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Everything posted by IvorBiggun2

  1. If St Johns Wart works then there'd be no need prescription meds.
  2. Google find your nearest government psychiatrics hospital and just turn up. They will help. Good luck and try to stay calm. Easy to say that I know.
  3. Possible side effects. Common occurrence when taking any medication initially.
  4. A study in The Lancet Psychiatry found that taking sertraline leads to an early reduction in anxiety symptoms
  5. Sertraline is the most common antidepressant taken in Thailand. Can be bought over the counter at some pharmacies. Good chance it will be prescribed at all government psychiatric hospitals. Very cheap medication.
  6. Lazada. https://www.lazada.co.th/catalog/?q=Hanging+Folder+Frames+&_keyori=ss&from=input&spm=a2o4m.home.search.go.11257f6dhPhd8V
  7. 'Big Joke' had the right idea. Before being losing his position in the Thai police he banned all visa agents from immigration offices.
  8. Sorry. I can't seem to find this.
  9. Tonto was.
  10. Shouldn't that be 'diaphragm'?
  11. A Mud Dauber Wasp? https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHZN_enTH983TH983&sxsrf=ALiCzsYBPHxM9Sr1ri9qxEIkY1SMnxN9Yw:1656130743531&source=univ&tbm=isch&q=wasp+that+builds+nest+of+mud+thailand&fir=OMp6efOm1ZxliM%2CZjaODNLz1QzuxM%2C_%3BaiulPmnMqt0NBM%2CZjaODNLz1QzuxM%2C_%3BIqCNM2916J4peM%2C-uPSWudj7RMjyM%2C_%3B_GcL7Y09GRpirM%2CHjV_n7alJI3ygM%2C_%3BJTu1bXoDb8aEkM%2CM92ujJzxOrE6EM%2C_%3BdbjSfoGfry-IdM%2CUEk7h1L3M0ELeM%2C_%3Be6aTTKJjKAZjjM%2C-uPSWudj7RMjyM%2C_%3Bo8UUrHyElGJejM%2C-v_PVHm9ZwoqHM%2C_%3B8Uea6Hiv-3_pfM%2CM92ujJzxOrE6EM%2C_%3B_0AjrZHuzSiBKM%2CM92ujJzxOrE6EM%2C_&usg=AI4_-kQuqYjNqQ5LS2iZDJ9pqB4jVCbSDg&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj2ra3l38f4AhUvqlYBHfZpBKEQ7Al6BAgCEDM&biw=1440&bih=757&dpr=1
  12. https://www.myantispyware.com/2020/03/11/how-to-remove-1337x-to-pop-up-ads-virus-removal-guide/
  13. All depending. I've spent a few times, over the years, in a private room at a government hospital alone. My wife has never been in a position to stay with me being as we have 3 children. She can stay during the day when they're in school but not once they're home.
  14. What and wait in a queue for god knows how long paying international rates when they won't allow an online secure message to be used which costs zilch. To cut it short I may try using their phone app. Thanks to all who replied.
  15. I agree but they don't allow it. I have to phone them first. Smile Bank refuse payment if I do not notify them first.
  16. I use to use SWIFT but I thought that was extremely expensive.
  17. Been married in Thailand 17 years. Me and the missus went to Buriram IO to do my annual extension. We forgot our marriage certs and were allowed to go to Buriram Amphur and get a signed copy there. No problem
  18. My missus says any Amphur can print off a copy a marriage certificate. All Amphurs are computer linked. Just send off a copy of your passport/ID card. You may be asked for a small payment but it's so small they may disregard it.
  19. All I wanted to do was transfer 9,000 GBP from my UK bank to the Bangkok Bank via 'Wise' using my Debit Card. My bank in the UK denied the transaction every time because I never asked for their permission first. My Debit Card had the money in my account to cover the transfer. So why do I have to get my UK banks permission to do the transfer? What really gets up my nose is the fact to get their permission I have to do it by phone, 6 hours time difference, and wait a ridiculous time in a queue to get that permission. Why can't I do it by a 'secure message'?
  20. In 17 years all forms. copies etc surplus to requirement always get handed back. Never dispatched to the waste paper basket. That is in all the 6-7, division 4, offices I've registered at in that time.
  21. I have a bank account with 'Smile Bank'. All's well and good until I want to transfer money to my bank account in Thailand using 'Wise'. I think between me and Smile Bank there is a misunderstanding. More likely me. Anyway I want to transfer 9,000 GBP through 'Wise', paying with my 'Debit Card'. Is it correct that I have to get permission from 'Smile Bank' before I can do the transfer? Or is the transfer done just between me and 'Wise' and my 'Debit Card'? I hope I've explained that correctly. Getting old is no fun.
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