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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. Surprised this made the news. Nothing out of the ordinary about this type of car fire.
  2. Everyone reacts differently to things. But the taxi is traveling through the city. The person is afraid to leave the taxi. So the ride continues on with the driver doing it. Then exits the taxi near the stop. And tells the driver not to do it again. I’m not saying the driver didn’t do it. But it sounds kind of strange to me.
  3. A number of years ago I had fraudulent charges on my credit and debit cards Both cards were in my possession. Banks will usually send you a replacement or updated card to your overseas address. You need to contact the card issuers and explain the situation
  4. Most men that will get involved with a bargirl or freelancer. Usually don’t have much going for themselves. They might have the cash, but that’s about it
  5. Because possibly they are not basing their decisions on only income. And have no interest moving to another country.
  6. The attitude is nothing unusual. Most service staff in the LOS are not very customer friendly
  7. This has nothing to do with taxis specifically. It’s the type of vehicle causing the issue.
  8. To the OP. I congratulate you on your successful marriage and family life in Thailand. You have been more successful a number of married couples. I understand you want your family taken care when you are gone. But I think you are being somewhat extreme. You and your family need to enjoy life while you are able.. I’m not saying squander all of you money of course. But balance it out . Do things and buy things within reason. Enjoy yourself with you family. Splurge a little bit now and then. Discuss it with your wife and enjoy your time together.
  9. It depends on the situation. A person can get involved personally. Or they can get involved by get ting help. It a judgment call. And as someone mentioned. The Stockholm syndrome is when people take the side of their captors.
  10. Many people are proud of the countries they live in. They accept the good with the bad. Some people live in countries with bad governments . But the people still maintain their pride and dignity. Unlike some people that blame their personal misfortunes on their countries and everything else in life.
  11. It could be alcohol and or drugs. But I’m guessing the police would have made that observation . It could have possibly been a mental health issue.
  12. To the OP. I was looking at your screenshot. As you see some of the streets are showing in only Thai and some also in English. Im guessing that Google Maps for Navigation is going to visually show you the names as they appear physically. And not going to translate the text for them. Just give you verbal directions in English.
  13. Just another typical day in the LOS
  14. Arguing with the doctor is not going to resolve anything. They have nothing to do with medical records. That would be hospital administration who the complaint be directed to. Possibly the doctor could assist. But yelling at the doctor will get you nowhere.
  15. I’m sure that the amount of gun violence In Thailand is not going to deter tourists
  16. As for the 7162. The last time I sent it in. Which was the same day I received it. I sent it registered mail. It took about three weeks and was scanned received at Wilkes Barre. A few months later I received a reminder saying I needed to send it again because it wasn’t received. I contacted Social Security and they said they didn’t have it. So I resent it. It was scanned received again. After a couple of weeks I called again. Social Security said they didn’t have the original or second one. I contacted US Embassy in Manila. They contacted me back saying Wilkes Barre had the original and second one in their possession. Manila took care of it. As for the mySSA website. I never had to use a VPN overseas. And it gives pertinent information . You cannot change or add an overseas address on it. You have to contact Manila. And if the website bothers you so much. You aren’t obligated to use it.
  17. I lived in Bangkok for three years. No one ever just picked up my phone and operated it. I have used Thai Post, DHL, and Fed Ex numerous times. If something has a tracking number they give you a receipt. They point at the website to track it. No employee ever suggested using Line . Or offered to set up anything on my phone. Especially just take it. I suggest you don’t let random people operate your phone. As you can see. Things can happen.
  18. There is no explanation how she managed to take all his money and credit cards if he had any. And people are quick to blame her. Granted what she did was wrong. But there usually are two sides to every story. People are saying forget her and find a nice Thai girl. How do you know he wasn’t married to a Thai? There is no explanation who he was married to.
  19. I have listened and read news reports regarding a number of mass shootings around the world . The majority if any were not said to be caused by video games. And just because the 14 year old might have watched them doesn’t mean that created the issue.
  20. I’m guessing because of boredom.
  21. The chances are slim to none. I know one Thai person in Bangkok that has visited the United States a number of times. This to visit her sister. This person has a very good job in Thailand and makes a substantial income. Then I know a government employee. She got rejected twice. It’s extremely difficult.
  22. Make sure to check the brakes. Brake failure seems to be very common in the LOS
  23. To the OP. It’s is to my understanding from what a doctor told me once. The flu vaccines are created for the regions they are administered in. I suggest you contact the provider that administered your vaccine to be sure if it covers the specific region you are inquiring about. This way you can be sure you are adequately protected.
  24. Because some people just don’t care about other people.
  25. To the OP. English speaking is not that common especially in the outlying areas such as Isaan. Even after living in Bangkok. Not many people spoke English there as you would think for a capital city. Unless they were very well educated or had a job that delt with many foreigners. You are talking about also meeting women . Some you meet might speak a little English. But if you want to date or have a relationship. That will get frustrating when she doesn’t understand many things you are saying. My suggestion. If you are going to move to Thailand. Learn Thai. In a language course or something. I wish I did instead of just learning a few basic words at that time.
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