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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. Believe both areas are but a fraction of previous activity - AC does have an expanding Korean presence helping to drive business and upscale development on the old Clark AB - but both suffered big time from covid restrictions. For AC the same clean up mantra as heard in Pattaya seems to be current status. For Subic/Olongapo areas little in the way of the old nightlife although parts have gone upscale and some have remained the cheap beer bars. But don't believe many customers anywhere. That said tourist arrivals seem to be on increase so the light may be returning. But do not expect it will be the same as previously.
  2. Suspect that says a lot. As does that. Actually I post what I believe - and do not troll the forum - if you find something to be different that is fine - but do not appreciate being called a liar because my view and experience is different than yours.
  3. Are you serious? A much better infrastructure to start with. Much more modern. Much better transportation options. Much better quality food available local or imported. Much lower fear for robbery. Much lower prices for most things (accommodations number one). No cyclones. Less electric outage. Much less bureaucratic nonsense. But, as with everything it is relative and dependent on persons. Many will find PI people and ability to understand western ways make up for much of the above and can learn to live with other factors (which for most of us not a big deal).
  4. Actually they are not likely type A and will find bureaucratic delay a nice conversation topic.
  5. I only lived there about a 1/10th of that time but found it true for things I bought - but as it is cheaper to go 60hz (as most exported to US were) expect may be true. My time was early 60's and before export market was at its peak.
  6. Indeed Iloilo seems to be a much cleaner environment and relatively inexpensive but has large city facilities making it attractive to many - also easy access to other islands.
  7. And they had a lot of GI's spending money - just as in Angeles City and this once developed continued with Oz visitors taking up some of the slack. But Duma has expats on a thrift budget so just not enough money going into such activities for large scale development based on expats. Duma is growing but expats are but a small fraction and do not have much money for nightlife.
  8. Japan uses both 50hz and 60hz (depending on where in the country) so anything for domestic use should be able to cope.
  9. AFAIK there are not farang in Philippines. Now if you are talking work at home expats (like some youtubers) then agree - I just don't believe there is much income available to most of them to support much infostructure beyond that for Philippine nationals. Most going to Duma have done so because it was cheaper than Cebu or other cities for monthly living.
  10. Actually don't believe there is much call for entrepreneurs running businesses for expats as Duma (really a very small city) has been a cheap place to stay for decades and remains that so not a lot of cash flowing. At least that is my understanding. Angeles city has more than the nightlife if people want - easy access to international airport or Manila medical facilities or Subic beach areas and all kinds of eating or hotel facilities are all price ranges and continued major upscale development of old Clark AB. Cebu City is also home to a lot of expats and fewer storms than Manila/Angeles. But many go for the beach areas which are often rather remote and underdeveloped and they are everywhere. And there are many other cities that some find great and other may not - often more a result of personal experience than anything else. But will add that suspect most type A folks will not be happy anywhere in PI, although perhaps some upscale Manila areas might work. Thai time seems on time. Nothing is on time or done quickly - you really need to be able to grin and bear it without getting upset. Most people are nice and friendly but things often take the long road to accomplish.
  11. I found using G+ for logon for Lazada to be much easier than password - long before current issue (many have reported recent issue). If you have a Google account you might try it. As for Shopee used for many years as primary when they allowed bank transfer. They no longer allow such payment and do not allow foreign cards to be used so have stopped using for most things. In general Lazada shipment is a bit faster but otherwise Shopee has better search ability. They both work well with specific limitations. They both can have cowboys so close check of sellers is always important.
  12. And most of them could stay with investment/education/marriage type visa or travel enough to just use normal tourist stays. 50 is a very reasonable retirement age requirement in my opinion (and I did retire at 50).
  13. That may have been the case when retirement was over 60 but with current 50 should not be an issue for most - assuming they have the financials.
  14. Believe a short note from wife asking that you be issued a visa to be with her may also be required? The visa is based on visiting wife rather than being married AFAIK.
  15. My suggestion was roving uniformed police presence, as I believe is the case in many countries.
  16. Maybe - maybe not. But just on premise trained law enforcement officers paid for by owners would not cause any disruption to business and could provide timely response, and extra income for persons involved. Shopping centers are a major tourist attraction for Thailand and in turn a source of income.
  17. Would hardly rate PI a police state. The guards are private hire by business owners with full agreement of the customers.
  18. But the Philippines - which has a much lower level of income - can and do. Obviously some levels of customers/owners would not be in agreement here - so expect that is a more important factor.
  19. The rule is previous 12 months so I would ask at your 90 day report if you could use statement Dec - Nov. As you are allowed to apply early that should be accepted.
  20. Do you extension in November? That would give you plenty of time - I always do my July 15 extension late June. You only need transfers to current month here in Bangkok.
  21. Google finds 16380 from Power Buy. https://www.powerbuy.co.th/th/product/sony-game-console-ps5-digital-edition-controller-dualsense-17366006?
  22. Hate to bad mouth but my experience was not the good type that most people seem to have received from government facilities. I felt Ubonjoe was doing a great job with visas so tried not to post there much and did not read everything so lost most qualification for posting, but continued to read forum and post when I though it might be helpful - am no expert on anything so posts are varied.
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