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Everything posted by cdemundo

  1. Just encountered this which I had not heard before: "New research finds that with each repeat COVID infection – even asymptomatic infection – your risk for complications increases. These include: stroke heart attack diabetes digestive and kidney disorders long-term cognitive impairment, including dementia Each reinfection also carries with it the risk of long COVID or ongoing COVID symptoms that can last for weeks or months after infection." https://health.ucdavis.edu/coronavirus/covid-19-information/omicron-variant Though as others have said it isn't clear that boosters prevent infection especially asymptomatic infection. I live in the US and I don't know about boosters, but mask wearing has not gone away here.
  2. Are you suggesting that smacking the sh%t out of them would be a solution?
  3. Sounds like baby talk. Having worked with a lot of them, the minute I hear that accent I am put off. Significant number of call centers employ them. The most significant characteristics in my experience are greed and envy of others, just my experience.
  4. " he dared her to come and get him." He got his wish.
  5. Consult an entomologist, you may have a bug up your butt.
  6. You have mentioned the Hunter Biden laptop numerous times. It begins to seem like an obsession. What is/was on it? Do you have special knowledge of its contents? Or is this a case of presumed guilty before any evidence has been presented?
  7. Haven't seen the cleverly titled Cave Rescue yet, but I thought Thirteen Lives was pretty good. I didn't really follow the rescue very closely at the time so I wasn't bothered by departures from the facts for dramatic effect. I found it to be a dramatic and suspenseful telling of the story.
  8. "66% are on prescription drugs. " Psychiatric drugs or drugs that have side effects that affect emotions or perception? I mean that if a person is on prescription medication for high cholesterol he probably doesn't have an increased tendency towards violence. "over 25% have mental illness" Again, do all mental illnesses increase tendency towards violence? The fact is clear that the US has a problem with shootings, no argument there, but it isn't clear that all these things are risk factors for violence.
  9. I think something like 30% of people own guns. The total count is more guns than people cuz a lot of those 30% own multiple guns. The stats are not really that reliable as often they are self-report surveys. Also, some data refers to households with guns which makes it complicated as multiple people in the household may own guns and some household members don't. But gun killings and woundings in the US are apparently the worst in the world. But not really true that just about everyone has a gun.
  10. As far as those concerned about limited alertness in case of a mid-air emergency I gotta wonder what you are thinking. Do you think that a person will be unable to participate in frantic praying that everything will be OK? I think that by and large emergencies in an aircraft are not gonna have a lot of passenger response in spite of the optimistic little safety lecture, "your seat cushion will serve as a flotation device".
  11. I have recently started using melatonin and it seems to work very well. I am usually skeptical about herbal remedies but melatonin has helped me sleep much better.
  12. I think that the reason these girls get cosmetic surgery is that they know what wins these pageants. The natural look is not what beauty pageant judges are looking for apparently. What do these women go on to do? Modeling? Acting? I suppose it opens some doors but I don't really know.
  13. A scammer who taught a scammer then?
  14. I think not.
  15. Growing up, not rich, my dad taught us not to carry a lot of cash around with and not to leave large amounts of cash or valuables visible in the car or even near windows in the house. I was reminded about leaving "valuables" visible on a winter night when I left a wool blanket and a Carhart jacket visible in the back seat of my car. Someone smashed my window to steal those "valuables". It was cold driving home until I could put some cardboard in that window.
  16. Suggestion that applies in so many situations. MYOB.
  17. I had a Thai acquaintance who had a job at a european embassy in Bangkok for several years. He told me he had great pay and benefits and that it was the best job he had ever had. Then he quit without having another job or a plan. His next job was in a restaurant. Just quit out of boredom? Not sure but no conflict or anything that he mentioned. He just seemed to quit for no real reason that he spoke of; he just thought it was time to quit.
  18. Yes, I have often opted for the American Fried Rice at tuk la dii.
  19. Good for them, shows real character. My question was not "did any" but "how many"?
  20. "rather than with people whom you need to pay to be with you" How many wives stay when husband loses his job, or quits his job? How many wives support a man who wants to change to a lower paying job for any reason? There's a song "How do you spell love? M-O-N-E-Y, A man's a pig in a woman's eyes until payday." Most are paying their wife to stay, just a more complicated, structured payment.
  21. "The idea that you don't need to pay someone to be with you in the West is a bit of a red herring." Absolutely, payment is just structured differently. I once heard a radio program about American men dating and marrying Asian women. The narrator was an Asian American woman, at one point she was talking about an older American guy who wanted to marry and was writing to a woman in China. The narrator said about the guy "He didn't even own his home." As if he had a lot of nerve to want to marry when he "didn't even own a home." How revealing is that about the economic deal underlying marriage? And how materialistic is the radio "journalist"?
  22. Just saw a video of Mike Tyson saying that the best years of his life were the years he spent in prison.
  23. My friend and co-worker put his son in online high school because he wasn't making progress towards graduation. He was failing several classes. The online courses that he took had daily well-defined assignments that the parents could monitor. My friend was calling his son several times a day to make sure he was getting his work done and to keep him focussed on the progress he was making. I remember that the young man caught up with his studies and ended up graduating in the normal 4 years. My friend felt that the key was the parents having the goals available and being able to work with the student and keep him on track.
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