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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. I never said that nor claimed he said that so not sure what your talking about. Perhaps if you go back and read what he wrote and then my reply and it will make sense. He's complaining that they upped the price, when he clearly wrote that the first time he used them it was a promo (and what the normal price was: 500 baht) but now they raised the rate when he went to use them again for the 2nd time and is complaining that isnt how business should be done by raising rates.
  2. you should receive a confirming receipt just like a bank transaction but it may only list the email you sent to. Do you not know who you are sending money to? if your afraid its a scam dont send it that way and get more detail first
  3. yes it is. They even wrote that and you quoted it in your post???? Did you not read what you wrote?
  4. The same ones that grow up to be early 20's and date 50 to 70 year old men. Plenty on here, just ask them
  5. I stand by my statments and if you had half the brain you think you do you would understand as well. Do what you want but no need to be a tool. Not one misleading statement whether you agree or not doesn't matter to me as youve shown your ignirance
  6. i have no clue WTF your talking about bout Im sure if you drink enough you may figure it out
  7. No problem with my finances or my tax references nor are they lame. So not sure what your referencing about. Have a great day
  8. I disagree, it'll become more difficult in the future as banking regs continue to tighten and come more in line with the rest of the world. Its already significantly harder to open your initial accounts to start the process. Sure you can get an agent to open an acct but thats already starting to dry up due to the grey market and mule account issues. They have to address the electronic scamming and add more oversight to do that and with the new version of taxation coming on line it will become more difficult for the banking industry to provide falsified documentation. Its no easier in the south than anywhere else. If that option dries up people using agents to cover the lack of funds better be prepared to preload their accts with cash or face starting over from scratch at renewal time.
  9. That's not what the refs call for both at the beginning in applying, during the year or prior to the next renewal.
  10. most agents charge more than that but if you can get it at that price thats great. If you use an agent with them supplying the financial details that's actually illegal but accepted by many if your not caught out on it. Your info on interest etc is a typical excuse and used by many especially agents to justify using them. If you do the math on the cost of the agent fee compared to the interest you make on 1 year of 800k invested elsewhere it's not much money at all. its far easier and cost effective to put your 800k in the bank for the first permission of stay extension and at the same time transfer 65k (if retired vs married ) every month since you need money to live on each month anyway. After the first year you convert over to the monthly method as you can both take your 800k back out and you can also spend every baht of the 65k each month without any issue. This also saves you the agent fee every year in the future and avoids getting caught out with any other issues. If you dont want the hassel of going to file the paperwork but have all the financial yourself and its just a matter of filing that's a different issue altogether (and far cheaper) as many older expats arent in the best of health.
  11. Not sure we which a hole wins this one. The hit and run driver or the idiot that refused care at the private has
  12. Airline will probably be ok with the tablet pic but imm officer will want to see a printed version to match to the data page in pp
  13. Its illegal not to maintain the money in the bank per regulation by using an agent to falsify that you do have cash in the bank. If you decide to go away from using an agent like this then you may find yourself starting over unless you happen to already have either put the 800k in the bank ahead of time or done 12 monthly transfers internationally for the whole year prior.
  14. The average Thai, while maybe not liking him or agreeing with what is happening with him and his punishment or other Hi So privileged, dont really care enough because their daily life never changes and hasn't in decades. So there's never any impact on them that changes anything, if you have nothing and lose nothing it's status quo. when you live a subsistence life and have for generations you become complacent, and your main concern is how do I eat today and maybe tomorrow. Next week, month or year never comes into the picture. The closest its come to real action was the demonstrations and take over in the BKK parks that generated the last coup to occur. The more recent demos by younger thais evaporated during the elections when they thought there was change coming.
  15. English and mandarin are not the only 2 languages spoken. Counters aren't the problem
  16. You don't know much about immigration regs. There is nothing that says you can come as often as you like, there just no limit number stated like land\sea border entries. That does not equate to you can come as often as you like on visa exempt entries. Yes, immigration has wide discretion of judgement here just like every country in the world. Entitled people just seem to feel they should never be stopped, questioned or denied. Dont like their process you could go to a friendlier country and not worry about it
  17. Being directed thru the immigration hall to proper process points is hardly being " drilled or commandeered like prisioners" , especially given how many different languages are spoken or understood. I'd love to see you try and deal with that chaos of mass incoming people that don't have a clue what to do or where to go and don't speak the language fluently Nd aren't listening
  18. I tend to agree with most of what you said. Not sure about the yabba but maybe more of losing his cool because so many foreigners not listening and following instructions after being told repeatedly. Also the screaming and yelling is what's been claimed by the OP but that may be an exaggeration due to his overall issue of being denied. I've heard imm officers have to talk loudly in order to get people's attention in that area as it can become quite chaotic with the large groups arriving all at once, especially some of the tour groups.
  19. Not rubbish at all, you heard what he wanted to say and then the story slowly changed. later he added he had been flagged in the system from past entry issues. Only rubbish is your reply. The job of the Imm officers worldwide is to assess the individual for acceptance for entry in a country. Happens in every country
  20. The Imm was following the process as the system was flagging the OP for issues in the past and apparently from excessive entries. That is the job of Imm officers worldwide. You're also only hearing 1/2 of the story told by the irritated OP, which i am sure isn't complete. You're just seeing and hearing it in the small space you seem to occupy. Unfortunately people like you think you're entitled to never be question or stopped during the entry process for any reason and if you are then obviously the Imm is always wrong, a rogue or an idiot.
  21. I suspect there's more to this story than the op is telling and some parts exaggerated but thats just my take on claims like these from over the years
  22. I suspect there's more to this story than the op is telling and some parts exaggerated but thats just my take on claims like these from over the years
  23. I suspect there's more to this story than the op is telling and some parts exaggerated but thats just my take on claims like these from over the years
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