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Everything posted by paul1804

  1. Sadly sometimes yes but many because its easy money! Why be a hotel worker where you earn 12,000 a month when a good looking "working girl" can earn many times that with far less effort. For many of these ladies ethics doesnt come into it!
  2. You mean the "smiling assassins" who say see my beautiful smile while I overcharge you! They are dining out on history long past!
  3. The longer I stay in Thailand the more I realise that telling "porkies" is a cultural habit!
  4. I presume his legitimate salary is the lesser of the packages that come with being almost at the top of the food chain!!
  5. In normal circumstances I will only take metered cabs, I had a flight to catch and was in a hurry, opportunists!!!!
  6. I had the exact same scenario last year in Bangkok, I got charged 300 Thb and told it was a 20 minute drive to the shopping mall, less than 5 minutes later he stops and says here’s your destination which it was. So I asked him so why is a less than 5 minute drive a 300 Thb fare and he answered, today Sunday no traffic! I said to him I suppose that’s welcome to Thailand taxi driver ripoffs and he laughed! sadly they are too short sighted to realise long term they will be the losers and the authorities do little to fix the problem except talk about it.
  7. This incident is almost as comical as reading the comments posted here! It was a Chinese tour group on board so almost definitely a Chinese owned bus with a Chinese level of maintenance, add that to a "Thai driver" anything is possible!
  8. Encroaching would probably be the only reason RTP would bother and of course to get the picture taken showing how great they are!
  9. It is a pointless excercise and there are possibly a few Thai's that realise this but they like to "think" they have control of us aliens, the jokes is on them and thats why they need new leaders like Pita to enlighten the clowns who currently make these rules.
  10. Any thing can happen in LOS, simply unbelievable how screwed up many people are and what they accept!!!
  11. How does he propose to either reform or expell 95% of Thailands Law enforcement and those in places of authority ??
  12. So a Police General who is obviously a receiver of "brown envelopes" is the newly appointed education minister!
  13. Its just another reality check on the level of corruption in Thailand which is not just in the RTP and its probably going to get worse!
  14. You are correct but Thailand and its neighbouring countries have and will always be like that unless the people demand change which would mean confronting the corruption from most leaders past & present including the military and the RTP & enforcing reforms. If Taksin had no money we all know where he would be but he may be genuinely sick. He was a man for the people and he didnt knowingly or intentionally kill anyone like a number of other high profile people with money who are not behind bars!!!
  15. No, just castrate him, there is no excuse for that type of behaviour so without testicles he will not be able to repeat that act. Probably she is not his first victim, the guy has to be sick in the head given her age!
  16. It sounds like the Russian mafia are handing out brown envelopes in Phuket !!
  17. Thailand continues its love affair with China, the only foreigners happy about this is the Chinese tour operators in China & the Chinese partnered Thailand businesses here in Thailand. This will increase the number of the "cheap Charlie" Chinese tour groups which is exactly the tourists Thailand says they want to discourage. The wealthy Chinese will just pay some agent to expedite their visa process and come anyway which in my view is who they should be targeting.
  18. Start by cancelling the order for Chinese subs that are not needed and will serve no benefit for Thailand.
  19. There is no integrity, no honesty, no morals, just corruption & lies! From what I have read Thakisin did a lot of good for the people of Thailand and probably committed less crimes than the more recent mob, he certainly has a much bigger following than any other Thai leader in this century and the latter part of the previous!!!
  20. Lieutenant General Thitsit Sangsawan, commander of the Crime Suppression Division (CSD), ordered the arrest operation led by Deputy Commissioner Lieutenant General Piyarat Wesakanok, along with the assistance of the police investigative team from the Khlong Tan Police Station. Usual Thai BS laws and police seeking glory, she is over the age of consent so who's to say he had forced her to be separated from her parents against her will? But a teacher shouldn't be intimate with his students so he deserves to be terminated!
  21. Obviously you believe what these guys print! Maybe you are a recent arrival in the LOS!
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