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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. That out of stock often appears when page first loads for a second - just another Lazada quark.
  2. Is 219 to 419 baht the right price? https://www.lazada.co.th/products/realm-2-foldable-hand-trucks-i3769578951-s14322560940.html?
  3. Having a 2 week wait last time this is indeed a huge improvement as I applied online to Bangkok (CW) at 0940 yesterday and approved message received at 1043 today.
  4. Indeed likely best to have a Thai speaker run point for check of local makers
  5. That is the normal visa for USA travel - duration of visits will be determined on entry but normally few months not an issue.
  6. Be aware Thailand is not a signatory to Hague international agreement so anything you get here, other from perhaps your Embassy, is officially legal only in Thailand. It may be accepted elsewhere if not challenged however. https://www.gsccca.org/notary-and-apostilles/apostilles/hague-apostille-country-list
  7. Actually it is Trump that trumpeted this:
  8. It has been years but always found on the open shelves of pharmacy area in Lotus.
  9. Not fake at all. Off label use did nothing to prevent Covid and seems to have caused some users to have more severe issues than they would have had without - many lives were lost to this and it has been known for years but numbers had not previously been estimated. https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/4389800-hydroxychloroquine-deaths-study/#:~:text=Hydroxychloroquine is an anti-malaria,proposed as a preventative measure.
  10. The alternative, with high value western heritage, may look more like this. Not exactly an upgrade.
  11. Which is most of the year in Thailand.
  12. And that is to keep objects out of eyes - and they are a distinct minority. Most do not even wear a helmet.
  13. Military/cooling/fishing. But then again you may not be a hat person and try to forget to wear once bought. And indeed the reed hats that most Thai wear when in the sun work fine and you will find them for sale almost everywhere if just using for walks.
  14. But maybe not what one would want full time in the heat of Thailand.
  15. Most glasses are open at top so perhaps to shade that area? Anyhow Lazada has many types of hats available. https://www.lazada.co.th/tag/hat/?q=hat&catalog_redirect_tag=true
  16. Sadly suspect some of us Americans of age would not have a clue - but really did not intend my post as a dig - just can not find a normal smile emoji anymore - selection offered looks more like a horror movie. And yes - I did take my 50 ug today.
  17. You must realize that many of us take anything written in the forum(s) as proof that it is a fact. Say it enough and it is.
  18. Are you serious? Perhaps 167 or 187 cm might be more logical?
  19. Actually if built like my old 405 model the pressure sensor was a separate hole in water tank that had to be installed - if van driver did the tank replacement and pressure never worked right perhaps it was not even installed on the new tank?
  20. Actually the question mark normally means it is a question.
  21. Is pump full time or just activated when city water pressure low? Is pump actually starting when downstairs tap is opened? Did you have someone do the tank change (can be problematic)? If you have made pressure adjustments likely best to have a tech take a look (any shop that sells pumps can recommend someone) - pumps/water can be very frustrating so well worth the cost. Be very careful as adjustments can expose hot wire (even when turned off - not always the hot line they hook up to switch).
  22. You are aware this only become a profession in Thailand in 2010? So most places outside of major cities are unlikely to even have. Eye issues are normally handled in hospital setting by ophthalmologists who can also spot and treat any medical conditions.
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