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Everything posted by Robin

  1. Should not be any problem, so long s you have decent surge protection in your mains supply (thunderstorms), and adequate cooling. Most electronic failures occur at switch on.
  2. I tried to get a visa from UK Embassy last year. ( I am UK citizen) Got fed up with the stupid questions, so cam to Thailand and entered on a normal Non Visa Entry. Went to my local I/O and asked to change this to a Non Imm O visa for retirement. No problems. Non visa entry was convertee to 3 month Non Im. and the hat was extended for 365 days for retirement. Some fees were entailed, but nothing extortionate. Rules might have changed now, but then (Aug 2022) no visa was needed to start this off. No nonsense about onward ticket either.
  3. My wife runs a hairdressers in building in our grounds. Sometimes I sit in the shop when she is away working in the farm. I never do any more than phone her to tell he customer is waiting. Sometimes I have sold hair colouring to customers (wife keeps a stock of all popular colours) I am staying here on Non O Retirement extensions. Could this in any way be considered that I am working in her shop.? Shop is opposite the village Police office, and we have never had any trouble.
  4. Can't speak for your BMW pension, but similar experience with UK DWP is that once they believe you are alive, they will pay all back pension without and further argument. If you are still alive you will not be stopped any pension due to your not keeping DWP up to date.
  5. More likely that "Thai engineer was told to say that bridge i safe"
  6. This is what the Rich Elite want; Chaos the the military have o step in and take charge. How dare the rabble think they ae fit to chose who governs Thailand?
  7. I have used green PVC garden hose in the garden for general watering. Wife leave hose lying about so i gets trodden on frequently. Neve had any trouble with leaks or splits. Check your hose supplier? Is your hose under any pressure? More than usual Thai water pressure?
  8. I might have missed this, but was there any result from h 'investigation' that was going to take place into the navy ship sinking last year? Were any reasons given as to why this happened, o was anyone at fault? I suspect that this has been swept under the carpet and quietly forgotten as it might have caused embarrassment or loss o face to the persons involved, but has this been resolved?
  9. Quality Tourist behaving normally at a high class family resort
  10. Is it a Limited liability company, or is the owner responsible for all debts? has the owner declared bankruptcy? Far too many unanswered questions to give any opinion.
  11. Desperate measures to prevent any change for the better. Bad losers?
  12. What about those m/c with no rear number plate. Can the AI guess the missing number?
  13. !1. Well known that costing down hill in neutral saves fuel. 2. Not too many Thai drives can double de-clutch into lower gear, so they do not try.
  14. Did this some years ago, so now from memory. First get poof that you live at house; photo outside with PYB, endorsed by local Amphur office and PYB. The take all local documents to BKK and get your birth cert. and marriage cert. officially translated into Thai, and endorsed as genuine by your embassy. Take all document to Immigration office in BKK, ( way out of town,) This I/O will know what you now need to do, o follow their instructions. Wait 1 about week. Return to I/O and collect your yellow book. Returnhome and proudly show your new Document.... WOFTAM in my opinion.
  15. "Exhibit 3 is Doi Mae Mon, the only place I have seen hydrangeas growing in Thailand. There may be others." Local lady selling plants in house next to ours had several Hydrangea cuttings growing, but did not know their name. She gave them to khun wife when she closed her shop. Now surviving in our garden. In UK hey are classed a Half-hardy shrubs, so no reason why they should not grow in N Thailand.
  16. What are you comparing them to? In UK, now virtually impossible to get a Dr. appointment, or admission to hospital. Thailand you can see a Dr. at the local hospital, 9quicker if you go to private hospital. Visit to hospital last week, I had blood test and X-ray all done while I waited. I prefer the Thai 'pay for service'option to the UK 'pay nothing, get nothing'
  17. Still at school when I started with "electronics". No money to buy parts so we collected ex-rental TV chassis from local hops. Given away free! some we could repair and pass on, others wee a source of parts for experiments. Somehow, I picked up enough knowledge to get a job at EMI and then.... Things were easier o fix then ?
  18. No mention of the rider. dcid he "Flee the scene"?
  19. Returned from UK last Friday. Went to Phayao Immigration on Monday to do TM30. Was told most definitely that as I had returned to the same address with a re-entry permit for 1 year Retirement visa, that no TM30 was needed, only 90 day report in due time. Chief I/O or Phayo was present when his was done, so assume it to be genuine.
  20. here n Phayao, the official supply has been useless for years. Water authority has kept on adding consumers wit no regard for pipe capacity, so pressure has been going down at peak times until virtually useless. it seems that they cannot see that 1 4 ins dia. pipe cannot supply20 or 30 of 1 ins pipe consumers. Nobody else I have talked to can see what the problem is, so I have had to install private header tank, which fills when pressure is OK a night and we can use in the day.
  21. When i first arrived in Thailand, hoping to stay long time. I cam in on a 3 month Non O, and had no trouble in opening a bank account with my local Kasikorn bank. That was years ago and still have the original account but moved to my local branch. Originally I used sister -in law's address in Bangkok where I was staying. Now wife and I have our own place and I have papers to prove I live there.
  22. A small act of cruelty is not justified by there being worse cruelty in other places. Eliza is entitled to her opinion. There is nothing to justify any act of cruelty against any animal.
  23. When wife and I moved to Phayao years ago, she had some land, bought and inherited, and growing rice. She wanted me to buy more land. I asked questions as to value of rice grown on land, and did basic 'return on equity' calculations. Quickly realised that I could get more money with no effort investing my money elsewhere. How many potential buyers, Thai or Farang ever bother with this? We have since bought land but only near the village and with road access, and made money by selling off plots for housebuilding. Now stopped doing this, as i do not need any more money and values keep going up. Village Thais do not appear to have much , if any, knowledge o financial planning, which is why so many schemes go wrong and the owner ends up in debt. I do not think that Banks are much help, only wanting to get their loan books full. I am sure that very few Thai farmers know how much their rice crop costs them, or if they make any money from it. Nor do they want to be told this, or how to grow rice more efficiently.
  24. My experience of Thai Electricians/Wiring, would make me go round each room ans socket and check that there is a good connection to the main earth. So easy to just put in a green wire that goes nowhere.
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