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Etaoin Shrdlu

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Everything posted by Etaoin Shrdlu

  1. I don't think it is likely that the TRD will seek to tax undistributed income within US IRA and 401k accounts, although I don't think there is anything in the US-Thai DTA that expressly precludes it. I think it is technically a possibility, but I don't see it as likely. But who knows? I tend not to underestimate the capabilities of the TRD if they want your money, Somchai or not. I have heard people who have been audited say that the Thai tax net isn't very wide, but it is very deep. I think that the TRD has the ability to obtain transaction data from the BoT with respect to inward foreign remittances. Somchai won't find anything, but the TRD computers might. But I don't think the TRD has the resources or perhaps the political will now to chase bargirls upcountry with foreign remittances.
  2. I'n a bit more optimistic in that, but I do see your point. I think the TRD will recognize these accounts as self-directed pensions and that any income within the account isn't taxable. only distributions.
  3. If it is a gift, it isn't taxable income to the bargirl. If it is for "services rendered" then it would potentially be taxable income to the bargirl. I have no idea how the TRD would determine the latter. If the the funds are remitted from abroad by someone who is tax resident in Thailand, then the funds may be taxable income for the remitter depending upon the source of funds, timing, etc.
  4. I agree. There's no way this would arise without it being part of the government's policy. We'll hear more about what Thaksin the PM has in mind when she gives her speech next week. It has already been leaked that the new government will seek to remedy income inequality via the tax system. The question will be whether it gets a radical revamp or just the addition of worldwide taxation. There has been talk of a negative income tax for the poor.
  5. i think a TRD official discussed this in a presentation to one of the chambers of commerce. The position was that IRA and 401k plans are considered self-directed pensions and distributions would be taxed as regular pension income under Thai tax laws.
  6. The Federal Reserve manages interest rates to influence the US domestic economy. When inflation is high, the Fed tends to increase interest rates. If economic stimulus is needed, it cuts them. These changes affect the rate at which the dollar trades against other currencies as capital will flow towards the higher returns provided by the higher interest rate. Central banks in other countries do the same. The comparative changes/differences between interest rates drive foreign exchange fluctuations. In other words, certain economic situations drive central bank decisions on interest rates, which in turn drive exchange rates. Yes, this is a bit of a simplification as there can be other factors involved as well, but this is usually the main driver.
  7. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 129 seconds  
  8. Have you been audited by the TRD and was it their formal opinion that remittances from your overseas account to your girlfriend's Thai account are not considered potentially taxable remittances with respect to your tax situation?
  9. Rentokil Thailand is a good company and will do a professional job. It is a bit pricey as it is the local venture of a multinational company headquartered in the UK and likely has to pay franchise fees and other overheads that local companies don't have. We used Rentokil Thailand to get rid of termites.The UK head office is located in the aptly-named (for Rentokil) city of Crawley. There are less expensive options to have someone come into your premises and spray industrial strength stuff down the drains and around the baseboards. Ask the condo management about this. Less expensive yet is cockroach paste that you can apply yourself. It works ok, but takes some time.
  10. Looks as if even some of the fringe types are realizing that Trump is a lost cause and a loser: https://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/a-big-ripoff-white-nationalist-nick-fuentes-blasts-trump-for-admitting-he-lost-the-2020-election/
  11. What sane Republicans really think: https://www.mediaite.com/news/elected-gop-leaders-secretly-hope-for-trump-election-loss-report/
  12. I understand. Have you politely asked the agent to show you where in your lease agreement it states that you're required to do any of the tasks they've mentioned? If so, what was their response?
  13. Yes, I suspect that some of the pro-Palestinian movement is anti-Jewish, perhaps a large portion. Anti-Jewish sentiment spans both sides of the political divide. So far, I haven't heard much pro-Palestinian rhetoric from Harris or Walz, but maybe it is early days. Trump does state that he's against globalism, however.
  14. "Globalism" or "globalist" is what is now used in place of the 20th century's "cosmopolitanism". Both are dog whistle terms for anti-Jewish sentiment.
  15. I don't think it matters much.
  16. Here's a link to the SSA form to use for direct deposit to Thai bank accounts: https://www.ssa.gov/forms/ssa-1199-op107.pdf Complete your portion and sign. Then take it to your bank and have the bank complete their portion and sign and stamp. Email a scan of the completed form to the SSA office in Manila and ask for it to be processed: FBU.Manila-at-ssa.gov You can have your SS benefits sent to any Thai bank and either a savings or a current account, including Bangkok Bank. Just don't have it sent to an existing Bangkok Bank savings account if it was previously set up to receive SS funds via New York, otherwise you'll have to go in person to withdraw the funds.
  17. I suspect it may take the assistance of someone with local influence for a foreigner to own and run an elephant park in Phuket. Perhaps that someone could have had a quiet word with the right person.
  18. I suspect there will be an algorithm that will deny an ETA based upon number of entries and lengths of stay.
  19. I have experience here in Thailand as a landlord and none of the agreements I have used with my tenants have specifically required the tenant to clean the air conditioners at the end of the lease period. I am required to clean the air conditioners once a year, and I typically do this at the anniversary of the initial lease agreement if the tenant is going to renew the lease. Any cleaning during the period of the lease is for the account of the tenant and the agreement states that. There is nothing in the lease agreement I use about bedding and I expect to have to wash the sheets and duvets for the new tenant. I do expect the unit to be left in good condition, but a deep cleaning to prepare the unit for a new tenant is for my account, not the tenant's. Any expense I incur beyond the normal deep cleaning provided by the available maid service would be deducted from the security deposit. But this is Thailand and the landlord has your deposit. It costs about 500 baht to clean a typical air-conditioning unit, so it may be worth it to have them cleaned and avoid a fuss. Good luck.
  20. This nonsense about Hitler being a socialist is just that. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2020/02/05/right-needs-stop-falsely-claiming-that-nazis-were-socialists/
  21. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 80 seconds  
  22. It has been a few years since the family and I have stayed overnight at Jomtien Beach, but I don't recall vehicle noise being an issue. The road along the beach isn't a high-traffic artery and fewer vehicles are present after dark anyway. You might hear the occasional motorbike with a loud muffler, but that's hard to avoid anywhere in Thailand.
  23. This proves that relationships can help solve issues such as this. One relationship that is also very important is the one between your insurance broker and the insurance company. A broker with a large book of business with the insurer will have leverage that an individual insured does not have and can often resolve issues such as this. Your broker is your hired gun and you should use him or her in this type of situation. But choose a good broker and ask about their relationship with the insurance company. In general, avoid brokers that have ownership links to an insurance company, as that creates a conflict of interest. One potential problem with going to a lawyer right off the bat is that the insurance company will usually then stop discussions or negotiations with the insured or the insured's broker and become completely intransigent. Your lawyer will be delighted as this keeps his meter running with all the back-and-forth correspondence. My suggestion would be to negotiate through your insurance broker first, approach the regulator second and only resort to the lawyer and courts if the first two fail and you are sure you're on solid ground legally.
  24. I don't think that the Jeff Walz that is the head coach of the Louisville women's basketball team is the brother of Tim Walz the VP candidate. The brother of Tim Walz is described as being older than Tim (Tim is 60 and Jeff is 67?) and the basketball coach was born in 1971. Same name, different people.
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