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Everything posted by shdmn

  1. People barely cared about their imaginary BS before and they care even less now that Biden dropped out. Now they need to start all over again trying to demonize Kamala with new manufactured BS. 🤣 They have a big problem now. It takes several months for manufactured BS have an effect and the election is only a few months away.
  2. So 1900b for a 180 day extension according to the deputy director for consular affairs. He did say you need to show your documents proving digital nomad status again, but didn't mention anything about the other categories like cooking classes or boxing or hospital appointments or a bank statement. Kind of sounds to me like you might need to prove all that stuff is still going on to extend, so probably better off to just leave and come back instead.
  3. The convicted felon's own VP pick hates his guts. His 'wife' hates his guts. A lot of his family members hate his guts. Most Republican politicians hate his guts. The only people that don't hate his guts are the MAGA cult deplorables. 😆
  4. Especially now with the DTV option. They were telling a lot of people before that they need to get the appropriate visa next time after a couple bounces, now they will probably be doing that even more.
  5. I wouldn't bother trying to use facts and logic with MAGA juice drinkers. They don't care about those things.
  6. Are you proud of yourself apologizing for a convicted felon and wannabe tinpot dictator? Do you aspire to be just like him?
  7. In case you haven't noticed, it's already decriminalized in much of the western world. Did anything bad happen? Do any of those countries regret it?
  8. They could not care less about health effects of recreational use. That is just an excuse to make it illegal so they can profit from medical use. I can't really understand what this article is saying. It started out clear enough but the last part just muddied the waters again. Are they leaning towards making it illegal for recreational or not? I know Anutin has a lot of sway so whatever he says carries a lot of weight.
  9. I prefer to just point and laugh since convicted felon supporters have no interested in the truth anyways. Like when Obama posted his birth certificate knowing full well it was just a dogwhistle and wouldn't shut anyone up. Sure enough MAGA world just moved the goalposts and was like AHA!!!, BUT WHERE IS THE LONG FORM BIRTH CERTIFICATE!!!!!!! So then we had to listen to that excrement for the next 18 months.
  10. And then as soon as you take a step towards them they start yelping like a little b*tch.
  11. Not that convicted felon supporters ever let facts get in the way of their alternate reality, but how about actually reading the article before trying to spread your falsehoods. At least then you can maybe come up with a better line of BS before Faux Noise Fox News distributes your official BS talking points.
  12. That had crossed my mind. Remains to be seen if this would work in reality. In my limited experience, they don't respond very well to expired travel documents.
  13. Why did they stop them? Context is important. There could be all sorts of reasons not related to scams.
  14. How do you know they were scammers if they never got in and nothing happened? Kickboxer sounds like a potential selling feature to me, not automatically a scam.
  15. That plus the 60 day waiver on arrival should make the Jomtien immigration office a lot less busy.
  16. If you get it online it's a PDF you can print out and carry on your phone. Not a stamp or sticker that goes in your passport. Same as the Tourist Visa. Looks like if you physically go into a consulate you get a sticker in your passport. I would assume you also get the same letter/PDF version as well but not sure about that. Remains to be seen what happens if you get a new passport and the ID# is different to what is on the Visa. You would probably have to go into immigration or apply online to get that changed on the Visa. I suspect Thai immigration hasn't thought about this scenario yet so just hope your not one of the first that has to deal with it.
  17. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/kamala-harris-trump-debate-any-time-b2586303.html Once again confirming what we have known for a long time. The convicted felon and internet bully is all talk.
  18. That is good to know. I was wondering about that. I think you are only allowed to get it online while in your home country (in theory). Yes I know that you can probably get around that with a VPN or whatever but they could (again, in theory) check your stamps in your passport and see that you were not in your home country when the visa was issued.
  19. We are both talking about the new 5 year DTV visa right? You can only get that in your home country (in theory), and it's relatively straight forward, so not sure why anyone would suggest that Thai visa agents would even need to be involved.
  20. Not sure why some people are still confused by this. Pretty sure it's clearly explained in the official document which only takes a few minutes to read. Why would you assume shady Thai visa agents could be involved? As far as I know it needs to be foreign bank account in your home country. Technically, someone applying for this visa should not even have a local bank account.
  21. No need to keep repeating yourselves. We already know you all pretend to think everything bad about your convicted felon hero is a lie now and forever. Unless you are just incredibly naive, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt. It's funny how you list the one issue you say you care about last.
  22. Being a convicted felon that wants to have sex with their daughter is not an issue for you? Do you admire those qualities? Never mind the whole election denying, wannabe tinpot dictator for life thing. What other issues are there with all these dealbreakers before you even get to that?
  23. Careful with that. There are all kinds of stupid rules you may run into trying to ship a guitar. I know from personal experience trying to ship a vintage guitar to the US. They stopped it because of the special wood used and the fact it used seashell for the fretboard dots. Both very common things you would run into with guitars. These are rules that were created decades after the instrument was actually made. That didn't matter. Also didn't matter that the instrument was originally made in the US. They told me that I was very lucky they were shipping it back. They could have easily just declared it contraband and kept it. Lost hundreds of dollars on shipping and ended up selling it to someone in my own country for less. Maybe it's easier shipping it to other countries but I would avoid trying to ship it to the US.
  24. You tell em. It's not like there is any justification to hate a convicted felon that wants to have sex with their daughter, which people on the right apparently admire.
  25. It was all some giant conspiracy blah blah like everything else. That is the only thing that ever makes sense to these knuckleheads living in their imaginary worlds. No need to dwell on their reasons whatever Faux noise Fox news is telling them they are these days.
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