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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. A dead give-away for me are guys wearing baseball caps, inside and outside, day and night. In the gym I attend there are Thais and foreigners from all over and the only ones wearing any headgear at all are the Americans.
  2. He's an elected congressman and in the US that makes him everyone's business.
  3. You're right. Democratic voters aren't used to disconnecting their sense of reality when listening to their pols speak like GOP voters have been forced to for the last 6+ years so this could be a hard sell for him.
  4. So speculating is not something you every do here on AN? Riiiiight.........
  5. Yes, Musk did this whole deal for altruistic purposes and not because he let his ridiculously inflated ego get the better of him and was forced into buying Twitter. OK......right......let's go with that.....
  6. Oh, they do care. That's why it's being investigated and the perpetrators will be brought to justice. They also care about the unmitigated s**t show that is the UK after Brexit and they certainly want no part of it. How are the fantastic trade deals going, BTW? Last time I read anything about it it was (I think) Lesotho that had you over a barrel in a trade dispute. Well done!
  7. I disagree. The prosecution and sentencing of Thaksin was purely a political move by his enemies. They couldn't give a rat's behind what he did or did not do, they were only after eliminating a competitor, and all of them are without a shred of doubt guilty of a plethora of crimes themselves.
  8. Yet the old elite act terrified/have a hissy fit every time his name comes up, which begs the question; if he is "a has been" why does this happen?
  9. You're wrong about Anutin but right about Thailand. Anutin makes decisions all the time. The problem is they more often than not end up being the (very) wrong one. But hey, what can we expect in a country where who and not what you know is all that matters.
  10. "A lot of Ukrainians"? I'd ask you to back that amazing statement up with a link to a credible source but we both know that would be a waste of time...
  11. Wow, you really smashed that one out of the park! "Same tired charts" - what a burn!
  12. The bar for who can fill that position has been pushed so mindblowingly and bigly low that Harris is without a doubt massively overqualified for the job.
  13. Says a trump et al supporter completely oblivious of the massive irony contained in his post!
  14. I do believe the loss of 'no claims bonus', which Aetna also employs, when making a claim is fairly standard in the industry. No increase in premium due to claims made.
  15. "So many and apparently you seem to believe to have special insight into what is on the computer and what can or can not be verified." No we don't and that's why we don't resort to wild speculations and wishful thinking, like you do. Get the point now?
  16. Wow, you powers of deduction are positively Sherlock Holmes like!
  17. Professionally, or I wouldn't have recommended them.
  18. So how do you compare this "disgraceful act of negligence" with Trump's willful removal/theft of top secret documents and his constant lies about them to the FBI?
  19. So you'd prefer stealing, lying and betrayal to forgetfulness? OK then!
  20. Thank you for that entirely useless piece of information....
  21. And what kind of passport does a troll have? After all, you should know.
  22. Maybe, maybe not. Does it give some protection against the common cold, the flue etc? I think it's more than likely it does have some positive effect. If nothing else it prevents people from touching their faces as much as they normally would , which is proven to be a major source of virus transmission.
  23. Then it should come as no surprise to you we heard the same stories 30 years ago as well.
  24. I've been using Aetna (formerly BUPA) for many years and they're very professional. For instance, they offer me free flu vaccines every year and have a top notch team that are more than willing to answer any health related questions you might have.
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