS a link is made between tax returns and visa renewals / extensions.
  20. I'm surprised the OP didn't mention Rapeseed oil (aka Canola) or is it not available in Thailand? In UK it's much cheaper than olive oil and about as healthy - my "go-to" cooking oil https://www.bhf.org.uk/informationsupport/heart-matters-magazine/nutrition/ask-the-expert/rapeseed-oil " In fact, it has the lowest amount of saturated fat of any oil. It has just half the amount found in olive oil. Rapeseed oil is also high in healthy unsaturated fats, the type that help lower cholesterol." As an aside, I notice that when washing pans, Rapeseed oil cleans much more easily, indicating it's somewhat lighter than others.
  21. I think we'd better leave there going (Think I need a new broom 🤣)
  22. Top man - I obviously stand corrected!! My theory is incorrect Keep on having fun - I do prefer Patts but each to his own. Cheers
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