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Everything posted by treetops

  1. We'd all like extra money in our pockets, but if they take it from there they'll just have to raise it from somewhere else which could affect us adversely just as easily as this would benefit us.
  2. Have you read the thread? OP has posted numerous times that he can't use Skype and given a reason why not. He hasn't responded to the first reply to the thread which may provide the reason for his inability to get through using 003.
  3. White baht buses on Sukhumvit Road will drop you off with a 5 or 10 minute walk to the restaurant.
  4. I don't know who the guy you quoted used, but Maneerat charged me that a couple of months ago.
  5. Procedure on UK government website: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/confirm-youre-free-to-get-married-in-thailand
  6. Have you bought an 003 package as detailed on this page? It seems to be a new (to me) requirement that you need a package as well as the 003 prefix. https://www.ais.th/en/consumers/package/international/international-call/003
  7. I'm on Version 3.39.0 too without any issues. Android 13.
  8. Dee Money are off the game, for now at least.
  9. All banks have been ordered (by the government or BoT or someone) to verify SIM as part of money laundering reduction. It was in the news a few days ago. Probably a big pile of nothing for regular users whose phone ID and banking ID will already match.
  10. I have a couple of UK banks that will send OTPs to my Thai number. I use AIS and never had a problem similar to petermik. Never tried any other suppliers.
  11. They can be booked here although I don't see the VIP ones, just the "Standard Bus" 34 seater. https://www.busonlineticket.co.th
  12. Transport Company booking page is here: https://tcl99web.transport.co.th/Home or if it's just Bangkok you'll see all the lines here: https://www.bmta.co.th/en/bus-lines or if you give more details of precisely what you're after you may get more targetted information.
  13. I think you've put the wrong link in there and should have linked to the PND 91 form which requires the date to be filled in manually, however even on that form it has a 2023 reference in a couple of places on page 3.
  14. Recent topic on wall building costs: https://aseannow.com/topic/1348235-building-a-boundary-wall-cost-in-2025/
  15. Many bars in Pattaya are closing at 6:00pm so sounds like this bit of news never got out.
  16. I'm back in the UK shortly and have been looking at car hire. These two companies top the list of those on offer when sorted by price, but reading the reviews I wouldn't touch them with a bargepole.
  17. It's been posted and disseminated in at least one other tax thread and I think in summary, it didn't bring much new to the table.
  18. Confirmation for the confused one.
  19. In my experience, anything over 50,000 THB takes longer and this is reflected in Wise' calculator. It has been this way for some time now. How the transaction is funded also affects the process. Wise website shows the following. First image is for a transfer of 49,999 THB and second for 50,000 THB or approx 1,424 Euro currently. From some of the comments on here I suspect they are using funds already in Wise and not the full process of home bank to Wise to Thai bank.
  20. Copy and paste from your browser address bar.
  21. What? Like this?
  22. Their last night will be a dry one from 6:00pm, due to the local elections I understand.
  23. Where can I find this manual. The User's Guide on the immigration website still says 15 days.
  24. It was obviously a junkbot post. Who would recommend a company on Vancouver Island to discuss an issue in Thailand with?
  25. Why take the 25% in one go if you're not going to spend it immediately' Leave it in the pension to grow or take it over a longer period.
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