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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. If that's why your into farming that's great as it's not farming for income but pleasure. Big difference compared to trying to run it as a business
  2. Love how they claim it was not a serious situation only a verbal argument. I can guarantee the lady it happen to was frightened beyo d belief at a gang of thugs yelling and screaming and making her get out of the van and take her luggage out of the van and walk. They should fineall the taxi drivers involved but they won't. It's just a misunderstandingso it's OK. TiT
  3. Kringrsri has been posting it for over a month and it's for everyone. A couple people keep claiming it's just a translation error but it's closer to poor internal communication at the banks. Thai's have to bring the ID card and bank book, foreigners have to bring bank book and passport. I did mine 2 weeks ago. The confusion is still between the banks, their branches and the banking regulators. The July date has been mentioned also for over a month
  4. It happens more often than not when your in govt, imm, police, wealthy, ect.... Stories hit the social media circuit and some action is taken but the stories evaporate after the next story comes along. Transfering to inactive posts still with pay and many times years go by before it makes it to court. It's not playing a card when it's the truth. I guess you haven't been here long enough or ignore the news The one thing I will say is in most ordinary thais' turn themselves in and confess, (unless your in a special group) that generally will get you off 1/2 and sentence if you get one and firminir crap throw in a Wai and money and walk away.
  5. So i invented this story and planted it on social media. I made nothing up, reading isn't your strong suit. All that happen way after the fact. My point exactly is, he turned himself in. They didn't go arrest him and had he not turned himself in they weren't even considering charges as it was " a domestic conflict" .
  6. I don't need to search your posts, you wrote them so do it yourself
  7. Your just blowing smoke as my comment was clear about the issue and your previous comments about farming. Don't like people replying then move along.
  8. You may be the one not on the playing field. Are you a farmer and I this situation or just blowing smoke?
  9. And how much are you really spending to be a subsistence farmer? I'm betti g if you add it up your in losing even though you don't have to go but those veggies and fruits
  10. The money mostly evaporates before it gets to the farmers.
  11. The govt subsidies seem to evaporate before they reach most local farmers. Wife's farm never got I assistance payment from the govt during covid. Most in the area didn't either.
  12. It's the same all over thailand in agriculture. My wife's farm in the south was converted from rice some 40 years ago. Now they grow rubber, fish, palm, beetlenut, vegetables, coconuts, herbs, bananas and durian and still just break even. It's gotten down to be Subsistence farming because the prices at market from the buyers coupled with the govt set pricing leaves nothing for profit while fertilizers and feed and supplies have gone up. Add the inflation cost of food and gas\diesel and there's nothing left.
  13. This story reeks of the classic bs published constantly to deflect facts. The story claims it was not a crime committed but just Domestic altercation, which implies it's beating up your wife and damaging the car is not good but still OK and not a crime that it happen since it was just a marital dispute. And no where near as serious as a "real crime". The wife is in the hospital and hasn't filed a report and is just ensuring her safety. That's code for " if you file a legal complaint the beating you got already is nothing compared to what will happen next". Meanwhile the police just twiddle their thumbs and do zero law enforcement.
  14. Actually the IO have a lot of discretion available to accept or deny applications based on the info they are looking at and\or request additional documents or information. It's in the regs if you want to read thru them. I'm not saying they are correct in the manner they handle or communicate but they have discretion. In my opinion this is more fallout from the Chinese visa scandal and some offices not wanting to get questions and open a can of worms for themselves so easier to pass the problem off to another province or embassy.
  15. In many cases you can not get a C o R without doing a 90 day report. A number of people were able to open an account with Krungsri while on a tourist visa. I did while on an extension of a visa exempt last Nov. A lot more banks are being super cautious now due to the Chinese visa scam and all the Grey business and fraudulent accounts attached to them. You can shop a few different branches as they all seem to have there own rules or bend them. No guarantees but Bangkok is getting harder while other provinces seem a bit more flexible.
  16. It's a scam. They dont have attached links they would tell you to log in to your Gmail account directly. Anything with a link should not be used as that's how they infect your machine or phone with virus'. MS has nothing to do with Gmail accounts
  17. If I remember correctly didnt they ban or remove school rights from cutting hair over a year or two ago. I guess it doesn't apply to every school. Having parents sign a MOU giving the school gardianship of students is absurd and I would guess most parent don't know what that could mean
  18. Hahahha, I wish I were lucky enough for pick up every day or even 2 or 3 days. They are suppose to pick up every week here in Thung Song in NST and we're lucky if they come 1 time a month. But they are on time first week of the month for payment for 4 pick ups.
  19. Never a rush until they start to drive a car or scooter
  20. That's my point also but if you say it the wrong way you get a warning and put in AN jail.
  21. yes I just got out of the box last week while 2 others that said the same thing had no issue. i didnt lose any sleep over it though.
  22. Im still confused at how an IO knew or found out she was on overstay and started the money train going down the tracks.
  23. Yes there's something wrong here. First off the story sounds very odd to be paying a bribe monthly for overstay when she is a Thai citizen and should have come in on a Thai passport and\or gotten a new Thai passport if the old one was expired. She's Thai so there's not much they would do to here. Are you sure the 5K baht is really going to a Imm officer for overstay and not going somewhere else?????
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