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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. The hospital asked for his passport but he didn’t have it. But the hospital already had it on file from a previous operation. If the story is true. Just another quality tourist or expat. What ever the person is now. Taking advantage of the system. Hopefully the authorities catch up to him and take the necessary action.
  2. I’m sure the bystanders that were injured did not just hang out when they started shooting. They were injured because they were in the area and then the shots started. And some people will just freeze and not move.
  3. Unfortunately it won’t help. Because of the mentality of many of the drivers. I think there are many more inconsiderate drivers than the ones that do the right thing. I live in Bangkok. And I think it’s more like a game to them or intimidation. Or they feel they are superior. There have been many a time I’m crossing at a zebra crossing. A vehicle or motor bike is a distance down the road. I start crossing and they suddenly speed up. Like it’s a threat they are going to hit me. And I really think they don’t care if they injure or kill someone. Because in their so called mind. It’s all about superiority. And just plain rudeness.
  4. Masks don’t work to help prevent infection? Then why people are still getting Covid? A mask is not 100 per effective just like everything else. But it’s a precaution. to spread infection. That is why doctors and nurses wear them during surgery. It’s amazing how people complain about wearing a mask to try to prevent Covid. And how uncomfortable a paper mask is to wear.
  5. Don’t panic. The bars haven’t closed yet. That seems to be one of the main focus on here.
  6. Actually the bikini is not unusually small. She is just large on top.
  7. I guess some people think that Trump is going to save them. That is why he got elected in the first place. Working class people who had the illusion Trump was going to make them millionaires. And wearing their little red hats and conspiracy theories. Like Trump had some magical powers. And they still can’t see what he really is. For himself. It’s all about power to him. And I voted for Biden. Not because I really wanted to. But the majority of American people knew they needed Trump out. And to me Biden was the lesser of two evils. Do I think Biden is a good President? Absolutely not. And hopefully we will have better choices in 2024. And I expect some ridicule because I voted for Biden. But I look at it like this. Some people it seems moved to Thailand from America and other western countries. Because their country didn’t take care of them. But they complain about Thailand not taking care of them either. Unfortunately no one is going to hand you things. You have to make it on your own.
  8. Yes it seems that is the attitude. If you do business here and something goes wrong. Then the usual attitude is too bad. And you seem to have to push to correct it
  9. Locals seem to like to gang up on one person. Even for small issues. This seems pretty common in LOS. I see a lot of it on Thai news programs. Are they that cowardly that they can’t fight one on one? Because if a group has to physically attack one person. They are nothing but cowards.
  10. I would be more concerned if the website you are ordering from is a legitimate supplier. Some of these places sell counterfeit medicines.
  11. Just because some people get mild symptoms doesn’t mean others won’t end up in the hospital. Some people brag saying they got Covid and it was no big deal. And ask why the vaccines and precautions . But if these same people got Covid and got seriously sick. They would be crying why they either didn’t get vaccinated or take precautions. Covid is not a cold or the flu. If it was just a cold they wouldn’t have vaccines for it. And thousands and thousands of people wouldn’t be getting this so called cold simultaneously.
  12. And for the people that say Covid is the flu. Or compare it to the flu. Well the flu is a once per year thing. Covid so far is an all year thing.
  13. I retired and always wanted to experience living overseas. I sold my house, car, furniture. I put the money I made from the sale and saved it. Just in case things didn’t work out here. I moved to and presently have lived in Bangkok for about three years now. But I also didn’t come here with just nothing. I had and have substantial savings and retirement income. Luckily I planned it like this. Because it’s not working for me living here. Just don’t like it. So I will be moving back to the states within a year.
  14. At that hour of the morning Grab should hopefully be fine. But be forewarned that Grab has lost a lot of drivers . So it might take unusually longer to get one.
  15. I don’t think cutting back discounts in places such as hospitals will improve anything. I’m afraid the main attraction still is going to be for tourists that don’t have a lot of money to spend. Mostly on cheap booze and partying.
  16. I thought because of the two new variants this type of classification was postponed. This seems to change frequently.
  17. Glad she was ok. She might have or have early stages of Alzheimer’s.
  18. It’s great to address and promote work safety. But safety depends on the mentality of the population. And unfortunately what I see is that safety is not a priority for many people.
  19. Covid is back in Pattaya? I don’t think it was ever eradicated there. And Covid might not be a big deal for some people. Getting minor symptoms. But serious for others. I see the OP has seven vaccines. I guess you can get as many as you want. But as of this time it is medically recommended to only get four.
  20. Uh oh. Beer prices increasing. That might put a big dent in the amount of anticipated tourists. And definitely effect the income of some expats.
  21. Most foreigners that complain about cost’s in Thailand seem to have had issues in their home country also. Maybe they wouldn’t have these issues if they planned their finances better . Instead of blaming the countries and everyone else.
  22. Yes we still have to take precautions. And I commend people that still are doing so. And have the rational to do so. Unfortunately some people prioritize going to a bar or a nightlife venue than common sense. The majority of the people in Bangkok not wearing masks I see are foreigners. One of the members on here mentioned mask wearing is still required in hospitals. Last week I went to a major private hospital in Bangkok that I go to. A number of foreigners were not wearing masks. Staff said nothing to them.
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