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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. Try looking for real live women at the places you go. Most chances on a dating site are repetitive to what you saw yourself. Go to the park, libraries or places of interest to you. It's not hard to meet someone in real world situations with the same interests as you.
  2. You can also use Western Union. Very competitive with wise rates. It just takes a couple days for the transfer to go thru. I don't belive coding for immigration purposes goes thru with these or not
  3. This is not the correct way but 1 way (Thai way) they try to fix it. It can work but may also fail later cracking the tile. There is no way to know if there are voids that were missed in that tile. As well as others. Based on your comment on still hearing a hollow sound I would say it could fail. If it were Mei would ask for spare tiles that match as you may find the same problem on other tiles later. No way to match them later if you break one or more. Just my opinion.
  4. They may have been this corrupt for a long time. It's just getting I to the public view more now. U fortunately nothing g really happens to them or seldom does. Transferred to a new post, generally no loss of pay or benefits and If it makes it to court it's years later and hardly ever any flow up stories in the news
  5. Yes you can try to do that but it doesn't work. He was not given a new bank book and then was arrested
  6. It goes much farther back than Thaksin and much higher.
  7. Shameful the number of stories like this and the amount and level of corruption and the govt officials and departments involved. The frequency of these stories that come out in the news is just the tip of the iceberg floating under the level of sight. Yet the average local can barely keep up with the lowest levels of liveablity
  8. I'm not sure that's possible to explode with that much force to blow the front off the car and break the guys leg. I think there's more to it than this story posted. I've seen them crack but an evplosion with that much force????
  9. Maybe the problem is her and "her need" for financial support. Also needing to marry again to get that "needed financial support" . Sounds like she's just bouncing around looking for the golden goose.
  10. Not true for me, I was receiving the notice on my phone app until I went in on Monday of last week. Once they updated the system with info the notice stopped. I can't speak to your experience but several others have posted the same info.
  11. They were posting it until early last week on my phone app as I went in on Monday and after the picture was taken and passport info linked to acct thru there " new system" it stopped for me. I can't speak to anyone elses experience or whatever branch is used but they definetly update software as the branch manager had to come to the clerk and authorize the update.
  12. I think your claim is not accurate but that's on you Krungsri did it for me 2 weeks ago and for a number of others. I've posted the notice from Krungsri to you already. They send that notice to all customers using phone app so they certainly know the requirements. The notice clearly states it's for foreigners as well with direction to bring your passport and bank book. Maybe its just your branch or just you. As I've said, the confusion is within bank to bank not with me. Several people have also report that their transfers were stopped until they go in and get the facial photo update. Believe what you want I really don't care. I'm done with this discussion with you.
  13. There's really no problem disclosing the office, many do it all the time and it helps others avoid potential problems and also may give you first hand info that is useful at that office for you. One thing that seems to get overlooked in these situations is that the Imm officer has the discretion to ask for additional information or documents not listed. It's in the regs that they can and there is no list so what's fair or not, what's right or not can go right out of the window. They can use their own judgements (often flawed) based on what they see or think they see. I'm not saying they are right or agreeing with them doing it but they have that option if they choose to exercise it.
  14. Nothing to forget as this is everyday news reporting and incomplete investigationsand now follow up. My comment was just that. I don't know the people involved so no affect on my life directly. Sad that a baby to be treated like that.
  15. Not sure why you make comments like that, they are not necessary and offer no useful purpose. He already stated he didn't want to cause a stinking or other problems. Like many that post here, there is often a worry about reprisals.
  16. This story makes absolutely no sense. The mother was at home doing house work, feed the baby who fell asleep near to the grandmother. The baby cried so much that grandma got the son to deal with the baby but the mother wasn't asked to change the "soiled diaper" or take care of her crying baby??? That's just the start of a ridiculous story and it doesn't sound completely truthful to me
  17. Either this is a bs posting to stir up the comments or if your serious your being used and she's milking you and probably others since she's blocked FB from you. Read your own words and imagine if a friend wrote that scenerio to you.
  18. Not true, I did mine and they used passport and bank book and took ID photo. Then called the manager over to double check and approve the update to their system. Stop make false claims about not linking passport to your account
  19. While there's been enough reports and admissions by the going back to the 1950 of having UAP\UFO on our planet its hard to argue the military isn't pursuing it. With that said, if they are able to tranverse space\distance\ time\speed\gravity and optics I suspect their technology level is so far ahead of where we are that we pose a miniscule threat to them. Since they seem to have been around us for an unlimited time if they were hostile we would already know it. It's pretty obvious the military is doing what they always do, pursuing a combat use for the tech and exploiting it secretly hidden in black budget, unacknowledged programs in the private sector
  20. Exactly my point. They act without regard and no much of anything ever happens to them because "it was just a misunderstanding".
  21. I don't need your advice. I read a variety of news sources and I have nothing wrong. Perhaps you should worry about yourself and not me.
  22. Not correct as I stated I just went in begining of last week and did it at their request. The took my passport, my bank book and photo and the updated my bank book so not sure what your talking about. Your also wrong about not being for foreigners as I have the notice that popped up every time I used the phone app clearly stating for foreigners. Here's their notice, which stopped as soon as I did it: If you haven't had your photo taken with us, please visit any Krungsri Bank branch with your ID card/passport (for foreigners) to register your face for identity verification in KMA starting from 27 June 2023 when transferring money 50,000 Baht or more per transaction and cumulative transfers of 200,000 Baht/day.
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