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Everything posted by shdmn

  1. Keep in mind that larger ovens really heat up a place, so that's going to be a hit to the aircon bill. A small countertop oven is best. I would want to get a dedicated airfryer before I get an oven. I don't think a combined oven/airfryer is as good. They are larger as well so I don't think you save much on counter space instead of two separate appliances.
  2. I would not want to get that just because it takes up a whole page in the passport. Even though I have the extended page passport it's almost all filled up, even with covid where I didn't go anywhere for 2 years. Part of the reason is those stupid Cambodia visa stickers that take up a whole page each time you go there. If you were to get this as well that would be two full pages used up.
  3. LOL at the knuckleheads getting all bent out of shape over the opening ceremonies. They see gay people boogeymen around every corner. Rainbow flags must look like swastikas to them or something. 😆 I could never understand why they seem to feel so threatened by it all. They probably don't like how it stirs up their repressed feelings.
  4. There ya go. Moving the goalposts just like every other loyal convicted felon defender does, which you are TOTALLY not. You just care about the 'issues'.
  5. So in your totally not a convicted felon defender opinion, you agree that the Jan 6 capitol mob are all criminals?
  6. Gotta LOL at the knuckleheads latest Faux Noise Fox News talking points. "I only care about the issues". Not what a deplorable piece of garbage the convicted felon is. Apparently, wanting to abolish elections and declare himself dictator for life is not an 'issue' to them. 🤡
  7. The totally not a convicted felon supporter once again tries to defend the convicted felon.
  8. "We don't have that kind of warped reality on our side," the Biden transportation secretary said, calling Trump "older and stranger" than he was in 2016 https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/buttigieg-fox-viewers-maga-cult-1235069586/
  9. It's right beside the gay bar area.
  10. Does rawdogging a porn star while your 3rd trophy wife is having another one of your spawn qualify as traditional values?
  11. So you are from there? That would explain a lot.
  12. It's not that big a deal to take a short trip to a neighbouring country once every 6 months, so a lot of people would probably just do that.
  13. Resorting to the same old racist and sexist tactics once again. https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2024-07-28/trump-campaign-against-harris-is-racist-and-sexist
  14. Not sure why nobody talks about the residences. They are different construction and probably different management. They are not high rises so I would think there would be less waiting around for elevators.
  15. I would say VT7 is the worst for long term living. Most people there are short term foreigners as far as I could tell when I walked around the place a few times. Might be nice in low season when nobody is around. Only reason anyone would think it's the best is because of location right on the beach in the main Jomtien downtown area. I think most of the units on the back side are empty. I think they are just there to fill the Thai quota so they can sell all the front ones to foreigners at a premium. Could be a bit noisy depending which way you are facing. I think VT8 has different management and that may be what people are complaining about with that one. That VT8 area is becoming quite popular so I don't think location is the problem. Not a fan of VT2A. Too many punters. Saw a guy in his 60s with a mohawk dyed orange at the pool. Lots of drunks and people who have given up and are just running out the clock. You get the idea. I haven't considered VT2B. Too far away from the road, so not sure what that one is like. My favorite ones are 5D and 3A and B. VT3 is nice for peace and quiet and if you like Pratamnak area and want to be right on the ocean. You pretty much need your own transportation though. Don't need your own transportation for VT5, better class of expats hanging around compared to VT2A across the street, the foodmart almost right across the street, and easy keycard access to/from the beach. So VT5 kind of checks all the boxes for me.
  16. I wish they would crack down on loud bikes with illegal pipes.
  17. Not sure how long ago this picture of Anutin was taken.
  18. Just like he was too old and sick to be in prison and then made a miraculous recovery right after being released.
  19. No evidence yet that they will accept dental appointments. It is quite possible as they don't seem to be strict about any of it.
  20. So you didn't know that people can look up your post history? Strange.
  21. Maybe all you convicted felon defenders should take your own advice. You can start by not pretending his 34 felonies are somehow not real or legit, and pretending Jan 6 didn't happen or was ANTIFA or whatever other BS you puke out online daily.
  22. Just locker room fascism. Yes, this is sarcasm. The convicted felon is definitely a fascist. If the whole trying to overturn the election thing wasn't enough to convince someone they must have brain damage.
  23. Nobody has tried the hospital appointment thing yet that I am aware of. It's also not clear whether you will need to show another appointment each time you re-enter or extend. He did say that you have to show digital nomad proof again when you extend.
  24. They are already throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks. Their biggest problem is that they don't have enough time. They first need to to figure out what is getting traction and then spin up the wingnut wurlitzer to pound it into everyone's heads 24/7 for long enough to influence opinion.
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