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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. Apparently if your are telling the truth he didn't pass on any knowledge to you. I think you made it up as he would be your go to on the legal aspects of this situation. It may be better to keep willy in you pants and move on with life. Based on your comments I don't think your ready to father a child and be there full time long term.
  2. It seems you have little understand of the laws in any country and may want to evaluate yourself first before you try to breed
  3. I think with this way if thinking it may be better if you dont pass on your genes.
  4. Those places seem to fit your attitude and presentation so enjoy them but they are just a drop in the bucket to what Thailand offers. Its not just remote villages but then you'd need to wander about to experience it.
  5. The confusing thing for me is how many appear to act like Phuket and Pattaya are the only places in Thailand to live. There is such a variety and abundance of locations to chose from that are a much better life style than just those two.
  6. Thats true of J&t too. If the driver misses deliver they are fine a significant amount, if I remember my local guy said something like 1400 baht each time. He only was paid something like 20 baht per deliver and ended up closing his shop as he couldnt keep up on that rate.
  7. Finger print authentification can be better but there are still ways to scrap your data fairly easily for hackers that have experience
  8. What role did her boyfriend play in this since it was his idea?
  9. Facial isn't even secure as in the past since AI programs have improved. They can clone your image and your voice easily enough to bypass those security features
  10. Yes I have the same problem. In my opinion when moderators comment they are not acting in their moderator capacity but as a regular member. Thats why its important for others to add info that is known as no single member has access to all experiences. Ive had inaccurate information provided by some members that claim to be in the know or have them make rude, abrassive comments to those that dont agree with them. It's not specific to this forum but certainly is consistant.
  11. Moderators are not the only ones that can post information, this is an open forum. It's good to have All the info not just one side or perception.
  12. The smart thing would be wait a week or 2 then get a visa before trying again since he got denied and stamped just days ago. If he gets caught out again VN probably won't let him in again and his problems will compound quickly
  13. Actually if they do what they are saying its the snart thing and reduces debt much quicker. Big if though
  14. I would say he doesn't know the lay of the land as he's been over using his entries and staying long term by playing the system and got caught not even a week ago. Now he's plotting again to try to enter when he has a chance with the 45 days in VN to put some distance in his stamped denial of entry. He has other options but ignores them so he rolls the dice and takes his chances.
  15. you can if you have a properly written userfruct without the owners permission as long as the use isnt changed to something prohibited and the property is not damaged or affected negatively. Im sure it could be challenged like everything else in Thailand when it comes down to thai vs foreigner.
  16. what law? If Im reading the laws correctly, If the usufract is properly written and does not include specific reservation you can. According to section 1422 of the Civil and Commercial Code of Thailand, a usufruct can further transfer his usufructuary rights to a third party. The owner of the property cannot sell the property or rent to a different person while the usufact is in force.
  17. People need to remember it's their country not yours and they set the rules like every other country. Very few countries consider 6 months to a year as a Tourist, even if you do. It has nothing to do with you being affluent. Look at most all countries and you will find very few that are as lacks as Thailand and people still think they can take advantage because they are entitled to as they have money. There are other visas available that are more properly suited for long stay. Just like most all other countries you need to qualify and if you don't then you don't get that visa option. The main reason Thailand is as lacks as they are is because tourist dollars' is such a significant amount of GDP and fuels the economy and labor market.
  18. Tough situation and I feel for your dilemma. Being in her village makes it really tough to get her out if the guest house after divorce and that will probably continue to hound you in the future. If you do divorce and can't get her off the property that could be extremely awkward when she finds her next "king" especially if its a Thai man. If you can enforce the fact that you have a valid well written usufact and you do actually own the buildings and get a divorce then give her notice and tear down the guest house so she has no house on the property or conduct endless "renovations" to it and make it uninhabitable. Selling or renting your usafact rights and moving out to a healthy environment if you can would be what I would do but that is not an easy option here.
  19. Hahahaha that's funny. Not sure they have a "clean hands doctrine" here since prostitute isnt legal to start with but ignored for enforcement. Then throw in the underage aspect and your pretty much guilty.
  20. Or maybe if the imm officers sees you've been in country on numerous exempt entries and tourist visas for an overly extended period its obvious your not a tourist and since you can't legally work here there is no means of sustaining your visit financially. That's called using their discretion and making a judgment call. Tourist visits are meant to be short stays not year long or more adventures. Every country has imm officers with the same authority to make judgment calls on what the see. Many dont like it and claim thats not in the regs so the inm officer is rogue for doing their job. Not many countries willing let you come in and play the system like Thailand. Yes there are several countries easy and give longer stays but none want you using the visa system like many do here.
  21. given you were just denied you may want to consider an alternate plan. Have you GF wire you money via western union. since you got 45 days you may want to consider staying in VN a while and get a visa before trying to head back or just go back to europe and get a retirement visa and start over again. Your over 50 and the correct visas arent that complicated. Then you could come and go without worry
  22. I agree. I don't like it when they pull items out of thin air but its their game and you have to play by their rules. Its always great to know what the real regs say but you can put yourself at a disadvantage when you act entitled and start arguing about a extra piece of paper. You generally won't get to far and if you do it can come back to you in different ways
  23. I know the regs so you didn't need to attach them for me. As you should already know if you live here is you follow the requirements laid out at your imm office. You play their game or you can take your ball and go home. Next time an imm officer request something different try quoting those regs and get back to us and let us know how it goes for you. You do know they can request any additional documents they deem necessary dont you?
  24. Nope, its the same in NST and several others. Just their interpretation of the rules
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