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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. https://aseannow.com/forum/346-philippines-visa-and-immigration/
  2. Poster can turn off comments - but it will be listed as such - most are open for comments as normal in my viewing. Also have the normal like/dislike. Using normal Chrome browser. Although I did invest in the low cost of advertising removal/premium music.
  3. They all open on my computer. And my 30,000 price was for local cremation as stated in my post. Amar International (PDF 706KB) AsiaOne (PDF 1MB) EverCare (PDF 446KB) Siam Funeral Co., LTD (PDF 1MB)
  4. Don't know the cost but suspect any fan repair person could get it running without much cost - there may be an inline fuse inside that plastic over red wire but can not see well and probably not something easy to find/repair if not doing such work.
  5. If you have grounded outlets in your home you should use adaptor as below for such plug. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/toshino-ea-of-i3518649227-s13111917635.html
  6. You seem to have a very strange family.
  7. Hospitals are staffed by independent doctors who make the decisions - not all doctors think the same (which is likely a good thing) - so with any major medical decision it is best to consult several unless you have real experience/knowledge of his ability - and try to select an experienced doctor if you do not have such. Remember if a walk in you most likely will be sent to the doctor nobody else is seeing. The hospital is where primary medicine is provided for most people - so will have various doctor/abilities.
  8. Would point out that the Manila office, as all of the PI, have been a mess for the last 3 years due to Covid restrictions and expect that has had a major negative effect on the local staff providing SSA service. One could not ever cross the street in some areas - every block had their own rules with virtually no oversight and changing every few days. Most such rules are now gone so with a bit of luck improvement might happen (but then there is the mess back home in the US of A).
  9. You are aware that Thailand does not have international notary service as they never signed the agreement so not sure how effective that would be with your Embassy. Perhaps if your Embassy provides such a service - but believe next of kin likely make the final call.
  10. True but not sure how many you would find in that area with population under 12,000 for 25 villages: 1. Satuek สตึก 25 11,481
  11. But this is not what people who use income for long term stay require. Speed is not the issue.
  12. Extension of stay renewals have nothing to do with 90 day reporting unless your office advise/complete such a report at time of application. Most do not - so next 90 day report is as listed on last TM47 receipt or 90 days from last entry into Thailand.
  13. In that case would not worry - suspect it is just part of the current processing.
  14. Can not answer question but are you in Thailand or USA? If in Thailand did you use Manila SS office for your contacts with SS?
  15. Sounds like a logical assumption and seems your experience has been fairly recent (insurance was not an issue in the old days). Did you present your bank with an example of letter needed - those located at CW seem to know but expect local banks would not. Thanks for detailed and fast reply. Am sure it will help others.
  16. Did it have multi purpose hard drive platters? Remember we used for coffee tables when damaged.
  17. You email and ask them to do explaining the need for such here in Thailand. Before they had the -long stay in Thailand- option it was the only way to do and seems to be more reliable than just using that option.
  18. And in early 82 we had real personal computers, with C64 leading in sales. Got one of the first production units and was my companion for a 2 year tour of duty in Conakry and then another 4 years in PI. Was no expert but this was designed for those without such knowledge - type the text without error from magazine to program was a challenge however.
  19. Probably best to have Thai ask others in the area for such information. The village head may know? Police may know? Monks may know? Housing construction crew chief might know? Expect might easily find on social media also (but I try to avoid that sin).
  20. Are you sure about that? It has often been reported CW requires same day letter of account balance/ownership and people with accounts at banks that are no longer located at that location have had real issues getting. But perhaps they have been talking the passbook update process rather than the letter itself?
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