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Everything posted by cdemundo

  1. "Project 2025 | Presidential Transition Project" https://www.project2025.org "Nothing on Fox." So Fox is your only source of info.
  2. I try not to be paranoid, but I see the Chinese appear to be building a navy base on the Gulf of Thailand in Cambodia. https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/07/asia/cambodia-ream-naval-base-chinese-warships-us-analysis/index.html
  3. Says internationally recognized economic expert Novacova. You speak as one having authority. Even still, just your opinion.
  4. "High inflation is largely not Biden’s or Trump’s fault, economists say ...At a high level, hot inflation is largely an issue of mismatched supply and demand..." https://www.cnbc.com/2024/07/11/high-inflation-is-largely-not-bidens-or-trumps-fault-economists-say.html This article goes on to explain numerous reasons for the recent and current inflation. Only low information individuals think the US president can control the world economy,
  5. For whatever reason she isn't popular. In a previous election I remember a "man in the street" interview where the guy said "She's the police". So her record as DA of San Francisco and AG of California apparently contribute to her lack of popularity. Not to neglect the obvious reasons: misogyny and racism, fear of the other.
  6. I was surprised at Obama's win in the first election because I thought that racism was too strong in the US. But it seems to me that the racists came out from under their rocks during Obama's presidency.
  7. Yes, happens at any age. Problem is, cuz of Dunning-Kreuger effect you can never be sure it isn't you that is the stupid one. But for me it isn't a problem with the world. Can just say "You might be right" and "See you later".
  8. As has often been observed, campaigning is all about "kissing hands and shaking babies".
  9. Get a grip. Good advice.
  10. My sister has a newspaper clipping from a Chicago newspaper reporting that my grandfather stopped a driverless runaway horse drawn carriage. The passenger inside was the boxer John L. Sullivan.
  11. Yet here you are with 6 posts in this thread. So I guess you have exhausted commenting in categories on the importance scale of 100 down to 2 right?
  12. In my experience in the US the immediate thought when someone calls themselves "doctor" is that they are a medical doctor. Jill Biden has been misleading by calling herself doctor. As others have said I thought for a long time that she was a medical doctor. Individuals who have clinical degrees, optometrists for example, and have their own business often are called "doctor" in shop; but they don't usually use the title outside of their practice. Holders of PhDs sometimes call themselves doctor outside of the professional environment. IMHO they have earned it having suffered through the ordeal of a PhD program. I think Jill Biden is a fraud for calling herself doctor.
  13. My grandparents emigrated to the US around 1900 and no one ever hinted that I wasn't a "real American" even though we had not lived there for centuries.
  14. Did you mean "core tenet" doctor?
  15. Not motorbike but tuktuk. Tuktuk driver said "up to you" to take me to MBK, wait for me and come back. I was only in MBK about 15 minutes, the whole round trip took less than an hour. I went to give him 300 or 400 baht (can't remember), he said no, I want 600. I said you said "up to you" if you had said 600 I would have said no". He wouldn't budge, I paid the 600, end of story. Some of you guys no doubt would have done your Rambo thing with the guy cuz of the principal of the thing. I got overcharged terribly and I got over it. Much better than getting beaten into unconsciousness.
  16. I have been coming to Thailand since 2000 and live here now. I have had various disagreements with Thai people but never let them escalate to anything even approaching violence. I have been very angry on several occasions but I realized that it was not worth getting into an altercation with some lowlife I would never see again. Held my tongue and went about my business, which has often been monkey business. With all the diversions available in Thailand why would I take time out of my life to argue with some nobody because of the "principle of the thing"? I'm guessing most posters on here have had a similar experience, even those who are condemning the shocking violence. But some people will find a beating no matter where they go.
  17. Even still some people always gotta fark around and find out. Rarely are the victims choirboys that are pure as the driven snow, Possible but not probable. Professors of the obvious gonna tell us violence is bad. Thing is violence is often avoidable.
  18. This just in!!! Stop the presses!!! This is some news what is news!!!
  19. Bang Bang Burgers on Sukhumvit Soi 11 are pretty good. Also like Daniel Thaiger's burgers and can get delivery from Foodpanda.
  20. Yes you are right, so even worse rubbing it in.
  21. "Phan suspected that the couple’s Burmese employee, 21 year old Min, was the murderer. He anticipated that the conflict might be related to the late salary payment or physical punishment as the Iranian man usually beat Min for being slow at work." Maybe not so random.
  22. And the UVF? Mostly helping little old ladies cross the street?
  23. Ever notice the UK passports? They say "England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland" right on the cover. Rubbing it in.
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