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Everything posted by cdemundo

  1. You seem a little touchy. A BA in "Educational Studies", "Educational studies is a non-licensure education degree." quoted from Arizona State Online website. It seems to be offered mostly by online schools. That is why I asked about your degree. Being accredited and being reputable are not always the same thing. Educational Studies is not the same as a BA/BS in Education, that rules out a lot of schools that require a degree in Education. Sorry to upset you, but if you wanted to teach in Thailand the best place to get a TEFL is in Thailand where you could get the kind of info about schools you are looking for spoon-fed to you. Maybe someone is interested in helping you, but you don't seem to have a very strong plan for looking for a job and you seem to be unduly influenced by gossip you have heard about Thai schools. Best of luck to you.
  2. In person TEFL with teaching experience? Real university diploma, not online? There are lots of schools advertising on teaching websites with that (college degree and in person TEFL) as a minimum at this time. You might need to go where you are wanted for your first job rather than where you want to be. Recommend you look for a teachers/teaching website that has job ads. I don't think we are allowed to refer you to other websites on ASEANNOW.
  3. Unavoidable problem in the PI... Filipinos. They are everywhere in the PI.
  4. I have found that the big 3 antihistamines that you mention (Zyrtec, Allegra, Claritin) don't always handle my allergies. I have found that old school antihistamine "chlorpheniramine maleate" sometimes works better. The big advantage of the 3 mentioned are that they are 24 hour pills and chlorpheniramine maleate is only 4 hours but it works sometimes when the others don't relieve my symptoms. My allergic reaction is not itchy eyes but nasal congestion and coughing so YMMV. Chlorpheniramine maleate is inexpensive and has minimal side-effects in my experience, so maybe it would be worth a try for you.
  5. "Maybe if we knew the whole story we could have better comments." Doubtful.
  6. "In America, people, besides gangs, usually fight their fights with fists, " I would say that in America very few adults ever get into actual physical fights of any kind. I have lived in the same 12 unit apartment complex for 20 years, in that time their was one chest-thumping confrontation between 2 residents that did not result in fighting, and no fights. I am retirement age now and I have never witnessed a workplace fight. Young men in their teens and twenties maybe, but past that physical violence is rare in the majority of the population. People who live in or frequent places where violence is common will naturally over-estimate the occurrences of violence. Similarly, frequent drinkers think everybody drinks frequently when in fact frequent drinking is common to just over half the population. These two things are also closely related, lots of fights are alcohol related. Total hearsay/anecdotal, but a cop in Washington state once told me he had never been called out on a domestic that did not involve alcohol or drugs. "85.6 percent of people ages 18 and older reported that they drank alcohol at some point in their lifetime,1 69.5 percent reported that they drank in the past year,2 and 54.9 percent (59.1 percent of men in this age group and 51.0 percent of women in this age group3) reported that they drank in the past month.3" https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/brochures-and-fact-sheets/alcohol-facts-and-statistics
  7. What about nosy people? Are there a lot of nosy people in your apartment complex? You know, people who don't know when something is "nunya"?
  8. I have not used this myself. I am traveling on a one-way ticket for the first time later this year and plan to use this service.
  9. onwardticket.com has what you need I think
  10. confusion, disorientation during fever, it was of short duration, hours not days
  11. Using 5 mg of Cialis daily (google it for prostate problems) and supplementing with Saw Palmetto. My doctor recommended because did not contribute to ED. Managing my main problem which was control of urination and I got an infection as Sheryl warned about. The infection was a nightmare, yikes, fever, altered consciousness, bladder control was almost non-existent. No problems since using this. Sounds like your problems may be more advanced, but posting for others who may be interested in options.
  12. I wonder if they were like me, used the evil weed some time ago but not used to modern potency. I would not know what to expect as I understand weed is 100 times stronger than in the past. My mental clarity is sketchy enough that I have no plans to try weed again.
  13. Business class is hard for me to justify for added comfort. Anyone have experience with "premium economy" seating which is like twice the cost of economy instead of 5 times the cost of economy? I am not sure exactly what you get when choosing a premium economy ticket.
  14. I have a related question about Vit D3 supplements. I have taken it for a couple years on doctor's advice. My labs are in range now for D3, but I don't feel any different and I still get nuisance colds etc. Anyone have a noticeable difference in the way they feel or in anything other than lab results since taking D3?
  15. This won't be helpful to the OP but this discussion reminds me of the comedian Patrice O'Neal saying why he didn't believe an infamous rape had really been rape. Because it had been oral sex. As Patrice put it, can you imagine a woman yelling: "Help! Help! He's eating my kitty!"? (Impact is less by trying to proactively avoid moderator editing.)
  16. That is one consideration that I think is valid with respect to weed legalization. On the other hand were there a lot of potential weed smokers who were thinking "If only weed were legal..."? I'm not sure, I would guess there are stats on road accidents in the US states that have legalized weed recently.
  17. Huh? I haven't smoked in years and have no dog in the fight but.... I have never heard of this happening. Alcohol induced psychosis is much more probable.
  18. "just defrock yourself " I thought the forum had rules on this kind of language.
  19. "Doubt he has much contact..." "He probably..." I admitted I was "guessing here". Difference in outlook I guess.
  20. I think that due to Fauci's age and his exposures (guessing here but he is in contact with medical people all day right?) he is probably in a high risk group and has been throughout the pandemic. He has tested positive but has not been sick or been hospitalized. So I would say his vaccinations probably did their job. I was working in the community, going into people's homes throughout the pandemic. At one point my city and one section of it where I worked were the "hottest" for number of new infections in the world. I never got COVID. i was vaccinated, of course it is impossible to know if the vaccinations helped me, but I was glad to have them. We all interpret the information in our own way.
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