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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. He just needs to follow there direction on validating he's the same person. Pretty standard. If he doesn't he could well just get a 30 day stamp on arrival
  2. Go to the embassy website and see what the time frame they quote for general processing is. It varies for a number of reasons so there's no real answer, thats why they give the general processing time on the site
  3. Most embassy websites give a general time for approvals. No guarantees are made and times vary. To apply with short lead time is foolish but lots do it and then come to complain.
  4. None of those issues has anything to do with a guy running a red light and hitting her. If she were 20, 30 or 50 it would be exactly the same outcome. Give blaming her for the accident a rest as the facts aren't on your side.
  5. I stopped reading after your first sentence about breeding. Shows your screen name is accurate. Sad
  6. Not sure what your looking at but you can't tell the distance from the i light in this angle so your guessing. Pulling into an intersection when you have a green light isn't an indication of her jumping the light. Having a car still moving coming up to there red light isn't abnormal as they should be slowing to a stop, not accelerating. Ive never timed them but I never seen any light taking 3 seconds between changes anywhere in thailand. Many lights have visible timers showing the impending change on all directions. Most all change almost instantly. Not sure where your seeing 3 seconds. Is it smart to look before you move in Thailand while driving, absolutely. Is she at fault for moving if her light is green, absolutely not. Is the guy blowing thru a red light not at fault, absolutely not. Go back and watch the video you posted the screen shot from. It clearly shows the red well before he got to the intersection. Your blaming her or giving equal fault for the actions of the guy running a red light. Poor on your part. Did she look, nothing shows she did or didn't, your guessing she didn't purely based on she got hit after moving. Enough of this debate. You weren't there nor was I but there's nothing I've seen no indicate she was at fault. Should she have waited before moving, probably based on common driving traits in thailand, I do. Does it make her at fault for moving no way.
  7. So she was gone 2 months prior and randomly shows up to "check" the house and finds him hung. Thats sounds kinda odd itself. Add then to start questioning about cashing out a life insurance policy. without knowing all the details it sounds a bit suspicious on the surface.
  8. The US didnt create the format and before the 1900 the UK used the same and then changed.
  9. you have no idea if she looked or not. you're guessing she didnt because she proceeded. Based on the speed it appears the other driver was going he wasnt close to the intersection when the light changed. She may have been looking the whole time waiting for the light. yes its always smart to look before proceeding but you werent there so you dont know. Either way you shouldnt paint her or imply she is at fault
  10. It was her "right" to turn on a green light, thats what the lights are for. Sounds like your blaming her rather than the idiot that ran a red light. Kinda pathetic point of view on this
  11. I don't recall him saying his nationality.. He wrote that he sent the pp to his embassy in bkk so I think they do
  12. They are both easy to understand and if its that difficult to comprehend then maybe the issue lies somewhere else
  13. I read the articles and didn't see anything the indicates they were or weren't the attachers, just there were 3 men involved so not sure of your statement.
  14. Unless there is heavy spraying flow you wont hear anything. So to chase a leak in this manner, while one option, may be unproductive.
  15. There is was no quickly turning left if her light was green, then automatically the car's light would have already been red and it clearly appears the car speed was accelerating
  16. Never heard of any embassy that can't help solve an issue like this with obtaining an expedited PP . Get a police report and copies of the emails from your reputable forwarding company showing the package is missing and contact your embassy either here or in home country. Explain the problem and ask for support to solve the problem
  17. LDC in NST is excellent and can handle any major dental issues
  18. Your beating a dead horse and I'm not misquoting, you are. I'm done with you and your distortion on this. Good bye
  19. They are called by different names.. in the USA its called a Nova Vent. Your picture is the best way for plumbing the sink to connect the sink if there is no vent line running out thru the roof, which you may not have in a condo and based on thai plumbing. There should be main waste and vent stacks but no guarantee. The article you linked isn't actually completely accurate but close. If you have a vent stack there is no negative pressure created as you draw air in from that vent stack, without a vent stack then yes you have negative pressure. Drain and waste plumbing in Thailand leaves a bunch to be desired. Show the plumber your pic and explain you want a one way air vent valve or cap. He should know or the plumbing supply store should know.
  20. Your quoting buying power in your comments, he wouldnt lose anything other than opportunity value.
  21. Plenty of people can comfortably live on 40k a month. The rest is your life style choices good or bad.
  22. You should look at your own behavior and conduct before you judge others. If that's a relationship that works for him\her its their choice or why its like that. As I said you don't know the details but that never stops your rude and obnoxious comments does it?
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