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Everything posted by treetops

  1. Runours on the internet they've gone bust and laid off most of their staff.
  2. Friday wasn't November 30th.
  3. Most (all?) Bangkok Bank ATMS will not dispense 50,000 THB in one transaction. They are physically restricted to either 25,000 or 30,000 THB.
  4. You run the risk of not getting on your flight as 30th December to 28th February is 61 days. 2 in December 31 in January 28 in February However, if your trip to Cambodia is booked you may be able to use it as proof of onward travel, and to answer your question, yes you'll get a new 60 day stamp on your return.
  5. AIS and dtac/True have esims available on their websites.
  6. https://mrtpattayataxi.com/
  7. The UK/Philippines reciprocal agreement which covers pensions does not cover medical treatment. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/living-in-the-philippines#healthcare-in-the-philippines
  8. I think after almost 19 years the OP has probably found a solution.
  9. He'll still have $5 billion in the bank if it goes to zero. Will you?
  10. Do you just make all this up? (rhetorical question). Source Hansard (again) https://hansard.parliament.uk/lords/2003-10-22/debates/951629a8-94de-4831-b7d5-da341092ec67/StatePensionArrangementsWithThePhilippines Filipino nurses have been coming here for much longer. Source: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/jun/25/exhibition-celebrates-untold-stories-of-filipino-nurses-in-nhs Again, I'm not saying it's a fact but it's a theory that makes some sense when you look at the data rather then read your odd musings.
  11. What are you on about? The agreement is a matter of record, made into law years ago. I was responding to oxo1947 who asked if anyone knew the reason(s) for this being in place. I mentioned I didn't know the accuracy of this potential reason, but given that the purpose of these agreements is as below, it seems a valid reason, but again I don't know this, just read it somewhere in the past. Source Hansard https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2002-05-16/debates/ca3d00e4-fa43-4893-9c6a-c72ed71a4ea7/InternationalSocialSecurityAgreements
  12. But they would be less likely to head there without the agreement perhaps, if they are thinking of provision for their retirement years?
  13. You have a girlfriend? Wow.
  14. Can't vouch for it being true, but I read that the agreement with the Philippines was to keep the flow of healthcare staff from there to the UK sweet as the UK system would collapse without them.
  15. There is something wrong, even if it's designed to be like that. If you click on a topic from the "Topics" box in the sidebar it takes you to the first post, even if the thread is years old. If you click on a topic in the "Latest Topics" or "Popular in the Pub" box it takes you to the last post even if there are several new posts since you last read it. If you click on a topic in the "Popular Now", "Top News Stories", "General Topics" etc it takes you to new, unread posts. All of these ignore the setting mentioned which only affects threads in activity streams and when directly accessing topics from the individual sub-forums (can still use the blue dot if on a laptop or desktop). It appears from the multiple complaints that many users use these boxes to access content so personalisation should affect these too if you want to improve the user experience.
  16. That is over a year ago! Just looked at my previous reports and I successfully reported in December 2023 after being out of the country, but couldn't in June 2024. As I said, the rule changed late last year or early this year and you appear to have got in just before the change.
  17. The instructions to the airlines recently changed to include the following text: "Extension of stay is possible. Passengers are allowed to enter if their stay will exceed the actual visa-free period as long as they hold a return/onward ticket." To me, it's a bit poorly worded as that section does not mention any length of possible extension and effectively gives no restriction on the date of the onward/return ticket. However, elsewhere in the rules it mentions 30 day extensions are available so airline staff may or may not pick up on this and ensure the ticket is for a max stay of 90 days. In your case it looks like the airline used the more lax interpretation, but that doesn't mean they all will.
  18. Look, here's the link as it seems so difficult for one poster to do. Shows people do get sanctioned for pension fraud. https://aseannow.com/topic/1142813-uk-pensions-and-related-info/page/6/#comment-15474080
  19. Debit card only I think?
  20. Agree 100%. There was recent "maintenance" which screwed it up and either no-one knows how to, or wants to, change it back.
  21. If you're accessing topics from the lists at the side of the screen (using laptop) like popular or latest posts then it goes to the end. Try accessing fron an activity stream like content I follow or new content.
  22. Just been getting info from a mate who has recently done this. His NBTC registration (214 THB) expires on 17th November 2025, the day after his permit to stay expires. CAAT expires 2 years from the date of issue.
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