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Everything posted by cdemundo

  1. "It is said..." Here's another cool way to introduce things that you know aren't true: "A man came up to me with tears in his eyes and he said 'Oh Mr. Cryingdick...'" then you just plug in the lie you wanna tell.
  2. Great come back. You obviously get your rapier like wit from watching old vids of Peewee's Playhouse. This is such a great variation of "I am rubber, you are glue".
  3. Good-one bro, that is gonna change some minds for sure.
  4. I just completed this quiz. My Score 10/100 My Time 119 seconds  
  5. Maybe like others, I am very happy with my ignore list. As some threads heat up I see my ignoramuses posting dozens of posts and I am glad I spared myself their bloviating.
  6. Thank you for your "insights".
  7. "As a left wing socialist from the Islamic State of Minnesota," Foolishness of the first order. The Lutheran and Catholic Churches dominate the religious affiliations of Minnesotans. So unless you fear mandatory bingo and compulsory hot dishes and fellowship you have nothing to fear.
  8. With these creeps that are always seeing pedos everywhere it's always projection. Why does perversion and predation come to their minds so quickly? Because it is on their minds.
  9. Probably says "I got mine from the school of hard knocks" or similar folksy crap.
  10. Gawd, how boring. Like an old maid talking smack about everyone. Geez.
  11. Beyond the ear, in the attached photo he looks old and tired. He is glitching during his speeches, losing his train of thought, garbling words, mispronouncing. Hope that people notice that he is in cognitive decline.
  12. Not a comparison, you can identify comparisons by the language used. I was just making the point that he had been called weird some time ago. You really get off on insulting people, poor fella.
  13. George Bush Jr. started it after Trump's inaugural address. He is reported to have said, "That was some weird sh$t".
  14. I tip what I want to when I want to. Up to me. Generally I tip probably too much. The two that I tip without fail are the security guy at my condo, he gets me a taxi every morning and and the parking lot attendant at work as he goes out the main road and gets me a taxi while I rest my weary bones at the building entrance. They would both do this even if I didn't tip but I appreciate it and am grateful.
  15. Trump has been glitching in his public appearances. Unable to find words and talking gibberish. I hope it continues so people can see he is too old and feeble to be prez.
  16. I just completed this quiz. My Score 100/100 My Time 49 seconds  
  17. I have heard it said about any second language acquisition that native speakers only praise your proficiency if you are not proficient, in order to encourage you. After a person becomes proficient they don't feel the need to praise you anymore. Taxi drivers all praise my Thai so I know I speak badly.
  18. He loves Christians. Why? They believe in empty promises and other absurdities. Made to order for him.
  19. Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz seems like a sensible, likable candidate. I know many factors go into this choice but he seems like he brings only positives.
  20. Not Kamala's choice. Has been determined by white racists: the one drop rule. 'In the South it became known as the "one-drop rule,'' meaning that a single drop of "black blood" makes a person a black.' For the literal minded, it means any black ancestry, no matter when or how many ancestors, makes a person black.
  21. Horrible, and such small portions. Was a Woody Allen joke.
  22. Eventually the GOP always gets around to wanting to steal from Medicare and Social Security. I paid into those just funds for 55 years as an American worker. That is not an "entitlement" it is my money held in trust by the US government. The DEMs will not try and steal that money. That is my primary political issue.
  23. Good thoughtful analysis. Even still, can anything Trump says or does move the needle very much? Is he somehow showing himself to be more repugnant a person than he was up until yesterday? It seems hard to find anything to throw on the pile of hot mess that has been his behavior up until now that will change anyone's mind. Let me just say that I agree that on top of everything else he is weird. Also, apparently George Bush Jr. was the first to publicly use that word to describe Trump. The story goes that after Trump's inauguration speech Bush said "That was some weird <deleted>". "What George W. Bush Really Thought of Donald Trump’s Inauguration" https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2017/03/what-george-w-bush-really-thought-of-trumps-inauguration.html
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