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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. Rubbish, to use your common response. Going to other countries on a visa is one thing, getting an extension to that visit maybe be completely different, but I'm sure you'll argue that as well. As I said in my original comment many countries want to know where you will be while in country especially on requests for extension of visits, not all but many.
  2. Yes, depends how it was transferred but yes she would need ID to withdraw it or an atm or credit, debit card. It could have been via bank, western union or another service. Or she could have already pulled it and used it up or it was never sent. Why would you have someone transfer money if you have no way to access it? The whole story smells of bs.
  3. If the shares were owned by his father and are in his father's trust and he's just the executor of the trust he does not own any shares. I'm sure that will be circumvented somehow though. I think what you will see after the election is there will be enough chaos among parties with complaints and claims of illegality that the current "PM caretaker" will use his hand picked senotors to declare the need to suspend any govt change for the "good" of the country and hold on to his position
  4. That's great but every country is not like that so you need to follow the regulations of the country you are in. Interestingly there are a number of expats constantly complaining about following this and other regulations as if this is Their country and regulations don't apply or shouldn't because they're entitled or should be.
  5. She would need to contact the embassy and the they would give her instructions on the process.
  6. I think you are absolutely accurate on what is published in the name of journalism today because it's not. It's just media. Very little if any investigation and no follow up. Just copy and paste and regurgitate without fact checking or verification. Yes, the US has a loan program tied to passports and she could easily easily get back to the US. If the sisters transfer isn't accessable (doubtful) the sister could just reverse it and buy a plane ticket
  7. Good for you, australia is only 1 country. But I expected your contradicting comment so thanks, it's good to know.
  8. I never said anything about traveling business's class. The US Embassy will loan the money for an economy ticket and put an attachment on her passport until repaid so she can not use the passport for any other purpose than to enter the US. The reference I made to the $10k was the money the sister supposedly transferred. It would have been cheaper to just buy her a ticket
  9. This is a bs story and reeks of fraud. No way she can't withdraw funds transferred to her. So could have also had her sister or a relative to buy a plane ticket, much cheaper than the $10k. US embassy is also an option.
  10. No like most all countries in the world they like to know where you are while in the country on a visa or extension
  11. The strange (or not so strange) thing is if they know those other pages are up why are they not working better with social media services getting them shut down?
  12. It's based on science according to you but it's Your opinion that they just don't understand the science. Your again talking nonsense. You can't take first world methods, systems or programs and force feed them into a country like Thailand with it's specific and peculiar social and societal practices and policies and govt structure and expect magic to happen. Everything can work in theory but in practice and reality you find the truth which you seem to be missing. No need to discuss this with me any further. Have a great day.
  13. I already made my comments and will stick with them. You're trying to justify a first world concept on a country that's barely developing and without govt support across the board. Thailand is far from wealthy. I would counter your new points which aren't actually accurate but it's not worth the effort. Have a great day
  14. You bring up some valid points and also mix in your overly slanted view about expat driving being a significant portion of the problem. You neglect to recognize that Thai social structure for transportation does not fit in with first world nations. You have a vast majority of rural thai's that have no ability financially to afford proper transportation, hence the 3, 4, 5 or 6 people on a scooter, or that in many rural areas the young teens have access to scooters to go to school as the parents are working and then continue to use them as part of their socialization structure. Large segments of the Thai familes have children "raised" by grandparents with little to no supervision. There is completely inadequate driver training and failure of police monitoring driving habits with little to no enforcement. I could go on and on but everyone already knows all this. The safe driving model works great when you have a govt that supports it physical, mentally and financially which you don't have here. It's a nice idea but fat chance on getting any of these major stumbling blocks fixed to reach a point that you could even start a program like that
  15. Had another great experience again at the Immigration Office in Nakhon Si Thammarat today. Showed up at 1:05 just after they opened from lunch, picked up my que number (47) and they were working on 40 for the day so far and filled out the paperwork in the office. Already had the 2 copies of Passport Data page, 2 copies of the visa entry stamp and my passport pic, and TM30. Turned them in to the IO at the short term extension window. She asked if I happened to have a copy of my E-visa which I did and she took it but said it wasn't really necessary. She took my pic and issued a receipt for the TM7 which I had to walk next door and make a copy of which was a first?????? Came back and gave her the copy, paid my 1900 baht and walked out the door at 1:35, stamp in passport. Wish all the offices were like this one.
  16. Your links don't support your claim but does support a break in process even if it's not called "break in process" . That link info is only for Kia so I think your on the wrong side of your argument so there doesn't appear to be any need to supply you with a counter argument link.
  17. Is that 1000 baht on top of the exit fee already included in the airline ticket? One of the articles says everyone will be taxed the other says it's thai's and permanent residents??? I'm sure this is all wrapped up in the fact they can't figure out how to impose the entrance fee as originally planned and a backdoor effort to divert more money into "special projects".
  18. Do you have a link showing your claim new engines are broken in on the bench or in the car at the mfr. If so post it and the disagreement t will be over.
  19. rent any hotel room for 1 night and ask the clerk to print a copy of the TM30 that they process electronically. no issues
  20. its the exact same thing, call it whatever you want to, passbook, saving acct book, bank book deposit book.
  21. That's so over quoted here all the time and has seldom happened except for large conpanies trying to avoid paying wages for overtime and bad worker treatment. It's threatened by politicians that are caught out in corruption and quickly falls out of the news The closest a normal person has come was a guy posting on a online travel site a bad review. Stop spreading nonsense fear. The worse that's happened is they call you both in and negotiate.
  22. Thailand is the only country I've ever seen, or heard of doing this sort of thing and no its not just in hotels, restaurants' and pretty much within the whole tourist industry { not all but thats where it's centered} and if the employer\establishment does this they are indeed aholes. Personally, when I've heard of places with these policies they no longer get my business nor anyone I know
  23. Its been my experience in every industry I worked in that when you treat your employees correctly, fairly and like real people and not servants, they will typically bend over backward for you. Sure a few will try to slide but the good ones will generally call them out. I also never asked an employee to do something I wouldn't do myself and often made a point of them seeing me do those same tasks.
  24. He will surely be missed. RIP Ubon Joe His knowledge was endless and he always presented it straight without condescending comments to make people feel stupid for what may have been an easy question for most.
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