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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. They are not a plan applied to current sim - they are the Sim card and a new phone number just as others sold by venders on Shopee and Lazada.
  2. As said Crossy posts are what is true (although personally can not remember having seen extension cords here - only power strips with up to about 3 meter cards most places - but believe Home Pro may have in garden tools section? And yes have a 45 year old US extension cord with Thai plug/outlet for my use. The wire is double the size which would normally be used here and insulation still 100% (unlike many cords sold off the shelf here). Short answer is your US extension cord should work fine here and is likely way better than what you can find locally.
  3. How? Product was not delivered to wrong person - it was returned to warehouse due customer not being at home (or delivery guy saying that because time to go home) and delivered later.
  4. An all sources for that DTAC 6 month plan are sold on web sites.
  5. No experience with replacement but it was just added to my medications this week to target triglycerides (which seems to be normal use) - remain on statin Xarator for general lipids. Have no information on what is available but hospital price (normally about 50% markup) was 1,680 baht for 60 caps of Lipanthyl 200mg.
  6. That sounds like a possible shipping error rather than a scam (unless your talking high priced perfume?). For sure contact seller if you can as it could just be an easily corrected error. Remember that sellers are also subject to false customer claims on a regular basis so try to explain everything and supply any photos or names of others that know what happened.
  7. I believe it is the change from marriage to another extension. I was required to have my wife visit immigration when made the change from marriage to retirement. Reason given is joint property laws of Thailand they need spouse to know that a change has been made and (partner may be planning an exit?). As travel made wife ill (main reason changing) they would accept doctors certificate if she unable attend - wife made the trip and don't believe they even spoke to her.
  8. Not always - I had fake item on Ebay years ago - notified Ebay and they removed seller next day and then said they could not help as seller no longer sold there.
  9. I suspect you bought an item from a seller on Shopee website. If you paid Shopee they normally hold for few days for any return or adjustment. If you did not receive what was ordered believe you contact seller and return. Not saying it will work but believe that is the process. But make sure item is not what was ordered as easy to make mistakes with mail order items in my experience - but was always my error in reading or a picture that makes something appear different. Believe analogy would be more you ate at food court and want cashier to refund without contact cook/seller. I would give seller contact a try and let Shopee know you are doing so.
  10. Actually there has been positive change over the years here in Bangkok - in the late 1900's you could spend weeks flooded in many areas of the city, with only Thai Army trucks for transportation - today that just does not happen. Yes more work is needed but there have been major improvements.
  11. Will add a caution with NT - it is not a normal sim verification process and on Shopee seems to be somehow linked to buyer/order number and 2 days of trying to activate by Thai resulted in message to visit office. May not be a viable option for some. We gave it a toss.
  12. Yesterday's news tomorrow? It has been sunny all day here in the real Bangkok. No rain at all and here in Lat Phao drainage seems to have taken place last night without issues as drain waters were at normal level below roads. Now that I have posted the skies may open - but radar show no rain anywhere near Bangkok and wind has been from the West clearing the clouds out. https://weather.tmd.go.th/bma_ncLoop.php
  13. I was thinking of the TM7 and map will be required for that; and I would have for the change of entry visa just in case. Always best to be prepared.
  14. You will need a map and you will likely have a visit by Immigration officers. Most places accept Google Map printout these days but only information from office you will be using can confirm, and you did not provide that.
  15. Is there any air blowing? Is it one or two door? Any cooling in freezer? As said actually getting cool from hot is very gradual and can take many hours. Assume you are getting a light inside when plugged in. You should be able to feel heat on outside of fridge sides or rear if compressor is running (as well as hear it).
  16. Most have reasons they are not taking - adverse reactions to feeling better. And in the case of clinic dispensed medications - may be for the best. There are some very dangerous drugs handed out willy-nilly.
  17. All extensions require TM7. Perhaps you do not have the required non immigrant O visa entry so the TM86 would be a one time requirement for that.
  18. I suspect it is a 10 year multi entry visa that allows limited stays (often up to six months) at entry. It is a tourist type visa and available to those that are considered not to pose excessive overstay threat. Marriage might help if spouse has strong reasons not to return to USA (work overseas or such - but it can also be a negative if feeling is conveyed that it being used to shortcut the normal immigrant visa process.
  19. 1. They go to hospitals because that is where most doctors work from. 2. Clinics will normally refer to hospital if any kind of testing beyond temp/BP/weight is required. 3. Most government hospitals are basic needs and not that expensive so out patient is often a one night stay and longer stays are more normal than in the 'get out asap' found in US medical doctrine.
  20. And today Shopee does not accept Bangkok Bank Internet payments - not about to return to COD so ordered from Lazada where my foreign credit card is fine.
  21. Believe it would have been record your address and next of kin and register for ACS notices.
  22. Yes but he has a high end shaver not sold here which would likely cost over 10,000 baht - so 1k fix makes sense. In my experience (a dozen or so) local market cheap and mid priced shavers just do not cut western beards (no matter how nice they look). And that includes name brands.
  23. Should get quickly at that price - but with a 14% ship on time ratting seller does not sound too reliable.
  24. Understand not wanting to lose such an investment. You could try calling Panasonic battery products (do not see anything in Pattaya) Tel. 02-384-2138 Or Tel. 02-729-9000 press 2 for beauty products.
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