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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. Im not a fan of what Russian Govt is doing in Ukraine but that has little to nothing to do with Thailand allowing tourist to come to the country. Tourism isnt supporting the Russian war in any way. The Russians that are coming are by and large people escaping the war. Now if Thailand was welcoming the govt in mass (not a single govt official on holiday) it would be different. Thailand is only concerned with boosting Tourism so they can capture much needed revenue to the country and their own pockets. Morality never cashed a check or paid a bill or made a deposit in a bank in Thailand.
  2. Truth and fact dont exist. It's all covert ideas and media guesses mixed with misinformation from the old guard using the media coverage to sow doubt in the general population. Truth has little to with anything, its about adjusting the perception of the people until the next big issues comes along and pushes this one under the water and out of view. Only the misinformation is left in the minds of many thais.
  3. Thought you said earlier you think he has lots of rental which doesn't convert to a positive knowledge.
  4. If the price is that bad why did you rent it? Sounds like renters remorse to me. Being vacant for 3 prior years has nothing to do with your situation does it?
  5. according to the OP the landlord hasnt been contacted just the rental agency. I think he may find out (maybe not) that the rental agent is the one keeping the deposits and the landlord is disconnected for whats going on like you would think or has an agreement with the agent
  6. Its so the BIB match the knockoff outlaw tee shirt colors rather than a real bikers traditional leather biker colors
  7. You need to inspect from the inside between the ceiling drywall and the back of the roof tiles. If its been leaking that much there should be water stains of the rafters. You will also be able to see directly above the spots where its leaked thru and see if there are surfaces it can run down if the leak is a distance away
  8. There are a couple countries that Wise will not take a debit or credit transfers from. They also will not take a US card if the Wise account address doesn't match the US card address. I believe that's a requirement of the US card issuers\Banks and is enforced by Wise. I believe it's for scam prevention.
  9. I had the same type of bite from a small tick 2 years ago and it took about 1 year for the lump to go away and the itching to stop. The skin in that area is still discolored. I went to the Dr in thailand with no luck from the medicine. I also went to a US Dr in the states and got Triamcinolone creme which help some but it just took time. Wife got a small insect that spray a chemical on her shoulder causing a skin burn that itched and discolored her skin which is still discolored 3 year now. Several insects can cause this apparently. Go see a dermatologist if you need meds or want to get it checked
  10. I don't see by the comments you posted that have been said don't seem to constitute a desperate attempt to be your gf. Anyway, have you thought about actually talking to them and explaining your view of how you want to proceed. That will sort out everything quickly for both you and the girl.
  11. No the thread is not nearly long enough and he didn't follow with 25 replies to his own post
  12. My opinion is that the concept of "online trending" is a media construct. Media outlets create impressions of what's trending and what's popular for their own benefit to enhance use of their service or platform. How many times have you seen "taking internet by storm" or so popular it "crash the internet" or other like promotions. As you mentioned you use little to no social media and your life continues to function normally. Thats a win in my book
  13. He should be worried as laminated wood on a stair edge is not a great idea although may look good at original installation. The stair edge gets the most pressure and contact during use. They will continue to wear and chip over time. If it were me I would look at removing and replacing that detail with a solid wood stair edge cap. Not sure exactly the construction of the tread and laminate edge so you may have to replace the whole stair tread to deal with an edge cap replacement if you go that route
  14. Check your spyware and security software settings. Disconnect from the internet and then turn off your security software and see what happens to cpu usage. Something is obviously running in the background to keep the usage up and if all other programs are closed there only a few options that would cause this and hdd or ssd will not be part of the issue unless they delay or crash functioning of a program while its being used.
  15. Didn't they just announce in the last couple days they shut the solar purchase program down or will quite shortly for new applicants due to safety reasons? The article was in bankkok post this week
  16. Thats scary that based on the questions you listed you think you know a lot about business in Thailand. I suspect you have average knowledge based on those posted questions and shouldn't ridicule others for their questions or comments.
  17. I would add NO Cell Phone Use on the bike minimum 30 days loss of bike and if 2nd time 6 months you lose the bike. Teach her to ride properly and what to watch out for so she can understand what's really at stake. If there's a local bike accident, take her to see what can happen.
  18. Thats about the only play you have is to communicate clearly but directly about your concerns and why they are concerns. I would try to work on it in pieces so its not overwhelming to either of you and easier to make small but positive changes Don't expect any immediate and quick changes as it will be a process to get her re-invested in the the family and home rather than the card games
  19. good luck with that but I wouldnt waste any money pursuing that idea as you will lose in the end despite what you think about having an "expensive lawyer". Your in thailand and you have no legal standing.
  20. It seems there is an issue more with the son than the mom. If the boy hates being at your house to the point he runs away like you describe that's where attention needs to be shown. I would be working on the issues with the son and resolve that as that's where the problem is.
  21. The term "Self Insured" is an inaccurate term in my opinion as it implies that you have sufficient assets set aside just for Medical Emergencies. Oddly there is no guide or directive that shows how many assets you must have set aside for "Self Insurance". Self pay is a more accurate term to be used unless you have assets segregated exclusively and sufficiently to cover the major medical expenses that could occur, which I'm betting most people dont.
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