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Everything posted by paul1804

  1. Typical politics, look for a loop hole to retain the dinosaurs and ignore the peoples wishes! If they are successful I hope the people rise up and demand reform!
  2. Those families will make sure they have the right people in their pockets so good luck with that, I hope you succeed for the good of all in Thailand and not just the privileged few!!
  3. Did anyone expect anything different from the generals, I guess this is Thailand at the crossroads, do they want to end up being anything like their neighbouring Burma where the military want total control or do they want a proper democracy where the majority vote has the say.
  4. Whilst you have a Senate controlled and dominated by Army generals you have no real democracy as they will protect the right to be there given the monetary incentives and with no regard for the wishes of the people which is what they are supposed to be ensuring!! Where on the planet has a Military led government & often a dictatorship been successful?
  5. Another very stupid idea Thailand, just include airport tax for all travellers in & out with the airline ticket and stop creating stupid revenue collecting exercises that give bad publicity. Thailand is already well known for gouging and over charging so this will be just another negative message to send to potential travellers, If you dont want Thais to travel abroad offer attractive promotions outside of high season within the country. This will help, airlines, hotels, restaurants and all the tourist associated service providers with low season.
  6. Oh whoopey, I just can't wait for all those groups of Chinese to arrive on their Chinese charter flights. The street kitchens and the 7 eleven stores will have a 10% up turn in takings and the Chinese partnered business's in Thailand will have to stock up on garbage bags and floor cleaner.
  7. You mean start being sensible if you really want high end tourists!!
  8. Maybe your memory isn't so good, they even threatened people with jail if they stayed and their visa wasn't in order, then a day or 2 before the deadline they extended. How foolish it was and their more recent actions are on par!!
  9. What a complete joke, like thousands of comments on here, what on earth would Thailand want submarines for?? It would be very interesting to follow the payment trail!
  10. Why can't Thailand make up its mind as to wether they actually want tourists here or they dont. They say they want them but the recent actions from the authorities quite openly suggest they dont want foreigners here, unless they are Chinese of course. I was bewildered all through covid as to the efforts the authorities made to get people to leave in one breath and in the other stated how to attract people to come to Thailand.
  11. Why are they so paranoide of visa over stayers, wouldn't the police be better suited cleaning up the corruption in the country and a large portion of it is within their own ranks, addressing the appalling road fatalities, the illegal fire starters in the northern part of the country and addressing the growing major crimes that are occurring in Thailand. The Joe Ferrari scenario, there was so much blatant evidence that this guy was up to his neck in corruption. Then there is the Red Bull heir scenario which they openly do nothing about. Honestly the law enforcement agencies public image is such a disgrace, do they not feel ashamed?? Do the leaders not feel ashamed that they are in positions of power and all this shananigins is going on under their watch? they swore to address these issues but do nothing accept talk and behind the scenes are often the perpetrators !! Its a pretty sad day for the average Thai, this beautiful countries people deserve a fair go!
  12. My Thai ex wife informs me that after we divorced she has to by Thai law change her family name, she took my surname when we married. Can anyone tell me if this is true please.
  13. What a joke you are RTP, since when have female breasts been indecent. What absolute idiots even investigating! Go and solve some real crime like the rampant corruption in this country and Thai officials and law enforcement being among the most blatant offenders!
  14. That's a rather silly idea, many tourists come for much longer than 14 days and quite a a lot will spend some months here so all this 30 day visa does is create more hassles and paper work for the authorities and an inconvenience for the tourists!!
  15. What a bunch of morons they are, how do you attract tourists to your country?? You make rules and regulations as attractive as sensible to pending tourists but these clowns try and make it harder with their constant stupid rule changes. And this hotel reporting business is such another stupid pointless waste of time, wake up Thailand!
  16. I haven't had the misfortune to encounter fat ugly old guys, you must be hanging out in the wrong places, the beach near where I live often has topless ladies that are quite eye catching to say the least.
  17. Why would the story be based on the US embassies info and not the RTP ??
  18. Have you ever wondered why the world we live in is in such a state, parents do not disipline their children when the children misbehave and guess what, those children often grow up to be spoilt brats because they were never shown boundaries. The children get to school and dont want to listen and respect their teachers so the teachers gets <deleted> and give them the cane. Yes the cane physically hurts at the time but hurts their pride more than anything. It should be a lesson to the kids and the parents when the teacher says jump they should be saying yes sir and not being cheeky little spoilt brats. I say the cane teach's boys to have some respect and they grow up being better people. Look around you in Thailand and see how these boys behave as grown men!
  19. I have to say those were my preliminary feelings but I often get greeted by Russian customers when out on the street so they are not all like that & in their defence many have quite poor English.
  20. You would think Thailand authorities would be happy that these people from war torn Eastern Europe want to stay in Thailand and spend their money here and grant them dispensation until the war is over. I live in Ko Samui and we have already seen a reduction in tourist numbers so its not like January where everywhere was busting at the seams and with pending low seasons a few months away their money is as good as anyones! Its a little bit like when covid hit and the government did everything it could to encourage people to leave and once they had left all the idiot powers that be started suggesting stupid ideas for attracting wealthy tourists yet they had just spent months chasing many of those living in the Kingdom out! Will they ever see the light ????
  21. Its the sad reality of Thailand, they just cannot help themselves from being corrupt! Why would they need to import BMW's for the RTP when they assemble many other less costly brands in Thailand. Like others on this forum have mentioned, probably most of them have been repainted and are now personalised vehicles of RTP employees or their wives & girlfriends!!!
  22. I would say the usual poorly written Thai article, they not refugees. Some are genuine tourists and some are avoiding the conflict or maybe a bit of both, also some actually work in various industries. Who can blame them for not wanting to be part of the war and right now its cold in Russia and life is tough so if they can afford it why not come to sunny Thailand. Some are very nice people and others are undesirables!
  23. Sadly another typical Thailand ridiculous idea, the driving test is a joke and this along with no road discipline is why Thailand has one of the highest road fatalities on the planet. Some idiot will have been paid a nice fat wad for dreaming up this stupid idea that defeats the whole purpose of a points deduction system.
  24. It will just be another Chinese scam, so many people believe china is a great country but I have to ask myself why do so many Chinese not live in china and how many foreigners actually live in china ??? Why do so many Chinese immigrate to other countries?
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