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Everything posted by LomSak27

  1. One gets the idea that is the real reason for the Faux outrage over CNN. It's worked in the past, try to focus national attention on something culturally acceptable to vent outrage on. In this case western journos. Anything but the real issues & problems.
  2. No better time to download MacGyver 1985/92 Seven seasons of improvisational self defense and life saving techniques and skills. A video study guide.
  3. Do you have problems, when people in Thailand. say things like he's a scouse, geordie, sassanach or sheep sh---er, and expect people too understand what they are talking about? It's always something.
  4. Of course Russia, (Soviet Union) does have a past history of doing exactly that. In the aftermath of D Day the Brits found a couple prisoners/soldiers, they could not identify, or talk too. Turns out they were Mongolian sheep herders captured by Russian press gang teams operating across the Mongolian border. They were then captured by the Germans, who put them on their western front. Russia is grabbing as many as they can. If they scooped up some expat US citizens wandering about I'm sure they would love it. Likely they are making Brittney an offer right now.
  5. And bravo for Canada, but that is basic extradition protocol worldwide. Unless a country deliberately waves it, if said country does not have a death penalty they will not let a prisoner be extradited to a country that does, without assurance death penalty will not be a possible outcome. Check Ms Jinjiara Smith; AKA Ms Jägermeister, and her extradition to the US from the UK.
  6. It is an old thing that is coming back in vogue. Maybe it was Chinese originally. When I was first backpacking around Thailand in the 80's you would see Thais in the evening night market in PJ's. All over. From Chiang Mai, Loei to Nakorn Sawan. Never a lot, and just buying to take back to the house, but a few would be. Problem, what problem?
  7. Moonshine His scandal might have been the tip of the iceberg but that is all it was. This article makes out like he is the root cause of the 97 economic collapse. Thailand always need to find something, someone, some entity, to blame it on, if only to protect the guilty. 'Non Performing Loans', across the entire Thai banking sector caused the 97 collapse. Get money from the bank and never repay it. Others call it theft. That is what collapsed the economy. Only a certain section of this class stratified society could get those loans. Wasn't Phim & her noodle shop or Somchais mu todd night market stall, that could get them. 25 years on, those people still need to be protected. Amazing Thailand.
  8. The entertainment Quality Tourists have been crying out for. Bravo TAT!
  9. There were two sides in 2014. He just chose the correct side. Wrong side, death penalty or life x2.
  10. "The CDC order from December 2, 2021, requiring persons aged two and above to show a negative COVID-19 test result or documentation of recovery from COVID-19 before boarding a flight to the United States, is rescinded, effective June 12, 2022, at 12:01AM ET." This applies across the board for US entry, vaxx or non vaxxed. FULL STOP. This applies to US passport holders. If not a US passport holder, you need to look up entry requirements.
  11. Nice to know. I'll never use them again, and I was able to get my money back. Of course It took a month and a half, after they said they would immediately put it back in my account. Lots of people love them, they give the cheapest quotes, but beware.
  12. No requirements for US citizens returning to the US. Check with airlines if stopover airports (countries) require it. Japan has been, Taiwan is not. Eva Airlines has been up and running transpac flights for a month and a half now. Although the ‘Pelosi War Games’ put a damper on it for a couple weeks. Taipei airport is open for those transiting, although very few people; food & duty free closing down early (2100), On the plus side they have remodeled the main hall a bit, and security screenings are a breeze with so few flying through.
  13. Easily Numba One. I do not expect it to change radically but I find I have less tolerance for it as I age. I have a plan B or C at all times. The long term G has a Schengen passport which simplifies matters.
  14. Good Question. Bought a Panasonic Lumix DC-GX9, 'four thirds' camera at Big Camera Central Airport Mall three years back. You get a better deal of course if buying in other countries than Thailand. However not worth making a trip out of Thailand specifically to buy a camera. Still happy with my purchase & happy with Big Camera. No idea how the shop ranks for after market service as never had a problem with the camera. I have bought extra lenses, when outside of the country, because of cost, BTW.
  15. Or no “hipsters” at all. It is now a fashion has been for going on two decades. Your beard grooming, neo beatnik, is as likely to be a digital nomad, glam packer, backpacker, traveler, new young expat brigade, ex military, hard right maga conspiracy theory mumbler, as a real honest to god hipster, if they still exist. It’s like saying people are hippies if they have long hair. Somewhere post 1971, having long hair became a fashion, not a social group designator. Same for hipsters & groomed facial hair.
  16. The update above was from a traveler who went through at the end of August. I went through last Sunday. After deplaning, security check, took the escalators up to the main hall and departure gates. The main hall, duty free stores and the food outlets on the open-air floor above that, have been remodeled. The open air ‘upper level’ of cafes and airline lounges, have a different layout. Illy coffee is now where Starbucks once was. Starbucks is on the opposite side. Taipei airport is still re opening, and then the recent war games, very very few people there. That also meant restaurants and coffee shops (and duty free) were closing up at 2100, no customers. It really was quiet. Another difference. The flight I took, was almost all Taiwan bound passengers. Usual asian/western passenger mix, but all of 6 of us going through security as transfer passengers(!) That from the Bangkok flight. No clue why that was, That said, flight to the US was full. The food wasn’t bad, but not as good as before. I take that more a sign of re-starting the airline & suppliers than anything more. - Note drinking fountains are taped and dry, because of 'health risks' buy/bring water bottle you can fill at a couple machines. Basically another long transpac slog. Typing this hours before dawn as dealing with usual time change – jet lag this week.
  17. Update - Access to Taipei's airport main lounge, DF, & regular departure gates has been available since the end of August. BTW The Starbucks was gone 7 months before the pandemic (19), no idea why as it did a booming business.
  18. Look at the picture. This is a Hmong hilltribe area and resorts. For reasons "never explained" Thai authorities find something wrong with minority owned resorts at a higher ratio than with kone Thai. Case in point, Ban Thap Buek in Petchaboon. I'm sure their are tons of illegally built resorts in that Khao Kho area but it is the Hmong owned ones they go after. Don't expect Thai pbs world to tell you any of that, either.
  19. JAL & Eva are my go to airlines for transpac flights. I had trouble getting quotes from Expedia, Kayak. I wish I knew more sites to use. When in doubt I go to the airlines site and check/buy there. Between the gas price rise and China’s Pelosi War Games its been a strange couple months for prices. My deal breaker has always been layover time for the connecting flights, and the number of connecting flights. Asiana and Korean air, are notorious for this. Great airlines, but I always get quotes with 6 to 12 hours stopover at Inchon & Seoul. I will not do that. I have never had a layover of more than 4 hours at Taipei. Note Delta (United?) quotes on Expedia are for Korean airlines out of Asia. I liked the PA price quoted above, but 8 hours at Manila airport?! Not for me. The only 'real' information I have is over a month old. This posted on a local facebook group. Information was from a Eva LA to Bangkok flight. Passengers were deplaned and confined to a departure lounge, not allowed to go to the man hall, the duty free, the food places on that upper level. This because of Taiwan’s Covid policies. No idea if this is still in effect, or what they’re doing now. I just bought a ticket from Eva’s website. A little under a 1000 US for Sept to Oct, BKK - SeaTac RT. My stopover times were short, both had only 1 stop; Taipei. Quite a few quotes from Eva & others had 2 stops. Look carefully at how many stops & how long. Yes those tickets are cheaper. If I have to stay in the Departure lounge area, I do not have problem with that, as my layover time is not long. Again this is mid September returning mid October. Last note, ignore the trip advisor comments regarding Eva. The “Sina Weibo” crowd, trolling for the celestial motherland, puts up a lot of unverifiable bilge. Nothing that stopped me from buying a ticket.
  20. First "Have a nice day" is not some universal cultural wish, where I am from it can be used in two ways, one positive, one negative. While I do understand, the USA is a far more interesting & important than Thailand. Still - This is a Thai forum. The 13 Thai smiles article linked up is a start. The fact that it takes awhile before visitors discover all is not what they think it is. Thailand has different meanings behind expressions that westerners assign one meaning to, is revealing, It should be in a visitors basic introduction/survival guide to the country. BTW I believe there are more than 13. Case in Point; My girl has particular smile she uses when she wants to buy something ... with my money. As stated below. "a Thai Smile is often not what it seems. As Thais and longtime ex-pats will tell you, a smile may have a thousand meanings"
  21. Thailand has not been neutral for a long time, although it likes to pretend it is.
  22. Doing that next month. Besides vitamins, a 'Kirkland' herbal supplement.
  23. Minister Anutin is up to his hips in the new marijuana trade, and will make himself a bundle, but he has built a political career, saying whatever the Big Kahuna wants him to say. That is his job. He will say that today and tomorrow happily sell to low quality tourists who come specifically for the marijuana. He is not a moron, he is a successful Thai politician & businessman.
  24. Sounds more like a shill game. The US has not offered them for sale. There are strong reasons why the US would not sell F-35's to Thailand. Moreover this 2nd burst of enthusiasm from Thailand about the F-35's comes at the same time as the Pelosi visit to Formosa, dust up. A Public Relations game(?) Setting up the US to say NO & refuse to sell them to Thailand. In which case the Thai government can tell the Thai people; see they're not our ally, the celestial dragon is our real daddy. Likely the reason why the US refuses to issue a public comment. Playing games Thais like to play. They do think themselves 'tricky'. If Thailand really wants a plane, the Saab Gripen is excellent, and far more affordable.
  25. Much ado about nothing, China will froth and howl like a petulant child, then it's the weekend. Cheers
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