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Dirk Z

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Everything posted by Dirk Z

  1. The first seizure can be the last or the beginning of a life long condition. There are different kinds of epilepsy each requiring a tailored approach for diagnosis and treatment. There are certainly neurologists in Thailand competent enough to take care of this problem, they have been listed, so in my opinion there is no need to seek help in the US. But in spite of all good intentions a forum like this is certainly not the place. Take this from this MD.
  2. Hip hop, Uptown funk, 24K Magic, Taki taki, and any song that has the words Christmas, Santa, Jingle Bells or similar in it.
  3. The official death certificate comes from the district office. This is after the police, in case of a foreigner, release the body, with our without autopsy. For inheritance issues a will is required and translations need to be provided. These need to be legalized and certified by Ministry of foreign affairs and the relevant embassy.
  4. In BKK you can walk in for a fee. I don't remember hoe much, but acceptable.
  5. Could not agree more. Please let this not be a market place of medical opinions and experiences. They belong in a doctor's office (says this MD).
  6. Check-ups in persons without complaints (other than compatible with age) are grossly overrated and an easy way to make money. The chance that something will be found that saves your life is very small (albeit, I admit, not zero). But the chance that something irrelevant will be found leading to further tests, to even tests that involve risky procedures, is a lot higher. In large surveys the disadvantages seem to outweigh the benefits.
  7. Why would anyone worry about protests when we can all see the wisdom and deep concern with the country's well-being as well as respect for the voters (who can be hardly respected because of their ignorant choices) that comes with this decision to suspend?
  8. Elections are a total farce if ignored or overruled. This is an embarrassment for the country. As for article 112: a robust, respected and maybe even beloved monarchy does not need a special law. Defamation law as for everyone else suffices for all the other monarchies.
  9. Many places are very noisy so not really a place to talk. Background music is a thing of the past with a young generation being half deaf.
  10. The brother of a good friend destroyed his kidneys with kratom and is now on dialysis. Enjoy!
  11. This concerns around 10 patients per year and the procedure is extremely meticulous involving all concerned.
  12. For the partner of a deceased friend we were in touch with two legal firms. This is about inheritance, but they do other topics as well. Both firms made a good impression, the widow chose the second. Panut Tripiboonsuk Bangkok International Associates 17th Floor, ITF Tower 140/36-38 Silom Road Bangkok 10500 Thailand Tel: (66) 2 231 6201 The second one: PRACHAYA INTERNATIONAL LAW FIRM 10 Soi 20 Mithuna Yek 5 Sutthisan Rd., Huai Khwang, Bangkok 10310 Ifl :.081-453-8800; tldnd.02-274-8809 du]a [email protected]
  13. I already have two accounts in my name, but that is not the solution I am looking for. I am also looking far ahead when he may need to deal with inheritance.
  14. Thank you for this very helpful and carefully considered comment. It clarifies something I had not realized and I am very grateful that with this new insight I can abandon my quest.
  15. I have been to a number of banks. Before about a month ago they said a legalized statement from the embassy is what they would need, but now three different banks at various locations plainly say "no". Even banks where we have been customers for quite some time with solid accounts.
  16. It seems that the rules for opening a bank account have been tightened. My son would like an account here because of frequent travel and maybe buying a condo, but he only has a tourist visa and opening of an account is denied, even at the international locations like shopping malls, major offices. Also our banks, where we are good customers (Krungsri, SCB and Bangkok Bank) won't help. Latest I heard is that it depend on the type of visa. We can provide him with a rental contract and as such an address. Does anyone know of a way to get this done?
  17. Going to a hospital the patient will most likely get over-diagnosed and over-treated. So, yes, expensive. This sounds more like a problem fit for primary care. This you can find at BeWell. If necessary they will refer further, but that seems unlikely.
  18. Yep, just come to Thailand, Thailand welcomes such tourists with 24/7 cannabis policy!
  19. Very happy with my Mazda 2. Have been all around Thailand with it. Has almost all the extra's, making it very comfortable for it's class.
  20. If it is that irrelevant who becomes president of the Security Council, and indeed if the world lets a war criminal take the position, the whole Council might as well be dissolved. Whose security will it protect?
  21. I have recently started to use SayHi and find it excellent. To which extent it uses Google I don't know, but it has never misunderstood me so far and the translation seems to be quite OK.
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