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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. Yep, easy. They all know that they ordered something and all the info so it weeds out the COD scams that do exist
  2. Just tell all the family that you will not accept any cod packages at the shop anymore UNLESS the person ordering it does not tell you in advance that an order was placed, what it's for and the cost of cod and leave the money for payment.
  3. As I stated earlier the decision wasn't a military decision or one where the courts weren't acting, the message was from a bit higher up to solidify future actions, which did take place against the constitional charter
  4. When mine was done 20+ years ago they lasered me and added clips to prevent "possible regrowth or reconnection" dont know for sure if it can grown back together. Just do a test and they will tell you
  5. I was replying to your comment only if you didn't divorce in usa, they can recognize your marriage here for visa purposes and also if you want to remarry you must prove you're divorced. Once divorced in usa it's done,
  6. Other than for visa or remarrying purposes I don't believe they care one way or the other. The only issue would be the Thai wife going after you if she gets pissed about something but not really anything she could do unless you die. Then she could go after your US assets
  7. If you can't get the local Auth to pick them up then Pepper spray them once then pepper spray the ground and vegetation around front of your house
  8. I believe you have to file in the state in the USA you were married in. Thailand won't care unless you plan to remarry here though. It's only a couple hundred dollars for a lawyer to file it for you in the usa
  9. There was a bit more to the end of her time and it was from higher up than the military
  10. I was referring to the comment about farmers that were said to have killed themselves because they weren't paid. I am well aware of the rice scheme and who was behind it and who benefited from it
  11. What farmers are you referring too? I believe anyone that didn't get payed were screwed by the other govt officials managing the rice scheme for their own profit, not the PM, if memory serves me correctly
  12. There are a lot more issues involved in the lower tourist numbers. People not having the extra cash from the covid period, Higher than normal airfaire cost. Inflation across the globe, the corruption at every corner of the government with no end in site and no real action taken. The continued shakedown of tourist by officials in all corners, continued abductions and extortion of tourists by Chinese. Grey business' Sanction by officials for fees to approve tgem. The excess influx of Russians avoiding war and agovernment I'll prepared for annual seasonal problems spanning decades, ie: air pollution and annual flooding. The list goes on and it's ALL extremely visible with the expansion of social media so when people can see these conditions in the news daily why bring your family here fora vacation whe. There are so. Any other stable available places to visit?
  13. If your too scared to try it and it's not for you why in the world would you post this discussion? Haven't you already decided it's not for you?
  14. Yes I am saying there is a good possibility that the Hotspot is affecting the speed. You can Google that and see the answer. Easy to check, use your computer in an area that gives you wifi service direct and use your vpn to connect and see your speed. Then switch the computer from using the wifi direct with VPN and connect thru the Hotspot feature on your phone still using VPN on the computer and see your speeds
  15. That's my point in that the Hotspot is throttling the speed because it's routing not thru normal cell towers or servers but also thru the VPN depending on the phone and the carrier it can be dramatic or even impossible
  16. You mentioned using your IPhone hotspot but I'm not clear if your using the Hotspot each time you are losing thru put? And not using it when on someones wifi direct. If so that can be part of your issue as some carriers don't give the same thru put speed when using hotspot unless your pay extra for that hotspot service
  17. You apparently get hung up on the use of the words Ponzi and Pyramid without understanding or grasping the concept behind them, which is that in both scenerios there is no value asset supporting them (key and primary similarity) other than a perception they have value and the hope that everyone purchasing behind you continues to have that same perception. Since that's the case I can't help you and there is no purpose to try. You continue to try to make comparisons of other asset bearing investments as your justification which is completely off base. That shows if you don't see the stark difference between an asset based investment having value connected to the assets and it's hopeless to explain any spatial concept to you. That's your world and you can live there I don't. End of story. If you cannot grasp that simple concept of no asset supporing value then I cannot explain it in a manner acceptable to you (which I've already done more than once) I am over this conversation on this. Have a great day
  18. I've already explained it well enough and if the concepts are not ringing with you then fine. If you choose to view it differently then by all means go right ahead. Your arguments are circular so you are obviously well enough versed to make your own decisions
  19. I understand perfectly well. What you fail to understand is the concept behind it. Your fixating on the word Ponzi not the concept of it. Maybe you should read up on what a Ponzi scheme is as what you just described is not completely accurate. It is based on a non existent enterprise or "investment" that has no asset base. The original scheme based on the man named Ponzi used money's paid in from later investors to make it appear the nonexistent enterprise was profitable and would continue to increase in value causing others to continue to invest based on that perception of continued increasing value, based on nothing. Bitcoin is a non existent enterprise without an asset base to back it up. As I mentioned earlier bitcoin is very similar to a combination of Ponzi Scheme and Pyramid Scheme. If you don't like those words change them to something else but maintain the meaning behind the concept. That's my opinion, sorry but we'll just have to disagree on this. There's really nothing more to explain or discuss on this.
  20. Not quite true as banks are insured at least to some limits and have assets on their books that carry value even if they fail whereas crypto does not.
  21. Swissie, Arent you glad you asked about this topic? You'll never get a straight answer, just a bunch of differing opinions about what a word means, what is value, is gold safe, will govt collapse, what about a run on a bank, What does the concept of Ponzi mean, are there Pyramid Schemes? My best advice is act cautiously and carefully regardless of what you do and never invest more than you can afford to lose completely. Good Luck
  22. so a resale value is not a return or loss on your investment? now that's some double speak
  23. do some more research. I have nothing in this game either but Im not massaging words and meanings to exclude or avoid a concept or using it as a "buzzword" which is pretty much gaslighting. Plenty of articles available claiming both sides. you pick the one that fits what you want to convey
  24. This is a circular discussion and isn't easily discussed and explained in a forum like this. I believe I gave you the credit in your explanation but now your trying to mix different types of investments as a comparison leaving out the one main factor you even mentioned yourself. There is no asset behind it other than perception. With art, gold, land, stocks bonds etc.... any other item you pick there is an asset that is supporting that value, rightfully or wrongfully value wise, ie: my idea of what a painting is worth is different than you BUT there is still a painting involved. Granted the value may fluctuate but there is still an asset their of some value. With bitcoin you have NO asset to back it worse case other than the perception implied in the bitcoin\digital market as long as the next guys in line are convinced it's a great investment. so we'll just have to disagree about it.
  25. you can mince words as much as you like, which is what crypto junkies all claim. That's not even a full explanation of a Ponzi Scheme either but doesn't really change anything here. it's extremely close to being a combination of a Ponzi scheme and Pyramid scheme as it doesn't have asset value supporting it. It only has the value the next person in line pays, no assets to value to establish it's worth or increase. In default there are no assets to go after the value evaporates. Believe what you want, many have made lots of money on it and tons have lost everything, the same that happened with Ponzi and Pyramid schemes.
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