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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. Do you have grandchild available? Find them invaluable for smartphone/computer knowledge. It really is easy to do and even at western rates should not be that expensive if someone does for you. If buying new do you really need a laptop? Getting a mini computer with large 32 inch monitor I have found to be best world for 81 year old eyes. And they are not that expensive - you could use cheap TV set to make even less expensive. Only have to hook up a keyboard and mouse.
  2. For anyone not reading the thread it should be noted that OP has stated he does not qualify financially for retirement visa 800k option. So it appears this would not just be a change from marriage to retirement unless he can qualify by income method. As so often is the case missing information can make a world of difference in readers answers and an agents fee. As for the poster preaching we should not ask questions (obviously we have to ask when full information is not provided) - would point out immigration will be asking such questions (why the change) and will likely require other party to acknowledge this change in status.
  3. There was no bar reference on pumps from Japan 20 years ago and as recall PSI was max at about 30psi (not even close to 3 bar). Our bath was second floor so that may have made the issue more extreme but shower pressure was nothing like even 3 star hotel. Grundfos made a huge difference - even when only one tap in use. At any rate fear I have taken topic off point - just was not sure 305 pump of 10 years ago was designed to operate at such a pressure setting and offered as a possible overheating reason.
  4. That was defiantly not our experience - shower pressure much better using Grundfos.
  5. Do you have original spec sheet for that pump? Unless they have greatly changed over the years working pressure was in the 2 bar range as I recall (about 25 psi I believe) - prime reason we changed to Grundfos pumps (decent shower water pressure). Was using 405 models and pressure was nowhere near 3-4 bar range. But that was about 20 years ago so things may have changed.
  6. You are drawing water from a storage tank as required? Keeping that tank in shade will greatly reduce water temp in pump (which cools by water-not by air). Is this a time of the year with direct sunlight on storage tank perhaps? Pump itself is designed for outside use with just the cover for protection.
  7. If open angle glaucoma, like I have, treatment is prevention of further damage which requires ongoing testing and medications (to keep eye pressure low) as first step (and can involve several drugs/combinations to get it right) - only if that does not work would surgery be normal. So might be best to seek local treatment with drugs available there before coming to Thailand for further treatment (which may not be required)?
  8. They were removed to protect supply - both were being used (mis) as home treatments - since they have been proven ineffective and pandemic has become manageable there is no need to control access?
  9. Perhaps you have not yet reached the magic brain disconnect age - but some of us experience typing similar but wrong words for no apparent reason - I often have to edit such slip ups when re-reading.
  10. Perhaps - perhaps not. Here in Bangkok it took less than 15 minutes to obtain last years paperwork.
  11. https://bangkokdrugstore.com/?s=Hydrochlorothiazide
  12. Had the same happen in June - only took few minutes to find. At the original Bangkok location they had current month in piles along the walls for easy access. Don't know how long they were kept but older forms were often found being used by venders as food wrappers 25 years ago.
  13. It's been done - all my Binding Beers when in Germany were in flip top bottles like below back in the 60's. There were obvious issues of quality control and chipped glass cuts.
  14. I suspect you just have not seen it as it is deducted from the total baht amount deposit before deposit. It is 1/4% of total in the range 200-500 baht. The exchange rate will be BBL rate - Wise rate is consistently better (at least for US and most other currencies). https://www.bangkokbank.com/-/media/files/personal/other-services/view-rates/table5/feesfcd_table5_20sep2023_en.pdf
  15. That $20 is not all it costs however - there will be a fee at Thai bank in range 200-500 baht and the exchange rate will be lower and for many foreign banks an additional fee for using a 3rd party bank to make transfer. For large amount transfers SWIFT is viable as base rate does not increase with amount but for transfers in the 100,000 baht area Wise should be a better option.
  16. Never checking solar water heaters that vacuum tube term was head scratching until look up such water heaters. These were my visions.
  17. Water logged tank - happens often with bladderless tanks or if bladder develops a leak as the air pressure mix with water and eventually no extra pressure. Some tanks have a valve to check pressure but if failure new tank may be required. The removal of water and replacement seems to have fixed your issue (at least for the time being).
  18. That is the key - it does not have to go into the ocean. Most can be recycled in some way/shape or form. Doubt that is an option with plastic - even with the glass bottles I grew up using it was problematic. A dirty drink?
  19. Actually the pump does fill that bladder (inside tank) to a set pressure - when tap is opened the high pressure from bladder send water through tap. When tap is closed (or when in use) pump tries to restore pressure to the water in that bladder.
  20. Water has to flow through your pump - expect you have a tank attached to pump and water flows from that until pressure gets below re-start pressure - then pump fills that tank to shut-off pressure in normal cycle.
  21. We are talking point of use units and single output without mixing ability so control of temp is on unit within hand reach. Most Thai homes use such and do not have hot water pipes.
  22. Actually it was the carbon monoxide that routinely killed uses during the cold season (when windows closed) and these were the standard option back in the 70's. Don't recall any explosions but expect there were some fires in wooden buildings. They did heat well - had to block 3 of the 4 burners during hot season.

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