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Everything posted by cdemundo

  1. Agreed. The types the OP describes are not completely useless... They can always serve as bad examples.
  2. So you think that foreign English teachers are taking jobs away from all the Thai people who wish to teach English?
  3. "I live in a part of Bangkok where I may not see another Westerner for six months or so." "Hard to imagine that is possible unless you live at the end of a dead end Soi and never leave the area around the house. " I can easily imagine it. I live in an eastern suburb of Bangkok with essentially no tourist attractions. I rarely see any westerners although I don't count the days. My workplace is next door to a TOPS market and TOPS is usually popular with westerners, but I rarely see any farangs. Although, I do occasionally see farangs, if I saw 2 in a day that would be exceptional. I used to live in Ratchayotin and same thing, could go days without seeing a westerner. Bangkok has a lot of neighborhoods where you won't see many westerners.
  4. Intuitively obvious to the most casual observer. The problem is you.
  5. Sometimes people make this claim (that Nazis were socialists) because of the name of the party being National Socialists. But the Nazis were not socialists in spite of their name. They were not known for adhering strictly to the truth. Witness the doctrine of "The Big Lie".
  6. "The mad old woman can believe whatever she wants to believe. " Apparently she can't teach others those beliefs though.
  7. Jasmine Crockett, US Congress from Texas. Educated, intelligent and articulate. Seems to be serious about the business of Congress.
  8. Says the author of 188 thoughtful and thought-provoking posts in this thread.
  9. Not what you said.
  10. Yes... and exposure to infectious diseases, viruses, bacteria, fungi, hereditary diseases or vulnerabilities, autoimmune diseases, accidents with injury, exposure to environmental pollution in air, water, etc ... but yes, no doubt eating blueberries and doing squats help.
  11. Interesting info about MSG: It might contradict what Karen at Whole Foods told you. (the "TrustedSource" references are weird, but the links take you to the source material, if interested) https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/msg-good-or-bad "Why do people think it’s harmful? MSG got its bad reputation in the 1960s when Chinese-American doctor Robert Ho Man Kwok wrote a letter to the New England Journal of Medicine explaining that he got sick after consuming Chinese food. He wrote that he believed his symptoms could have resulted from consuming either alcohol, sodium, or MSG. This sparked a host of misinformation about MSG, which was likely related to then-present biases against Chinese immigrants and their cuisine (9Trusted Source). The letter led to the designation of Kwok’s symptoms as the “Chinese restaurant syndrome,” which later became the “MSG symptom complex” (MSC) (1Trusted Source). Later on, numerous studies backed MSG’s bad reputation, stating that the additive was highly toxic (1Trusted Source). However, current evidence questions the accuracy of previous research for several reasons, including (1Trusted Source😞 a lack of adequate control groups small sample sizes methodological flaws a lack of dosage accuracy the use of extremely high doses that far exceed those consumed in typical diets the administration of MSG via routes with little to no relevance to oral dietary intakes, such as injections Today, health authorities like the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the European Food Safety Association (EFSA) consider MSG to be generally recognized as safe (GRAS) (1Trusted Source, 4Trusted Source)."
  12. Not saying it's true, just that it's their slogan.
  13. Dunning Kruger is definitely in play.
  14. It's the RCMP that always get their man.
  15. You really are triggered by this subject, lashing out at everyone. I'm sorry for you. Sad really.
  16. These photos exude the warm family feeling in the DJT family. Look at the smiles, everyone is just beaming with happiness. You can't be serious in thinking these prove he is a family man.
  17. Same question applies to your idea that he loves his kids.
  18. "Proud father. Loves his kids a lot" I'm not convinced he would recognize his kids if he ran in to them on the street. Just because you want to believe something doesn't make it true.
  19. "a 78yo family guy" You mean the cartoon show?
  20. "The majority of Americans have been convicted of crimes, with so many convicted even they were innocent." So apparently truth and facts mean nothing to you. Most ridiculous statement I have ever read, stands out even in the midst of the foolishness that fills the posts on AN.
  21. They should be sentenced to sail across the Atlantic with Greta Thunberg.
  22. Before COVID I couldn't even say epidemiologist, now I are one.
  23. "When wokeism declares that a woman can have a penis" It has always been true that a woman can have a penis. In fact if she is attractive enough she can have a different penis every night. You can't blame that on "wokeism".
  24. "More formal ordination requires significant periods in training, with considerable religious and personal formation, and rigorous assessment. That makes it less likely that undesirable " dodgy" individuals will slip through and become clergy. " Right. Almost foolproof. Witness the international experience of sexual abuse by ordained Catholic priests. This involved hundreds of individuals who "slipped through and became clergy". I didn't "tar the entire Christian faith with the same broad brush, and hold it up as a principal feature of those faiths." You extrapolated that from what I said. Why those ideas entered your mind you are best qualified to answer. I just said "Christians take note" as I believe that Christian believers bear some responsibility when their leaders act like this. You describe the actions of this pastor as "the sordid little foibles of this fellow". Just to be clear, a foible is defined as a "minor weakness or eccentricity in someone's character". As I said previously, Christians like to minimize these offenses because they revere their leaders. I doubt many people consider the sexual abuse of a 12 year old girl to be a "foible" as you do. Maybe Christians should take up the slogan of some national security programs: "If you see something, say something" as these people are not invisible.
  25. Have fun with Apple but don't over invest emotionally or financially. There will be others, don't worry. Nothing wrong with a love affair (or whatever it is) not lasting forever. And remember this Bruce Springsteen lyric: "It’s just nobody knows, honey, where love goes But when it goes it’s gone, gone…"
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