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Everything posted by shdmn

  1. Before or after the knuckleheads storm the Capitol again after Faux Fox tells them the election was stolen?
  2. So TV is posting Russian propaganda now?
  3. I'm really glad the shooter missed because I want to be able to experience the convicted felon being humiliated and acting like a sore loser for a second time. The right would have just tried to turn that piece of garbage into some kind of fascist martyr.
  4. At the drop of a hat they want to "kill Democrats" when the only thing left leaning about the shooter was his aim. https://www.wired.com/story/trump-shooting-far-right-calling-for-violence-war/
  5. So like these guys? https://www.wired.com/story/trump-shooting-far-right-calling-for-violence-war/
  6. You mean besides calling for violence because he didn't like the results of the election? Or saying that his VP should be hung for certifying it? Or the Epstein/pedophile accusations? Or the whole rawdogging a porn star adultery thing? Don't Republicans pretend think that kind of stuff is bad when trying to project that kind of stuff on someone other than another Republican?
  7. Thanks for your reply informing me people are not replying.
  8. The convicted felon can now try milk it saying he has war wounds and only be mostly full of BS instead of the usual 100% BS. Like that time he described getting STDs as his own personal Vietnam
  9. Republicans have been banging on about fighting anyone involved in pedophile rings for the last decade, so they should not be upset now that one of their own has decided to try do something about it.
  10. The shooters inspiration has been discovered. Oh, and he was wearing a 2nd amendment t-shirt. How perfect is that! Gonna make it real tough for the BS merchants trying to thread the needle on whatever conspiracy theory they end up landing on.
  11. At a time when the only firearms they had were muzzle-loaded muskets. They could not have even imagined such a thing as automatic weapons back then.
  12. Give them a couple more days. They are in the throwing at the wall to see what sticks phase right now.
  13. Tell your wingnut relatives that Biden sent the order and that the recent Supreme Court ruling made it legal and watch their heads explode. Add your own twist, like saying Hillary and Soros advised him.
  14. If I only had a baht for every time I have heard that. The reasons keep changing but it's always the same old tune. They are all still in Thailand whining about everything and not going anywhere. I wish they would leave like they keep threatening to do.
  15. No worries, the right wing puke funnel will find a way to spin that into some sort of alternative conspiracy theory. Like saying he was working undercover for the deep state. Or that he was secretly part of ANTIFA. Maybe finding some way to tie it into Hunter's laptop. 🤣 The wingnuts just love their conspiracies. The reason is because its a proven scientific fact that right-leaning people are much more gullible than anyone else to that sort of thing. All you have to do is read some of their comments here to know that. It's amazing that some of these knuckleheads can generate enough brain activity to create a profile and post comments.
  16. Thank you for this mornings Faux Fox talking points. What other nonsense has the wingnut wurlizer starting implanting into your little head?
  17. There are talking about it although I have not heard anything new on that for a couple months now.
  18. Apparently the convicted felon didn't hire the best people when it comes to secret service, although I don't think he gets to pick and choose them. Or maybe the best ones don't want to work for him. I thought that looking for sight lines and putting up barriers for that was something they were very good at, so it seems like someone dropped the ball.
  19. Yes, but you can only get the visa one time. A lot could change in five years but those are the rules right now.
  20. There are 3 categories. Workcation: Remote worker, Freelancer, Digital nomad Participants of Activites Related to Thai Soft-Power and MICE: Muay Thai, Thai Cooking, Seminars, Misc Festivals etc. Family of DTV Holder: Spouse, Dependent Children under 20.
  21. I have no idea what post you are talking about. The one I am talking about has quite a few new details. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0Ka6DhoLVjc1HvuV3auB6yzQf74RsEtiCUdC1JsboeUz4URPMh9goXD9cpsGmNm4Fl&id=100055797049621 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PYJTMSqL0bE3gJmUIDM9AygXR4j0_9wSuioYea5oqtM/edit?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR39RK02kC1WBeoMgIgqT37Clh2ElYkzOStl6-uRSqaieck3iz5ECoV__3I_aem_-5fAsJNaUAQBbJYe4eLWkA#heading=h.8n4h7xzb0pqn
  22. It means you have to read between the lines because some things they will accept and some things they will not, and you have to try figure out what that is.
  23. In that post above it specifically says they want to see some kind of proof of employment or projects or contracts. Tax and bank records will not satisfy that requirement.
  24. Port your mobile number to a VoIP provider that can send SMS to email, such as Voip.ms. My number is still listed as a mobile number with the previous mobile provider even after I ported, so it still apparently passes all the checks with the things I use it for. At least that has been my experience with it so far but YMMV.
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