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Everything posted by paul1804

  1. Maybe you are not familiar with historical tourist arrivals between now and mid December but this is LOW SEASON & soon to be WET SEASON. Currently many countries are experiencing economic downturns including China & Japan which will have a spill over effect on Thai visitor numbers!
  2. What do you mean, "the high season is yet to come" Its been & gone unless you are talking about the last 10 days of December???
  3. Well its only a couple of weeks ago TAT were bragging that LOS had already received 15M arrivals this year which is absolute BS! When will these clowns stop wishful thinking and start implementing changes that attracts more tourists. They know the issues but dont want to face up to the truth because they may loose face or their cut of the ripoffs that exist in Thailand. The current political debacle is a perfect example!
  4. "Thaksin’s petition, if granted, would be unjust and emphasise legal and social inequality in the country, he said, and would confirm the axiom that, in Thailand, prison is just for the poor" Who are they trying to kid, how many wealthy Thais that have broken the law, committed severe crimes or even killed people end up in jail ???? Of course Thai prisons are only for the poor, thats been very evident in the short time I have lived here!
  5. He wouldn't have come back to Thailand knowing he would be imprisioned so obviously he had the green light prior to his return. All this publicity is just a charade, the deal was done and soon he will be leading a normal life back in his home country. Never under estimate the power of the "Brown envelope" remember "he who has the gold makes the rules"
  6. Given the stance you have taken against the Junta across the border you should be hanging your heads in shame and the protesters should be applauded, not jailed. This is a disgusting outcome and those judges involved should be held accountable for their actions by United Nations! I once believed LOS to be a just & humane country but living here for 4 years has given me a different prospective!
  7. Not that much difference between Thailand, the recent Cambodian sham & even Laos when it comes to politics and the military. Then of course you have Myanmar to the west, an extreme version of the above which Thailand does not condemn! So the region is governed by the military and rogue politicians who are in the game for personal financial gains & power at the expense of the people and what they voted for is irrelevant.
  8. So ironic, no flu during the BS covid pandemic yet now thats behind us it seems we may have a pending influenza pandemic! If the DDC had any common sense they would be issuing advise on how to keep ones immune system prepped but that would mean they were displaying a sense of responsibility. Too much to expect from government agencies in this day and age!!!
  9. I would say send the message immediately followed by a phone call of explanation!! But as said here by many we dont know all the facts, she may have a reputation for taking time off or the Hotel supervisor could be a thoughtless person!!
  10. That's what happens when the brown envelopes dont get to all those in places of authority!!
  11. Yes that is true but you cannot sell it without their approval so they wait until you die and it stays with the family.
  12. Of all the illegal activities carried out by Thai's in places of office & authority and they have these rediculous alcohol laws along with many others.
  13. Well the land as you probably know will be in her name so for many of us foreigners married to Thai ladies this has gone badly! I hope yours doesn't!
  14. More rediculous exaggerated arrivals & predictions from TAT but there are a few "wally's" on here who totally swallow their rubbish! This years low season started early and despite July picking up and this month looking good the next 4 months are not looking great and there are many reasons why. By the end of this month we will have had the best 4 months in this year being Jan, Feb, March & August with approximately 10M arrivals so the other 8 slower months are not going to yield anything like triple that number. Hopefully December will be good but current bookings dont suggest that.
  15. You mean skirmish between Chinese national and police !!!! The media is very obviously pro Chinese given nearly every other news report on a foreign person in Thailand thats involved in something illegal are named by their country of origin but when its a Chinese national its a "foreigner"
  16. For you to think for 1 second why you supposedly feel the details cannot be released is a reflection of your intelligence and the level of your integrity. Even the uneducated in Thailand know exactly why you made this statement!!!
  17. Just another example of why Thailands visa system is antiquated and completely ineffective. 90 day reports obviously mean nothing except it gives all those immigration paper shufflers something to do.
  18. I am not sure if that is good news or bad!! What did the previous government really do in the last 9 years??? They never addressed corruption, only contributed to to it. They never addressed road safety, just talked about it. They made many counter productive actions during covid which were detrimental to the economy. They changed the constitution in a very underhand way to keep the military controlling the senate. I could go on and on about what they shouldn't have done and what they just didn't do that they should have. Very sad for the Thai people and now because of their underhanded actions the voice of the people is not being adhered to because of their intentionally devious actions just to keep their filthy snouts in the trough. They are the reason why their is currently no government, for them it is a military controlled regime or chaos so they can stage just another coup!
  19. Given the amount of Chinese associated crime in Thailand why wouldn't you screen them prior to allowing them into the country. I wonder what happened to the quest for "high end" tourists and big spenders for Thailand???
  20. Yes correct, boats that size mostly have large engines, sometimes 1, sometimes 2, rarely 3. Google Wartsila marine engines, probably the most efficient marine engines and some are very large!
  21. Its not unusual for boats to have one engine, quite common actually.
  22. In view of what the Junta government did and did not do while in power nothing comes as a surprise! You only have to look at the region, west, east, north and northeast and all these countries are not democratic, all have military controlled governments including Thailand.
  23. I find these figures quite hard to believe to be honest, we had a relatively busy high season where hotels & villas reported good occupancy rates as well as wholesale food & beverage suppliers had good sales. Everyone I have spoken with saw a noticeable decline after Songkran and both reported poor sales in June with a slight upturn in July so these figures claim similar numbers each month. I would have to now believe like many that the figures are fudged!
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