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Everything posted by IvorBiggun2

  1. I liked the bum gun at first but it doesn't come close to wet wipes.
  2. What the hell has medical insurance got to do with my annual visa extension?
  3. A picture would help. Is this it?
  4. I had similar story to the 2 tourists back in 2014. I jumped in a taxi at the airport and asked to go to Mo Chit bus station. The driver pulled away but didn't turn the meter on. I asked him to turn it on but he said, similar to the 2 tourists in this story, 'too much traffic'. Being as we weren't going fast I opened the taxi door and said 'I'm getting out'. He backed down and put the meter on. At Mo Chit I had to get my luggage out of the boot myself being as the driver stayed sat in the vehicle. Obviously I never gave him a tip.
  5. We bought a safe when we first moved into our house before we had a chance to fit grills on the windows and doors. We got burgled whilst on holiday. The thieves just took the safe leaving other items untouched. Incidentally the safe was empty. It was found 50km away in a field with the back crow bard open. Front door untouched.
  6. Spot on Dr. It's the Japanese that will not allow dual nationality. Hence the woman worrying.
  7. A Japanese guy lives close to me. He has 2 sons. His wife has asked my wife if the rule still applies that when luk khrueng children reach a certain age they must decide as to the child's nationality. Thai or Japanese. My wife tells me the Japanese man and his wife believe their sons cannot get a government job if they do not renounce their Japanese passports. I know this is all a load of rubbish but I need to show proof. Any links that this rule does not now exist?
  8. I really can't believe this story. The guy with the supposed Rolex took no precautions in hiding the watch inside his property. All a bit casual if you ask me. The victim had CCTV video inside of his house but saw nothing. Then what chance of local street CCTV capturing the crook? Tosh.
  9. I read that also, so I logged/joined ITVX but I still couldn't find it. But thanks for looking.
  10. I've just finished reading an article about Rolf Harris and I'd like to see the documentary called Rolf Harris: Hiding In Plain Sight. Can anyone provide a link please?
  11. My wife translates. But she's not the sharpest knife in the box. So will look on 'Google'.
  12. Mine also went doolally a couple of weeks ago. Tried getting it repaired but couldn't so I bought a new Toshiba. Beware when buying a new one as the instructions for mine didn't come in English.
  13. Nice excuse. Ignorance isn't an excuse in the excuse In the eyes of the law
  14. Try this link. http://gain.fas.usda.gov/Recent%20GAIN%20Publications/Food%20and%20Agricultural%20Import%20Regulations%20and%20Standards%20-%20Narrative_Bangkok_Thailand_8-14-2009.pdf
  15. Who's gonna check? Link please to you knowing this. My wife believes that it's okay after showing death certificate.
  16. Available on Lazada. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/white-jasmine-i3115638112-s11554781711.html?from_gmc=1&exlaz=d_1:mm_150050845_51350205_2010350205::12:19039203577!!!!!c!!11554781711!591785680&gclid=CjwKCAjwrdmhBhBBEiwA4Hx5g57bZhC2qUMZvMBh9W3ORRKRwb9WIrdN2az68p9QCYDzRhAgfDLg0hoCkmUQAvD_BwE
  17. Fun !!!!!!!! I' know of guys that vacate to the Philippines rather than do Songkran. For me never again in Pattaya or any other farang touristy resort.
  18. Tourists they face jail time What about non Thais bringing fruit in over land borders?
  19. Correct, but Pattaya take it as its the first day there too? The 19 th is the main day in Pattaya! Incorrect. Songkran is now fixed.

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