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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. They certainly should have a name and I'd card copy from her registering\checking in. As for the owner charging the staff for the losses that's completely and utterly being an ahole and he should be reported on social media and to the labor board. Scumbag of an owner and I hope his employees all look for and find new jobs and dump his a$$
  2. I fell asleep twice reading it.
  3. No, its asking for a facial photo to be taken and kept on file. A couple others I know with a Krungsri accts went in and did some kind of photo record??? It may be completely in error but either way I'll be stopping by the local branch and get it taken care of one way or the other. I think it should be for all and hopefully may cut down on the scammers pulling large amounts. Just my opinion
  4. Nope it's in English if you mean the message. There seems to be confusion\conflicting versions from different banks and sources as to whether it's for Thai only or foreigners or both. I'll be stopping at the Krungsri bank and checking. It makes no difference to me either way.
  5. You obviously have no clue what mdma\ecstacy or does so you may want to check your research before posting nonsense
  6. No sadly that's an actual fact and has happened many times over the years.
  7. If the autotopsy shows mdma toxicity was cause she didn't take just 1 pill she had a large amount or 1 f'n huge tablet
  8. The message I have on my banking app on the phone from Krungsri specifically say "for foreigners". This is from 2 minutes ago. I can't swear it's correct but it's been the same for over a week If you haven't had your photo taken with us, please visit any Krungsri Bank branch with your ID card/passport (for foreigners) to register your face for identity verification in KMA starting from 27 June 2023 when transferring money 50,000 Baht or more per transaction and cumulative transfers of 200,000 Baht/day.
  9. Evidence has never been a requirement for acquittal here
  10. You can log into your ssi account on line and confirm the payent was made and date. that narrows it to just banking delays for whatever reason they wait to offer.
  11. paranoia is one thing but this isnt paranoia so I would question what other substances were involved in this and whatever you claim to have seen in the past. Just my opinion but would bet money if a drug test was done you'd see other substances involved.
  12. I had a Co-worker that was a closet drunk from time to time. Wife got feed up and waited until he came home and passed out on the bed. She sewed the sheet up around him and then beat the shi$ out of him with a wet mop. Needless to say that he didn't sneak out drinking g anymore
  13. I have no problems and understood the OP perfectly. No need to thank me for the choices you make in life, those are on you have a great day
  14. I believe I pointed that out a couple times already so yes it can and does happen. That wasn't really the OP issue which is what I was responding to or trying to reply about
  15. Do whatever you want you that works for you. You seem to have missed the OP and issues that he raised about scammers. You also seem to not understand there are scammers that ship unordered items or junk COD. You have to pay the carrier first before you can even open the box. Then your stuck with it I can't help explain this any better so no need to respond anymore
  16. Boy gotta cross's all the t's and dot the i's for some. One of the biggest scams going is shipping a box of junk or nothing you've order COD and the seller isn't registered properly with lazada or shopee. You can print any shipper name on a package to fool peoole. You can't get a refund then as it wasn't actually ordered thru lazada or shoppee. As for why would you pay that's one of the issue in the OP, getting stuff delivered as COD and not knowinv if it's a real order or for who. That's why I made the suggestions I did
  17. If you'rr that knowledgeable shouldn't you know or be able to Calc that out in your business plan? Fishing for info isn't very effective or accurate and certainly doesnt support your claim to have run bars before. A few phone calls gets you cost of purchase or rents. Contractors would provide your build outs. Talk to the distributors of your products and you'd have that cost. But being so close to that type business you'd know that
  18. You get a " box delivered" but can't open it until after you pay the carrier. At least I've never had a carrier allow you to open and inspect the contents without paying first and then it's yours Nad he wo t take it back You are then stuck with it as you can't refuse it after opening it. Many have no problem with cod deliveries but scams using it do exist so at least be aware when something has been ordered I always pay with a cc so you have recourse thru them if it's a scam
  19. Again nope. There are too many add ons for various software that shouldn't be needed to start with. I have enough already and if a few errors here or there get thru I can own up to them they may generate some humor too
  20. Thanks but nope. I have too many add ons now as it is.
  21. I've never had a carrier allow a COD to be opened first.
  22. No it was me. I was fixing other spell correction changes and didn't notice I wrote it backward or would have fixed that too
  23. That's correct and is what I meant. I missed that error trying to fix the spell correction that always happens on AN.
  24. Your going to extremes here so yes a seller can scam you but that wasn't the point I was offering or the OP issue If multiple family members buy and ship cod to the shop there's no way of knowing real orders coming cod from pure fake. The other issue has no way around it if a seller sends you something different than you ordered and paid for.
  25. The airlines have already said they can't do it the way Thailand laid it out as there is no easy automated way to differentiate between the various classes or categories that would be exempt
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