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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. I’m surprised the blame wasn’t put on the guests involved for creating the food poisoning themselves.
  2. It has nothing to do with the purpose it was done. It is an embarrassment to the student as a human being. The person has no business being an educator.
  3. Who was interviewed for this poll? The Trump conspiracy theorist? And the people that can’t make it on their own so they blame the country for everything? Taking up arms against America? They are just plain traitors. If you don’t like America then leave it. Maybe move to Thailand. This way instead of only complaining about America. You can complain about Thailand also. Which seems to be the case for many.
  4. The figure might be speculation. But the vaccines and Covid measures do save lives. And also help prevent serious illness. Things might have been a lot worse. Except of course for people that want no prevention taken because being able to hang out in a bar is top priority.
  5. I would suggest to contact the VA directly for any type of official clarification.
  6. It is advisable to get a booster. The norm is now two vaccines and two boosters for a total of four. Moderna being the booster of choice.
  7. I’m 67 years old retired and pay for my health insurance from my previous job in USA at a reduced rate. The insurance company covers me anywhere internationally and in America. They use a contract company for overseas claims. But yes you need to contact the specific hospital to see what type of payment they accept. And of course check with the insurance company regarding specific coverage options. For example. I only go to private hospitals here in Bangkok. I contact my insurance provider and they send a guarantee of benefits letter to the hospital guaranteeing payment. The two private hospitals accept the guarantee and my insurance takes care of it. But other private hospitals won’t accept the guarantee for out patients services. Only inpatient services. So for outpatient you have to pay. Then get reimbursed from the insurance company. I realize this all might not pertain to you. I’m just giving an example how different it can be. There is no general answer.
  8. The 55 baht might not be a big deal. But it sounds like those kinds of prices can break the bank for some people here
  9. Don’t expect any type of apology here. Or caring for that matter.
  10. Makes no sense. So they remove the masks entering in these types of places. But put it back on when they go back out in the street. One would think they would do the opposite. And from what I see living in Bangkok. It’s mostly Thais that are continuing to wear the mask. The majority of the foreigners, especially westerners do not.
  11. Maybe the stray dog was actually doing some freelance work in the park trying to better it’s life.
  12. Returning lost items has nothing to do with the person being a foreigner or local. It just has to do with honesty
  13. Just make sure the bars are kept open. That seems to be the main focal point of Covid among some expats and tourists. And wearing a face mask? Oh my goodness. Those paper masks the majority of the people wear must be so heavy and annoying. Give me a break.
  14. I would talk to an attorney to get the right option in your situation. But you say your wife has access to your account but the account is only in your name? Then if it’s not a joint account, you must have given her the login information. So since she has access to your life savings. You need to decide do you want her to get the money. Because you don’t seem to mention even your wife getting it if she is still with you. And when you pass someone should contact your embassy.
  15. So if there were no shut downs , required vaccines, and restrictions, some people are saying this airline and other issues wouldn’t have happened. So just have the pandemic, ignore it, and do nothing about it. Let life go on as normal.? The only thing that theory maybe would have accomplished is that many more people would have died. So maybe you would have been less inconvenienced.
  16. Sorry you had a bad day. Hopefully you wont experience it again any time soon. The guy pushing your bike with his truck. He obviously doesn’t care about damaging property or injuring someone. Unfortunately locals being kind and patient. It is perceived mostly for tourism that all the locals are kind, patient, and friendly. Many are not. As for the foreigner in Lotus. . Maybe he was trying to impress the lady he was with by trying to act like a tough guy. Or maybe he was stressed out because he couldn’t drink any booze for the holidays. And didn’t get a chance to drink any yet.
  17. I guess you can get as many boosters as you wish. But so far it is not medically stated to get any more than a total of four vaccines at this time. I’m not just speculating this. That is also what my doctors in Bangkok have told me also. For the heck of it I also contacted the Health Department in the state where I’m originally from. They have a Covid hotline staffed by doctors and pharmacists. The person told me not more than four also at this time. And Moderna is working on and possibly coming out with an updated vaccine this fall. Unfortunately there really still is not enough evidence to actually know how many vaccines are necessary.
  18. I wish their personal actions in life would coincide with their religious beliefs.
  19. If he can’t become President again. Maybe his buddy from North Korea can give him a political position there.
  20. So people think it’s ok to get a raggedy used bowl. Just because the food is only 10 baht. Let’s use an example that a lot of people here will understand better. Let’s say you went to a bar or wherever for your cheap beer. And the mug or glass you were given had smudges and chips all over it. I bet you would be flipping out over that.
  21. It’s natural for the stock market to go up and down based on world issues. Sometimes I make money and lose money on my investments. That is the name of the game. But I still have made money over the years. Im not invested in all individual stocks. But in a few asset allocation funds to play it safe. So my investment portfolio is diversified.
  22. So much debate on the Covid vaccine and boosters. Either you get it or don’t get it. It’s your decision and your health. If you want to take the risk and get seriously ill. Don’t be whining how you should have gotten the vaccine. One thing I do notice. Most of the people that don’t want to get the vaccine. Their main reasons are if they have to pay for it. And their 18th century medical opinions.
  23. If he needs information on his specific delivery he should call EMS customer service to ask the questions pertaining to his issues. And ask the juristic person if they sign for it Its very nice for you to help him out.
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