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Everything posted by shdmn

  1. It's rainy season, so it's not from burning.
  2. Any reports yet of people getting denied on a DTV?
  3. You sound like stickman. If you think that what Thailand is all about maybe you should stop hanging around the red light districts and tourist ghettos.
  4. Why do I still see this trolls posts? I blocked and ignored every possible thing coming from that account and I still see their daily garbage pop up on my feed.
  5. I'm pretty much done with alcohol and coffee now. Neither of them do much for me anymore.
  6. I don't like it and don't want it.
  7. That doesn't prevent me from seeing their new topic garbage headline and garbage comments when someone quotes them. When I ignore someone I want to eliminate their entire virtual existence.
  8. I see this on the left side now. How do I get rid of it completely? I don't like it and don't want it.
  9. Some of it is because of low pollution control regulations on motor vehicles. Think California several decades ago. The problem is that adding pollution control costs money. I think they were trying to get rid of tuk tuks at one time because they were one of the worst. Still see lots of them around so not sure what happened with that. I also remember reading a story a couple years ago how they were planning to increase the pollution control requirements on new vehicles. Not sure what happened with that. More and more vehicles are electric now but that transition is going to take decades.
  10. So one of the more active trolls on this site posted something about this a day or two ago and the next think you know this site is posting an official story about it. I'm sure it's just a coincidence. 🤔
  11. He is totally going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it too.
  12. Hey there fellow patriots. I read that Trump has opened his doors at Mar-A-Lago for the MAGA movement to take shelter from the hurricane. Pass it on to all your friends.
  13. He seems to have his finger on the pulse of the rust belt and that is where a lot elections tend to get decided.
  14. Says who? Just because they can make it shorter does not automatically mean they do.
  15. This pretty much sums up the level of BS in this thread by the usual half-dozen usernames who seem to be growing more desperate and unhinged by the day.
  16. I don't know what sites you are looking at but the ones I use give me a legit verifiable ticket in my name. The difference is that I am only renting it for a limited time not buying, although some sites have the option of buying it outright if need be. https://onwardflights.com/ https://bestonwardticket.com/
  17. I doubt it. The only thing anyone can do is point and laugh.
  18. Putin owns this clown, and this is who MAGA morons want representing the US to the world? 🤡
  19. There is at least one peer-reviewed scientific study floating around on the internet that shows that people favoring right-wing politics are more susceptible to propaganda and conspiracy theories and are easier to con. Anyone interested in the truth can Google it and see for themselves.
  20. Smaller diameter wheels give a better turn radius and help lower the center of gravity. Both of those make them better in town. Larger diameter tires are better at highway speeds.
  21. Bigger diameter wheels are less maneuverable. Makes a big difference in town weaving around in traffic. I find scooters with smaller diameter tires are a lot more fun to drive around town. I think wider tires probably help make the ride smoother than larger diameter.
  22. I think it's a smoother ride than a Click imo. ADV is designed for all terrain, hence the ADV which is short for "adventure". It will handle rougher roads and potholes better than a lot of other bikes.
  23. Voter fraud confirmed. Take that woke libruuls with your avocado toast and Prius's
  24. I am in the same boat. I was using the METV but I found the extensions and border bounces and worry about travel dates to be a big hassle. The DTV eliminates all that even if I don't end up staying more than 60 days.
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