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Everything posted by shdmn

  1. They can match it up with the stamps in your passport, so if you were to get a DTV from Cambodia your passport would need to have stamps showing you were there at the time it was issued.
  2. The pills will probably be obsolete soon. There is already an every other month shot (Apretude) approved in several countries including the US. This one only needs one shot every 6 months. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/a-twice-yearly-injection-against-hiv-offers-stunning-protection-experts-say
  3. You can't seriously think anyone is going to accept that?!
  4. Just go to the Bangok Red Cross. You will still need to get tested but it's not expensive. I think it's around 1500b for the test and 30 days of pills. After that you can go in and get more pills without needing to get tested again. I think they require a new test every 3 months.
  5. Hey there woke libruuuls. MAGA is not just all talk. He lives and breathes it. If this is not MAGA I don't know what is.
  6. Just can't make this stuff up.
  7. That's the point. I know I would not be satisfied with just a win. I want it to really hurt.
  8. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/florida-trump-toss-up-state-h
  9. The convicted felon raw dogged Stormy and talked about getting VD as his own personal Vietnam, so he probably never wraps up, except maybe with Ivanka.
  10. That would suck to pay all that money and have a DTV application denied.
  11. The convicted felon fraudster literally has a picture of Kim Jong-Un on his wall. You just can't make this stuff up.
  12. Shocking. 😲 He almost never does that.
  13. Pretty wierd reposting stuff from the convicted felon fraudster that literally looks like something a 14yo would post, and think it helps your pitiful cause or something.
  14. The are mostly lemmings more easily influenced by fake news propaganda than the left is. I believe there are peer-reviewed scientific studies proving this.
  15. Not wierd hypocrits, fake news.
  16. It pretty much is. The same headlines every day using some combination of the words like erupts, rages, rants, unhinged, furious, outraged, crazed. This is the clown MAGA morons want representing them. 🤡
  17. I don't know who is more pathetic. The convicted felon fraudster with early dementia, or the people who still try defend him.
  18. It's odd that the convicted felon fraudster and compulsive liar is scared of anyone who wants to fact-check him.
  19. Just on a practical level, I think it would be rather difficult for them to try track and enforce ATM withdrawals as remitted income for every single expat.
  20. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-mocks-us-troops-injured-iran-air-strike-1235121162/
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  21. You are probably right, but I think that may tie in with this since putting it into a Thai bank account can affect its assessability.
  22. So what is the current consensus on ATM withdrawals from non-Thai bank accounts? Taxable, not taxable, depends on the phases of the moon?
  23. The jokes write themselves.
  24. Ah yes, the both sides. Like arsonists and firefighters. Just two sides of the same coin. There are no both sides when one side doesn't even want to recognize elections anymore. More proof of how disconnected you are.
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