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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. You have to be a real low life to do this to a delivery driver trying to make a living
  2. Just because certain individuals have had Covid and say it was nothing bad. Does not mean it won’t be serious for other people. The seriousness goes by medical studies. Not by individuals
  3. I notice that most of the time. The locals seem to need more than one person to attack a single person. Guess they usually aren’t brave enough to go one on one
  4. Great if it protects. But the article headline is misleading. They realistically didn’t develop anything yet.
  5. I have worn and still wear an N99 mask I purchase and have shipped from a company in the UK. I will still wear it until I’m confident things will be improving more
  6. Because a lot of people come here with a bare bones amount of money and income to begin with. So they complain they can’t make it in their own country. And complain because they can barely make it here.
  7. Well I guess all this will make a lot of people happy. Booze, pot, no masks. I guess to some that is what life Is all about.
  8. The smile is if there is something people feel they can get out of it. Especially when it comes to a foreigner . Other wise they could care less about you. I have lived in Bangkok three years so far. I have experienced more rudeness during that time. Compared to most other places. The Thai smile is just a tourism thing.
  9. In certain other countries. If you don’t pay your fines. You sometimes go to jail. And/ or your vehicle might be impounded.
  10. If you are in recovery for drug or alcohol issues you should be asking a medical professional that question. A common person cannot advise you if a specific ingredient will effect your recovery.
  11. If there is a hazard a person can be injured. It doesn’t matter who the person is, or where they are from Being a Thai or foreigner is irrelevant
  12. Hopefully this issue gets resolved. But it’s not only the issue of the roadway. It’s a combination of roadway and actions of drivers
  13. To the OP. Things can possibly change and anything can happen. Unfortunately in the medical world there is still a lot of speculation. Hopefully as time goes on they will have more definitive answers. Just protect yourself as you feel necessary. I recommend you still take precautions. And keep in mind. Just because a person says they had mild symptoms and it’s no big deal. The effects depend on the individual . Their age, medical history, etc. One person can just stay home with mild symptoms. Another can end up in the hospital.
  14. Changing condos is not going to help. They basically have generators that power elevators and certain lighting. Not the complete building and every individual residence
  15. People are talking about the dog being vicious and attacking. Where in the article does it say the dog did anything?
  16. I sleep with the air con on. Vents a little opened. I also wake up with dry mouth. Actually the dry mouth started about ten years ago while sleeping. I was told I sleep with my mouth open and sometimes snore. If you have started sleeping with your mouth opened that might be the issue also. Just a thought
  17. Alcohol I noticed seems to be one of the major topics living in Thailand. I guess it is if that is what you live for. Oh and the comments about all the stupid rules in other countries. But people complain about the rules in Thailand. Usually the same people.
  18. I guess you can get them every four months if you want. A month ago I contacted the state health department in America where I moved from. I told them I had two Sinovac, one Pfizer booster, then a Moderna booster six months ago. The health department told me that as of this time there are no recommendations for an additional booster. But different medical professionals of course have different opinions.
  19. I feel bad for him. Some people won’t seek medical treatment until it’s too late. May he RIP. But I don’t see how this turned into a news story. Maybe the only fact is because he died in a car. People die everyday from illnesses. Unless they are a celebrity they don’t make the news.
  20. I can see moving to another country because you visited and enjoyed it. Want a change of scenery. But I see many people move here because they have next to nothing . No health insurance, little income, And they whine about how bad their home countries are. And many are not happy in Thailand either. Most of the issues and opinions I read here appear to be caused by poor retirement planning. Having little income, no health insurance. You should have planned that out better. No one is going to hand you anything for free, or discounted costs. I see a lot of blame. But no one seems to want to blame themselves..
  21. Wishful thinking. But if you enact a ruke you have to enforce it. Just like mask wearing. It was a rule. But if a person wasn’t wearing a mask. No one in authority would say anything
  22. I would not vote again for Biden if he ran again. Not because of his age. I just don’t think so far he is doing a great job. But it’s personal preference. Some people might think he is. That is why you have the right to vote. I would look at the other choice in 2024 if he ran again . But if Trump was the other choice, then I would vote for Biden again. And some people criticize Biden because of his age. Trump is not a young man either.
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