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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. Is there any wonder that the country is in the condition it's in when blatant corruption by would be politicians is now published openly in the news for all to see while the average Thai family struggles to make ends meet.
  2. Interesting how you change your opinion when responding to someone other than me on this issue.
  3. One aspect of this situation not being discussed is that it's centered around not affording to get him home. What about the hospital bill being racked up for the time in hospital. I'm sure it's not cheap and escalating daily.
  4. Actually the safety gear is only 1 aspect considered. There could be other issues that kick in that people don't consider depending on the policy which is my point to those that claim they have full coverage without question. The insurance company is in control of determining exclusions and then it's up to you to fight them over it, which is generally a long drawn out process
  5. You appear to be just wanting to antagonize the people you claim are russian. it sounds more like your acting just as racist tool. If the people are causing you concern go to the juristic agent and report them and let them handle it.
  6. I read the full article and certainly don't need you to explain it. You're the one that questioned the story and was insisted to know more, like you have a personal stake in the issue. Of course the story isn't completely accurate and there were probably other motives involved. In the end does it really matter? The end result is still the same. Is that clearer for you?
  7. The sad part is the news media seldom if ever follow up on these cases so the end result isn't public in the majority of them. The just keep plowing forward as a new case will pop up in a day or two and the old ones will vanishinto the ether
  8. Sorry if you don't like when people disagree with you. Typical trumpette response. Only thing you seem to be able to do is post your canned response as a way to avoid dealing with comments on here. No need to reply as I know what you'll say. Have a great day
  9. The only implication behind what I wrote is their are always exclusions to Every insurance policy. I never said they were hidden. Hopefully people read them (most do not) and understand them but in the end the insurance companies hold the decision making process based on a variety of factors which are not spelled out and are situation specific. So you could be in the right from your view and the insurance company can claim otherwise. Then it turns to a pissing match on collecting which usually isn't a speedy process by any means
  10. Apparently you didn't read what I wrote. I never said life in prison, you did. I said repetitive violent offenders need to held accountable. When there's a clear pattern of assault and violence that's a huge red flag but I guess you may be color blind
  11. There is something that can be done if the govt chose to. Proper driver training before missing any license. Enforcement of traffic laws. Improve the road conditions to provide proper space for the scooter riders just as a start. Stop the underage children from riding scooters and provide better transportation options to accommodate their need to travel.
  12. Actually you pretty close to the mark on this. The hush money in itself is fairly insignificant but when you couple that with the timing of his campaign and trying to hide it is the basis for many of the charges he's facing in this indictment.
  13. For a repetitive offender like him certainly shouldn't be out on the street repeating the same or worse anytime soon. If you think he should I'm sure you would have a different view had he killed a loved on of yours. Some people are habitual criminals without regard for their actions. Defending him shows a good deal about character
  14. You dont seem to follow your own advice. Just like all the trumpettes, IMO
  15. You need to post a source for your claims according the standard you reply to me
  16. Plenty of reports available to you but it appears you can't be bothered. If you can't be bothered then apply your same comments to your own posts
  17. There goes that Trump love again. Maybe a reach around is in order. Google may help jog your brain for the countless and baseless claims he's made
  18. And where exactly are you getting the info from? I'd love to see a link for that
  19. Thai justice system strikes again. How many times do we see these stories of repeat offenders killing people, burning down family homes, stealing etc. Just. Give a Wai and fruit basket and your good to go.
  20. Are you on the police force working the case?
  21. Not sure why you think it was a deposit when the article says it was in the dispenser either way it doesn't matter, the guy didnt take it and turned it in. Good on him
  22. Yes there is. Google or reading is not your strong suit http://www.thailawforum.com/database1/Treaty-of-China.html
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