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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. Not actually. if the NGO is currently not in compliance or were found not to be a true NGO, then that's the issue which it sounds as if it is. It may be a rule change (doubt it) but even if it is then the NGO isnt compliant and it doesnt matter what past rules were in place, you play the game with rules currently in force. My assertion is your speculating and claiming foul play without any facts other than the NGO is having issues. Contact the NGO and ask them why they are no longer accepted as an NGO for volunteer visa status in Thailand.
  2. Testing for flu is a worthwhile action as the flu mutates so quickly each season its helpful to identify what strains are present currently
  3. I don't understand half of you you posted as its unrelated to voluntary sample collection . The program outline is sample collection to detect virus and pathogens present currently. It has nothing to do with saying someone has a fever and trying to suppress it with guess work. Testing identifies viruses and other potentially harmful pathogens that are present in order to understand what's currently floating around out in the world. Global tramission of dangerous diseases is a real issue with the mobility of people to move around the world in short order. Covid proved how quickly things can spread. The sample collection isn't discussing any treatment plans but collection. I would suggest you go back do more research on what your claiming.
  4. Unfortuneaty their is little protection even with a real estate agent. Contracts are only as good as the person honoring them. If it goes south the foreigner is usually at a disadvantage if you try to pursue it legally. you may win in the end but the journey to make that happen generally isn't worth the effort
  5. I believe if you think about the role of CDC its is to monitor diseases and potential impact. Having a pilot program collecting voluntary samples in an effort to gage current or potential disease transmission and movement is an appropriate action. No need to go down the conspiracy rabbit hole
  6. Thats a difficult limitation to adhere to effectively as quite often the end result can be extremely misleading to the actual context of what's being discussed. This OP is a good example.. Posting partially extracted info from a article can change the intent and provide a very misleading perspective.
  7. Where is the abuse in questioning some random comments you make that aren't related to anything posted ? Don't want people questioning or commenting to what your saying then don't say it or take the replies that come back, your on an open public forum. Your accurate in the second comment about current stock ai programs today. Most aren't much more than a typical web search with some formating capablility but no actual thinking or cognition involved. There are true AI programs now but 20 years ago the common program was nothing more than a search engine using word match. Thats not AI
  8. Not sure what your referencing a cut and paste answer is about but you make random unintelligent replies often so not surprised The start of the concept of AI was back in the 40's and 50's and so rudimentary it can't really be considered AI but machine matching.. It was nothing more that a computer being able to match a word or string or characters and spitting out a predetermined reply. Thats not AI but machine matching
  9. Doubtful, it wasnt AI but a word match program, which is not the same thing. They may now claim it was AI but in reality it wasnt.
  10. I guess they haven't thought about how AI can both copy a face effectively and generate a usable image or in the case of vocal recognition do the exact same thing
  11. Current stock AI programs search the web for related info complies the aggregate info and post generic replies today. 20 years ago that did exist and the best that could be done is a word trigger that produce a canned reply. Thats not AI although OP likes to make that claim
  12. Not believable as AI as its known wasnt available back then. You may have had a program triggered by set words posted and called it AI but it actually wasn't AI.
  13. You have the real answer to the volunteer visa issue in your OP. The organization isn't recognized by the Thai govt and has nothing to do with a rule change. Find a recognized legit NGO or go for a different visa type.
  14. If is isnt willing to put his name on the contract that's a big red flag he may not actually be the owner but a second hand agent. Insist on a copy of the owners ID card and book for the place your're renting and demand he agree to file the TM30 and that your covered for the return of the security deposit. if he refuses you may want to walk .away
  15. you too love to try to twist what is said into something different. you just another troll keyboard warrior
  16. nope I just have a life outside this forum you should try it
  17. nope nothing to be wrong, now your taking what you said in that post earlier and changing what you claim I said.
  18. when you control the ability to wage terrorist attacks on your own people like hamas does and they have no ability to fight back then its kind of a fore gone conclusion
  19. No never said that. they are an oppressed people that have next to no support or ability\capability to do anything. get with the facts and stop trying to deflect away from your ignorance on the topic.
  20. you really dont have reading comprehension skills do you. I never said the population supports Hamas I said the opposite. try to keep up
  21. first off not a leftie, but classic reply when you have no facts. I'm not attacking and insulting the poster just replying to unprovable statements made by a biased poster that has done no research and only throws out unfounded lip service. Palestinians didnt have a choice who to vote for in the last election over a decade ago and there hasn't been any elections since so they have little to no options. That does not equate to supporting hamas. Like I said use your brain and do some research instead of just posting some drivel that shows you have little to no comprehension of what's actually going on there. The Palestinian population has no control over what Hamas does, or where they station their terrorist army or supplies. do some research before you reply as your lack of knowledge is on display.
  22. Hahaha are you trumps cousin? Claiming facts that don't exist doesn't make it true but nice try at deflection again
  23. I called your statements moronic. Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit is it.
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