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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. So you have an irresponsible kid. Has nothing to do with this story
  2. That's not what the story stated. I have no idea how the older man got a high school sport shirt but he got it from somewhere and the kid claims he doesn't lend and isn't missing any so I say the story sounds odd
  3. Wild guess here but it does seem suspicious that a dead guy has a gym shirt from a famous school with a specific guys name on it but that guy doesn't know anything. He never loans his shirts or clothes to anyone. Hmmm let's see how long that story holds up
  4. I made my point earlier in my post, you can go back and read it again, I think I was pretty clear and it's comment on a public forum
  5. I made my point earlier in my post, you can go back and read it again, I think I was pretty clear and it's comment on a public forum
  6. No need for you to post all those empty meaningless labels as they have nothing to do with this story. It's people as a mass and in general that need to wake up and stop this stuff from being allowed to continue. They need to publicly post this along with penalties and punishments handed down. No 12 sentence because you confess. The news agencies need to do better on follow up reports so the public knows the outcome. Parents need to teach their children right from wrong and do their job as parents.
  7. The quality of those bolts are not as high grade as you believe. Add that to the chemicals in the water and you have your answer.
  8. This is an old case going back a couple months I believe there were 9 officials originally implicated so not sure what happened to the others. Maybe a follow up article by the news agency would be helpful as stories tend to just evaporate into thin air as another story takes it's place.
  9. I'm interested, What bank is paying you 5 % interest on your account checking or savings account?
  10. His statement isn't completely accurate there are lots of Indian born doctors in the USA. In the Washington DC area there are probably 30% of the gp's are Indian born.
  11. No it's really not really a catch allbut more a category. It can be caused by several different things, from foods you eat, condition of the lining of the bowels, chemicals you produce as part of digestion or medicine you take. That's the reason I suggested seeing a specialist and not just guessing and Trying different medication on your own, especially antibiotics. I've was diagnosed over 35 years ago and given a regiment of foods to avoid and medications to avoid and control it pretty successfully but I did have to change things in my diet.
  12. You could have IBS. Go to a good gastro\enterologist and stop guessing. No one on the forum can tell you as it could be a number of things. Shoot Sheryl a message and see what her advice is.
  13. I guess no one knows what a metal buckle is anymore do they?
  14. I believe he was not able to prove he sold the shares to his mother in a "proper time line" with registering as a candidate. He even showed traffic speeding tickets he received while in route trying to return to BKK to file the paperwork. His filing date was very questionable and then he also loaned money personally to his party which was also cause for being disqualified
  15. It was all over the news when it was going on. He even presented speeding tickets he received as part of his defense that he was rushing back from the campaigning for filing the paperwork. Google is your friend
  16. The only problem with your thinking is there's something called a contract and they typically include a non compete clause, so it's not quite that easy
  17. You dont get free training at any franchise unless you're some type of employee first. You pay to play.
  18. Yeah that was thrown in there too. I'm not sure what the end result was about that donation issue because a couple of the other parties had made "donations" of one sort or another. I think that's why all their regs are made of rubber so they can mould them as they need to fit the occasion
  19. No that's not completely accurate. He owned the shares but sold them to his mother on a date that was questionable and the paperwork was also not filed timely.
  20. I believe the issue is owning shares not holding shares. The shares in question (if true) were his father's and are in a legal trust that Pita is only the executor for the trust, so he does not own them nor anything else in the trust. I'm sure the wording of the regs will magically be changed
  21. Sell the car or tow it away and store it. Get him a driver to take him around
  22. I would agree it should be an owner issue to resolve other than the pump out. The draining test in the current pit would support your position to the owner to have them fix it. Do you have a separate septic tank for the waste side. If so the smell may becoming from there and it may also be full. Plumbing in Thailand is not a skill that is handled correctly in most instances
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