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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. Bad advice to suggest bribing any govt offical. You just asking for more problems and expectations in the future
  2. Do you have a filter in your brain that checks what you think before you write it? Read your own comments and responses as if someone else wrote them and I think you will see most of the discrimination is within you and your projecting it to others
  3. Nowhere in what you wrote shows any discrimination so you may want to review your thoughts. It seems more like your focused on negative actions to the point that anything that happens you automatically associate it to discrimnation against you. Focus on your own actions and don't worry about what others do as they may be reacting for different reasons than your imagining.
  4. No they had it infinitely worse than anything you're experiencing and shouldn't even come into the conversation as a comparison.
  5. You can't control what others think or feel, only your own actions. If someone is uncomfortable around you and you aren't doing anything to promote that issue then it's on the other person not you. Not sure where you live that you have such experiences but maybe a change of area would show you a different reaction set. What you describe is nothing remotely like you portray about blacks and the civil rights movement.
  6. They post the time schedule at the station when you buy the ticket. Did you not look to see the schedule or just want to complain.
  7. In a condo structure you own and are responsible only for items inside your condo, interior wall to wall and floor to ceiling. Any service running to your condo, water, electric and gas are common area elements and building responsibility untill the service enters your condo.
  8. Your getting a variety if conflicting info here. You need to establish who the juristic entity is and get a copy of the Condo docs\regulations. You should also have a board of directors to hold meetings and interface with the juristic entity. Those docs should spell out what you own and are responsible for. Condos generally it's interior wall to wall and ceiling to floor with all exterior envelope owned and funded by the master condo entity from your HOA fees. It should also spell out what are considered common areas, what are considered restricted use common areas (typically balcony's, terraces or patios) as well as having proper financial budgets set for monthly operating contract expenses and repairs, a annual capital expense budget for common area maintenance and upkeep and a reserve capital plan and budget for long term maintenance, typically a 25 year plan. My guess is your building like most here has next to none of those and is a financial disaster waiting to happen.
  9. It's not correct or even close. Im not seeing a vent line off the waste line ( forget about ever using a p- trap) and without one in this configuration you may well have problems with that many 90's in a short run. They should have moved the ceiling hanger and piped it properly. Not surprising though as rarely is done to any code here for plumbing or electrical.
  10. No where to start. He was outling what he did successfully so need to explain how he should do it as it was done already
  11. they didn't follow procedure for a reason. Now if it ever gets to court they can potentially get the charges dismissed as they were "denied their rights", bonus not having to name any higher up names (like the oversight inspector that didn't come) that were involved. And where did the money go, into the wind I suppose.
  12. Am I reading this correctly? They made the statement that they needed to draft a law making it illegal to extort money or accept bribes from criminals and that it would be very difficult but that it could be done if they added a clause that gives descretion on a case by case basis. WTF!
  13. Still no excuse if they are law enforcement of any kind they should have stepped in. Other foreigners connected to bar or not isn't their concern
  14. According to the article there were police or "law enforcement" that witnessed the incident. If they saw it happening why didn't they step in to stop it?
  15. Yes the Russian added to the problem. But it was the Grey market Chinese business' that got caught and all the fake accounts that had been opened for them that started the ball rolling
  16. One story says real estate market is booming next story says opposite. The "rich" will do well as they use other people's money to better themselves. Meanwhile there are properties sitting on the market since the beginning of Covid and still not selling. My advice, invest your moneyy wisely cause you may never see it again.
  17. Probably true. The question I have is who called the Excise Director about the stoppage of the tsnker or how who got him involved. Let's hear that part of the story
  18. Yep, but only for people that haven't done the photo update. The time is getting closer for it to "officially" be required, whenever and whatever that means. And it is for everyone not just Thai's
  19. Thats because the courts here are ambiguous and pick and choose who, how and when to enforce the laws.
  20. again who are you referring to that's "finding excuses"? its a simple question to answer
  21. The intent of the law and the way the language is written for the law are 2 different issues. I believe the written version says you can not own shares of a media company. The question will most likely come down to did he actually own the shares. The company was delisted but is still "operating" so to speak only due to a lawsuit against the govt which they can not close. Pita originally stated that the shares were not owned by him but rather in a trust when his father died and he was just the executor of the trust. That fact now seems to have gotten very blurry.
  22. Well if what's been reported is true, there is a huge issue with what was verbally stated and recorded in the share holder meeting and what was supplied as the transcript of the meeting. That's only one hurdle that should be easy to overcome. It's the other crap behind the scenes that is troubling his path.
  23. Its become quite difficult in BKK as a result of the fake accounts created by the Chinese in the grey market scandal. Typically you need a Certificate of Residency which you cant get normally until you file your 90 day report. I was, along with a number of other people, able to open an account with Krungsri Bank while here on a visa exempt entry with an extension without the C of R back in November 2022 before the Chinese problem surfaced. Some on here will say that's "rubbish" and I didnt, but I did do it. I am down in NST and others were in Phuket, Pattaya and several other places. I only had a passport, TM30 copy and an International Drivers Permit, which for some reason they were quite insistent to see and copy it. I also had account verification letters from my 2 banks in the USA but they said "no need". I explained I would be converting to a Non Imm O for retirement and needed to start making my deposits. They called the main Office in BKK and confirmed with them and opened my account. Most will say you will be required to buy an insurance policy but the girl I dealt with only showed me the paperwork and said if I was interested but never asked me to buy it. You can also use an agent to open an account if you strike out everywhere.
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