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Everything posted by shdmn

  1. It's not a tribal our team vs their team right vs left thing when one candidate is a convicted felon who should be in jail. It's funny and sad that the right is so incapable of independent critical thought they still feel the need to support their team no matter how horrible their candidate is.
  2. That could go either way in these early days. Some may also be overly strict.
  3. A compulsive lying convicted felon election denying wannabe dictator pre-dementia sex offender, or the other person. Tough choice.
  4. I would be more concerned with other stuff in the water, like heavy metals and chemicals, than I would with stuff that can give me travellers diarrhea
  5. What consulate is putting up almost impossible requirements? They should be almost the same. Most just cut/paste the official requirements.
  6. She's been Vice President of the United States for 4 years and a US senator for 4 years before that and she is just now enjoying her 15 minutes of fame? Cool story.
  7. That is exactly what they asked for so not surprised that worked. My website is more like your typical "hey sign up for my awesome reseller service, select option 1, 2, or 3, and give me your money" type thing. It's not what you would describe as a portfolio or anything that could be call freelance contracts.
  8. Their heads are exploding and I am enjoying every minute of it. Anyone trying to defend a convicted felon election denier should not ever be taken seriously. Let them post their silly videos and photoshops and whatever else they do thinking anyone outside of their bubbles actually cares.
  9. Has the convicted felon started demanding to see Harris's long-form birth certificate yet? You just know some variation of that Obama dog-whistle is coming
  10. I was also thinking of providing a link but the application form on the eVisa site requires an attachment. I was thinking of doing a screenshot of my webpage and attaching that.
  11. I thought y'all were deeply concerned by Hunters laptop. Did something change?
  12. Just like that the knuckleheads have dusted off the Obama playbook and started dogwhistling.
  13. Not even a single felonly charge either. MAGA man has 34 of them.
  14. The convicted felon is mad for wasting money on conspiracy theories against Joe and Hunter and wants it back. You can't make this stuff up. 🤣
  15. It's just oh so difficult trying to decide between a 78yo convicted felon and sex offender and compulsive liar, or the other person.
  16. It is pretty hard to beat the combination of things Pattaya has to offer. Checks all the boxes for most people. Phuket not so much. Especially for longer term stays.
  17. I think someone posted their DTV visa here, unless I saw that somewhere else. Not 100% sure.
  18. That is because they are on the hook to fly you back if you are not allowed in the country and low cost airline is not making much money on the ticket to begin with.
  19. For using the eVisa website yes. However, I may be possible to get it at a Thai consulate/embassy abroad. Perhaps someone can email the one in Phnom Penh or Saigon and ask.
  20. Has anyone figured how how much the extension costs? I've heard 1900 and 10000 which just sounds like people, including people at immigration, repeating other known fees. I'm willing to bet it ends up being somewhere in between.
  21. The website functions because the DTV application is just reusing the tourist visa application. I think the only thing they added was the employment contract section.
  22. Nobody has to worry about it for at least another 360 days so not important right now. Worst case is you have to buy a cheap plane ticket every 180 days instead of every 360 days which is not a big deal.
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